Chapter 23

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Oliver's POV

After Kira left, Jansen and I met up with his father in his office.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do Jansen? I always struck you as a community Fight worker, not the behind the scenes type." Mark said, glancing at his son with an unsure look. He looked back at me with a certain level of contempt.

"You on the other hand..." He trailed off.

"Dad we'll both be fine, trust me. Besides, I didn't say it would be permanent. I just want to work there for a week or two to get a feel for what other Fight members do." Jansen answered confidently. After a moment, his father nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright, but I'm warning you it isn't all pretty." With that he dismissed us. When we were out of the building Jansen gave me a weary look.

"That didn't sound very good. What are we going to do if they're really treating children that bad?" Jansen asked me, eyes wide with worry, but I could practically see the thoughts running through his head. I shrugged.

"Don't ask me when we both know you have an idea."

"It's risky, and probably stupid too. I have no clue how we would pull it off." He said nervously. I only raised an eyebrow in question.

"We could break them out of the prison and let them go, but we would have to figure out how to turn off the outside security for just a minute first. Plus they are filled with Florane too so we'd have to give them the antidote."

I thought carefully for a few minutes. This would be the perfect time for Kira and myself to escape if Reagar doesn't follow through with the plan. However, the chances of Jansen and I getting the children out of the prison were slim, even if he was the son of the leader.

"It sounds good in theory, but I don't see that working out. I wonder if we could get Harvey on the same page as us." I muttered, thinking aloud.

"Actually if we told him about it he'd probably leave with the kids. He doesn't like living with humans; he told me it's a constant battle with himself." Jansen confessed, looking torn.


"All the more reason to let the poor bastard go. We don't want him to end up chomping on some sucker's neck." I laughed.

"That wouldn't be good. We need him here." I scoffed at his words.

"That's unlikely."

"No, really. If the D.C. area were to be infiltrated by vampires or werewolves, Harvey is the strongest vampire I've ever met. He'd be a big help."

"You haven't met many vampires, have you?" I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Fair point. Speaking of meeting vampires, some from Europe are on a plane now heading our way. They're only coming to check on the human troops that came from their nation, but I heard they also wanted to discuss the war. My dad was hoping they'd join us so we can defeat the vampires in North America once and for all." Jansen rambled excitedly.

Vampires from Europe. I'd heard about them from my grandfather long ago, but I had never met any personally. We kept our business to ourselves for a reason and they did the same. We didn't get along too well with them so it was more for our own protection.

"Really?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah, the two main leaders are coming, along with about ten of their higher ranking members. The leaders names' are Klemins and Garen; they are said to kind, but terrifying." Again, I scoffed. I could feel my inner vampire feeling challenged at the thought of two powerful foreign vampires coming here without permission.

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