Chapter 7

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As you may have noticed, I set a cast for the story. Please tell me what you think of it, or if you have any ideas for who could play other characters! :)

We had a little wait ahead of us, so Felix ended up telling me exactly what happened between Abra and Oliver all of those years back, because Oliver refused to talk about it. When he finished talking I looked at the people who were in the room. They consisted of Alpha Brent, Beta Terrance, both of their mates, Abra, Zay, Noah, Alexis, Dominick (Oliver's dad), Lucius (Noah's dad), Cedric, Eva, Oliver, and myself. I would say the room was becoming more and more packed.

"So Abra, I heard about you and Oliver's, uh, falling out at the treaty signing." I said casually. I wasn't going to hold it against her, but I was still curious. She turned red and scooted closer to Zay as she shot Oliver a worried look. I think everyone here now knew not to get on my bad side.

"And how the hell did you hear about that? Because I never told you what happened." Oliver said with a frown. I shrugged and gave him an innocent look.

"Well how do you think I did?" I asked. He looked like he was thinking for a moment before replying.

"My grandfather needs to learn how to shut his mouth." He muttered. I only grinned, proving that he was correct.

"I'm your mate, so I deserve to know these things. It's not like I'm mad or anything. You did provoke her. You have a bad tendency to do that a lot." I said with a giggle. He only rolled his eyes. I saw Abra seem to sigh in relief and Zay lean down and say something quietly into her ear that made her smile. I didn't want to intrude, so I didn't listen to what they said.

But my mate obviously did.

"I don't know if I'd be sure about that." He said with a smirk. Zay frowned at him and raised his middle finger, making Oliver frown. When Oliver mimicked his hand sign, I found myself confused.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked my mate.

"It's like cursing him without words." He laughed out. I only continued to frown. 

"What does it mean though?"

 "Fuck you." Zay said, when Oliver hesitated.

"Excuse me!?"

"That's what it means! It's called flipping people off, or giving someone the bird." Zay explained quickly under my look.

"Well that's rude."

"It's more of a joke than a real insult, unless someone you don't know or someone you don't like does it to you. Then they're angry." Zay said with a laugh. I shrugged my shoulders even though I couldn't see why it would be considered a joke. 

"Finally, they're arriving." Oliver muttered, looking at the door. Draccus was the first to enter, followed by 6 others. Many of them smiled at me, but Draccus just nodded his head, acknowledging me.

After everyone had gotten comfortable, it was Draccus and Dominick who stood up. Before they could speak, a flash of light momentarily blinded everyone, and suddenly Vladen was in the room. When nobody panicked, I assumed that Oliver had already warned everyone about who he was.

"We believe we have made a solid plan that can cut off the wolves weapons. It's very dangerous though, and only Oliver would have the ability to pull it off." Dominick said hesitantly, glancing at Oliver in worry. Oliver straightened up, and I knew he was suddenly interested in the conversation he thought would be boring.

"We want to infiltrate the D.C. Area." Dominick finished. Oliver's mouth dropped, and commotion broke out around the room.

"You can't possibly want to infiltrate the humans!" One voice rang out.

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant