I nodded. I had done that many times before in the Chaos army. It was a simple task.

"Percy, you don't really have to work here." Posiedon said quietly to me.

I smothered a scowl with a tight smile. "There's nothing to do at camp and you know I can't stay still."

"... But-"

"I'll go."

The military base was an amazing place. It wasn't as good as the Chaos army, but still awesome. I asked the second in command and she already had organized and recounted the troops, so all I had to do was report it to Triton. I walked/swam in the hallway, looking at the paper. There were significantly less monster attacks. But there were less troops, so it would of been harder to block the casualities.


I looked up to see Amphitrite. She smiled at me and I smiled akwardly back, bowing down my head. We walked by each other, and I had a warm feeling inside of me. Dad met a really nice person. I looked up at Triton from a distance. Somehow, he reflected myself like a mirror. His expression showed no emotion, but I could see the underlaying worry and fear. I knew. He glanced at me and gestured with his hand and I walked up to him and gave him the papers.

"You came quickly."

"The second in command had it all ready."

He nodded and flipped through the papers.

"... Is there anything more?"

He shook his head slowly.

I wondered if I could.

"Lord Triton-"

"I'm sorry." he blurted out.

I stared at him.

"... You know, for underestimating you."

I laughed. "That was a thousand years ago."

"Yeah but-"

"I don't mind. I was only a sixteen year old demigod who was destinied to die. Who knew I would get this far?"

His mouth twitched in to a slight smile. "Yeah...."

"Uh... And... Can I stay here for a while?"


"I know it's-"

"No no no. You can stay, but why would you ask me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

He paused. "Yes but-"

"I asked Posiedon already."

He nodded slowly. "Alright.... There are the rooms over to the right. Turn the corner and you'll find some rooms. Take any of them."

I nodded. "Thanks."

He stared at me with his blue green eyes. They weren't like Posiedon's or mine, they were bluer. His hair was brown. I could see hints of Posiedon's face etched into his face.

Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora