Chapter 32

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Kira's POV

As Oliver and I lazily made our way downstairs, we noticed that most everyone was already awake and sitting on the couch. It was almost 9 am, but I was still a little surprised. 

Oliver lightly brushed his fingers across the back of my neck, making me hum quietly with content.

 The others smirked at us, knowing looks on their faces. I shouldn't be surprised though; it must have been more than obvious how much Oliver and I wanted to be together. 

 That day we talked for a few hours, but made little progress. I also wandered the mansion, catching up on things that had faded from my mind.  

We had lost a night's worth of planning and discussing, but nobody seemed overly concerned considering none of us were entirely sure what was going on. There were assumptions and worries, but we had little to no solid facts. 

Such as with Sam, we had no proof because 'Felix' had yet to make another appearance. We didn't know if he had anything to do with the warlock or the rouges just yet. Also, Sam was still in Sanctum as he had been since before our departure to DC. Vladen: it was clear he was hiding things from us and that he was bad, but there wasn't much we could do just yet except pretend to comply with his wishes. 

The werewolves and humans were becoming a diminishing problem as our other issues began to grow. Because of the destroyed Florane, the humans wouldn't be able to inflict nearly as much damage anymore and because Brent's pack had made an alliance with us, a few other packs had teamed together and formed one with Ibitario as well; most of these packs were close to Brent's pack and respected him very much. 

However, Dylan's pack was still causing chaos as he continually tried to find a loop hole to get his son back from Oliver. As far as I could tell, Dante was in good heath. I knew Oliver would need to give him back eventually, and I was sure he had every intention of doing so when the threat died down. 

The house was ridiculously full with Brent's pack, but thankfully most of the vampires had left while Oliver and I were in DC because their wounds had healed over. I was assuming they went back to their homes or to stay with family. A few orphaned teenagers stayed, along with the three vampire boys. Astonishingly, they seemed to get along with the werewolf teenagers despite how much they'd fought the first few weeks. 

"To be honest, I expected the place to go to hell without me, but you've proven yourself to be an excellent babysitter Noah." Oliver commented as our group that consisted of myself, Oliver, Noah, Brent and his mate, Cedric, Jake, Jansen, and Eva met back up in the extra living room. Jay and Jarred had to go back to Flintre and Alexis had gone to visit her parents. I chuckled and Noah nodded his head in agreement. 

"Yeah, I'll admit it wasn't easy-" He started to say.

"I was the one babysitting." Brent said dryly, cutting Noah off. I laughed now, as did Oliver. 

"Why am I not surprised?" Oliver snickered at Noah, who shrugged. 

"I mean, I showed some of the teens how to fight and handled your Riken work." 

"Very impressive." I told him, smirking. His only comeback was to stick his tongue out at me. 

"So, has anyone thought of a way to kill Vladen?" Jansen asked. We'd brought the topic of Vladen up several times, and each time nothing new was accomplished.

"No, and if we had, it would've been mentioned." Oliver shot. Jansen raised his hands in surrender.

"I was just trying to fill in the silence." He countered. I could see that he was still upset with Oliver for bringing him here, but it seemed that he was adjusting fast since the arrival of Jake. The fact that Jake was a vampire now probably made him feel almost responsible for staying here to help him. 

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