Chapter 33

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He was standing, bodies collapsed on the floor around him. Gasping, I hurried over with horror, praying that they weren't dead. 

"They will be alright." Vladen chimed, voice smooth. I hated the way he acted as if nothing was wrong with what I'd just walked in on.

"Why are you doing this?" I sputtered, furiously looking at him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He'd taken out everyone in the room and yet he looked unmoved. 

"You know why. I want your help." Vladen's eyes seemed to shine deviously, though his face remained expressionless. This was precisely what we'd wanted him to do, but I was nervous. I was going to have to join him without the bastard catching on that I was truly against him.

"So, what? I agree to be trained by you and you'll leave my friends alone?" I asked bitterly. At least I didn't have to fake the attitude. I hated this guy. He chuckled lightly, but there was no humor in his tone.

"Nearly. I expect you to be respectful and obey my commands." When I made a disgusted face, he added on to what he was saying. "It's for your own safety." 

"Sure it is. I'll believe that." Oliver spat, a look of pure hatred occupying his beautiful face. I couldn't help but think that he looked dark and sexy; of course, that thought only lasted a brief second, as all of my friends were unconscious. 

 Vladen tisked at Oliver, looking unaffected.

"Don't interrupt. A pathetic mosquito like you is no threat to me." 

A deep, disturbing growl emanated from Oliver's chest, and his eyes blackened quickly. The red-hot anger I felt burst from him was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. As a matter of fact, it wasn't Oliver as all, but rather his inner vampire.

"Do not speak to me in such a manor when you plan on using my mate for selfish desires of power." Oliver's voice held a guttural sound, and I glanced in time to see a look of surprise cross Vladen's face, though he masked it well.

"Hmm, it seems I've crossed a line for your inner vampire." His voice was so neutral and without emotion that I wanted to puke. Did he even feel anything? Oliver's continual low growls seemed to be the only response he needed. Turned back to me, he looked slightly smug.

"This is a one time offer. You join me and I pretend like your little disappearing act never happened."

I felt a lump form in my throat; I hadn't thought that he would be upset about that, which was me simply being naive. 

"By the pale color of your face, I'm sure you're realizing how generous I'm being at the moment. If you chose to refuse my offer, I'll kill the boy whom you surprisingly saved and truthfully I'll just be much more agitated with you for being stubborn. Also for every day after today that you, hypothetically of course, refused to join me I would kill another one of your beloved friends." He signaled to his feet when he spoke, and it was then that I noticed that Jake's body was the one closest to him, literally less than a foot away.

"You're a weasel. Has anyone ever told you that?" I growled.

"Along those lines, yes. Though anyone who has is dead now." This was the first time I saw a full smile etch onto his face, silver eyes shining. "Can I take that as a refusal?" He continued, putting his foot on top of Jake's unconscious head. A slight gasp escaped me.


The smile remained intact, so I was sure he was happy because he knew that he had me completely trapped.

This is what we wanted. This is what we wanted.

I tried to remind myself, but I felt so sick to my stomach anyway. Vladen was terrifying. I wasn't sure what Reagar's plan was, but looking at him now and sensing his power, there was no way we stood a chance against him. The bodies of my friends were only proof.

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