Chapter 34

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It's been a long time since the last update so,

Things you've learned that you may not remember

1. Sam is now proven to be the one behind the rogues. 

2. Felix is still alive and with the Light Elves

3. Keep in mind that Brent's pack is still living with Oliver, and he has Alpha Dylan's son captive

4. They think that Kira and Jake could possibly be cousins

5. Kira is pretending that she will help Vladen against the Light Elves

Also, you may have forgotten some of the characters

1. Simon is Vladen's younger brother

2. Dionysia is the healer that lives in Oliver's mansion.

3. KC is Kira's closest slave friend

4. Jake Loffet is the person from DC who was turned into a vampire

5. Jansen Shard is the human that Oliver befriended and brought back with him

6. Dominick is Oliver's dad

7. Zaylen is Kira's amuela, and Abra is his mate

8. Nicholas is Oliver's Corde (ranked 4th in Ibitario) 

9. Eva is Cedric's sister

I hope you guys don't hate me now, even though it took me a century to update! Sorry and I love you all!

Kira's POV

"What?" Oliver asked, looking perplexed and doubtful.

"They are!" I insisted, climbing up. I watched as they faded back into their usual bright blue color that I loved. "That's so weird." I continued, jumping out of the bed and motioning for him to join. Without speaking, he followed with a look of disbelief to the bathroom. When he saw that his eyes were blue, he rolled them.

"Are you pulling my leg?"

I turned to face him, simply giving him a serious look. For a brief moment he observed me.

"Okay, you're not." 

I lifted my arm toward his face, sure that it was my blood doing this. However, he brushed it off and smirked.

"As your mate, I'm not going to drink from your arm babe." He moved closer slowly, taking a slow breath near my neck; a shiver worked its' way up my body and I tilted my head. I closed my eyes instinctively as he kissed my neck before biting into me. He gripped my waist tightly while a softly groaning. Resting my hand on his head, I couldn't help but let out a moan of my own. 

"Babe." I whispered after a second. He understood and released me. I opened my eyes and saw that his were still closed. 

"Look in the mirror." I instructed; his eyes flickered open. I couldn't help but gasp with him as I felt his shock. Immediately he moved his face within three inches of the mirror, taking in what he saw. 

"Fuck." He breathed quietly, not looking away until they were completely blue again. "It must have something to do with me drinking your blood now that you're a Pure Blood." I nodded my head in agreement. I had no doubts, especially because that was the color my eyes turned when I drank blood or used my powers. 

"We'll have to talk to Reagar about it I suppose. I wonder what else it could change about you as far as strength or abilities." I commented, letting out a long yawn. "But honestly, nothing seems to worry me for long anymore; it's just another thing on the long list." After promptly agreeing with me, we went to bed thoroughly exhausted. 

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