"Whats that?"

"Nothing." I mumbled.


Triton had left. Posiedon stared at me pointedly, his arms crossed. I sighed.

"For my insomnia. And this for heart problems."

"Heart problems?!"

"It got better."

He stared at me so intently I felt uncomfortable.

"Insomina? Did you sleep last night?"

"... Kind of?"

"Percy!" he groaned. "I should of sent you back?"

"I'm fine dad. I just had a lot on my mind last night."


"... Nothing much." I covered everything up with a smile. "Is there an arena?"

"... Maybe you should just rest. You don't look so good and-"


"... The military building. There are private arenas. They're small..."

I left before he could say anything else.


What would I say?

What would they say?

How would they feel?

How would I feel?

I asked myself millions of questions as I slaughtered dummies. I sighed and watched the dummies magically clean themselves up. Another dummy appeared. I glanced at my watch to see it was time for lunch. I wasn't sure where to go. Well, I wasn't that hungry right now. I was tired. I would just go to sleep. I felt the bottle of sleeping pills inside my pocket.

Victor's worried.

I sighed. And he wanted to kill me. Not kill me but....

Maybe that was the best.

I rubbed my face and clicked my sword back into a pen. I slipped it into my pocket with the bottles. I walked back to the hallways and found the room I had slept in. Taking two pills, I crawled under the blankets, trying to get the sleep I greatly needed.

Thats when a boom echoed from the other side of the palace.


I hated the serpent.

It had nearly wrecked the hallway. Merpeople ran around, panicking. Cyclops and merpeople were fighting the serpent, but it's roar blasted them back. I scowled and took my sword. The serpent was two headed and one of it's heads turned to me and I cursed as I leaped over it's head. It was only possible because I was underwater. The serpent snapped back before I could land on it and it bit my thigh. I stifled a scream and swam back to see it was bleeding profusely. It was healing, but it would need some time. I saw Triton yelling at the mermen and going towards one serpent head himself. I swam towards the serpent, using the currents to go faster. My vision blurred for a moment and a felt a bit woozy. I shook my head. I remembered the pills I had taken. Cursing, I dodged the serpent and glanced at Triton. The mermen were attack the body, trying to find a chink in its scaly armor. It flicked it's tail, throwing a few hundred mermen off.

I wished I didn't take the sleeping pills.

Fighting off the urge to sleep while fighting a serpent wasn't easy. I shook my head hard and dropped my sword, knowing it would come to me later. I took out two daggers and threw one at its ear. But it was underwater, so it didn't work that well. I swam closer, dodging the teeth. I stabbed down right on the eye and something really disgusting exploded from it as it roared in pain, and I saw Triton getting thrown off.


I was overwhelmed by how sleepy I felt. I never had felt this sleepy ever before while fighting. Maybe because of my insomnia- maybe because I was always hyped up. But this time, I could feel myself getting slower. I pinched myself hard but it was too late to avoid the serpent's bite.

On my neck.

I couldn't breath. It shook me around, and my head hit one of it's teeth, making it ring. I could feel it, my blood rapidly running out. I felt woozy, my vision blurring. Suddenly, the grip dissapeared. I felt myself sink to the floor as I lost consciousness.



I have always read books that said they had writing blocks.
Is it a writing block?

And I was like, what the heck is that?

I think that it's like you have nothing to write.

Is it?

If it is, I never had a writing block before. I know what I want to write. Omg I just love writing.

I have so much to write!!!!


Gods I want to work on my other stories so bad but I so badly want to finish this book.


this book is ending!!!

Oh em geeeeee


Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя