Chapter 19

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The rules and regulation of Fight were long and complex, but I understood the main ones.

Do not speak to anyone about the secrets if Fight without permission under any circumstances. Do not miss Fight training sessions for any reason other than being very ill. I will attend Fight training sessions after school instead of the high schools regulated ones. If a high ranking member gives you an order, you follow it unless someone higher than that member gives you further instructions to ignore the command. Respect the higher ranking members. Respect the people, for we are here to protect them.

There were many others, but only those few were steadily enforced. I wondered what the punishment would be for breaking them, but I could assume the consequences would vary with the crime.

By the time I made it back to school, it was the five minutes before the last period of the day, which meant I was going to be in German 1. I sighed, realizing I had missed two full classes. I'd barely made it through the doors when the bell rang, releasing the other students to go to their final period. I wandered around until I found the room. The room was setup with three rows tables that could seat two people at a time, and each row had four tables behind the first, so I knew that the class could hold about 30 students.

I was surprised to see that I was one of the first to make it there, as there was only six other students in the room. Two were sitting in the back, and when I walked in they smiled maliciously at me. I went to the teacher and she gave me a book, but didn't say anything except hello and that her name was Mrs. Evikt. As I looked back to the boys who were still looking at me, I bit my lip and sat at in the first row at the far right table and leaned against the wall, being sure to be on the complete opposite side of the room as them. The teacher was oblivious to me, her desk on the far left of the room. She was on a computer, typing away.

Slowly, students filled in and a girl sat next to me. She didn't say anything as she slumped into her seat on my left.

"I didn't take anyone's spot, did I?"

"No, you're fine. I normally sit here alone." She mumbled, looking away from me.

"Okay, I'm Kira."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. Not in a way I found rude, but rather in a way that she was telling me that she knew who I was.

"Rylee." I nodded at her, but had the feeling she didn't want to be spoken too at the time. When the bell rang I looked around again. The table behind me was empty and students were scattered around the room. The two boys at the back were mumbling to each other, and I noticed that nobody was seated in the table beside them, or in front of them. In total there were only about 20 kids in the classroom. The teacher looked up and scanned the classroom with her eyes, pausing on me for a moment, then looking at the back of the room. She turned back to her computer without a word.

"Is it true that you knew Axel from the vampire world?" She asked me suddenly. I felt my face flush red.

"Unfortunately. I wasn't expecting to see him here. You could say we didn't get along."

"He's a monster and only other monsters could get along with him." Rylee said, frown etched into her features. I nodded in agreement.

"Does everyone know already?" I asked, although it came out more like a groan.

"Someone would have to be living under a rock to not have heard about it." She said, giving me a slight look of sympathy.

I sat there silently while others continued to talk. I was confused as to why the teacher didn't start class.

"Why is she only sitting there?" I asked Rylee quietly. Rylee turned around and looked toward the boys in the back.

"Not everyone is here. She's waiting for the missing two to get here." She answered, giving me a sideways glance.

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