The Beta's Mate Ch.12

Start from the beginning

“I...uh...I’m here to visit the Foster’s.” I stutter surprised by his hostility and taking a step back.

Sudden recognization came to his face, “Lana Havard?”


“My bad, I’m Joseph but you can call me Joe. We’ve heard a lot about you causing a lot of problems among the packs.” He said with a smirk holding out his hand for me to shake.

“What between Holloway and Red River? I never wanted that! Am I in danger?” I exclaimed shocked, is this why I was pulled over?

“No not between our packs, but other packs, you’re safe as long as you stay around here.” He explains and my jaw drops, a million swear words come to mind but I am able to hold them back.

“I have to go.” I tell him in complete shock returning to my car without saying goodbye, he seems almost bemused by my reaction. I pulled up to the Foster’s house and laid my head on the steering wheel and let out the breath I had been holding. If what Joe had told me was true about the other packs I had to talk to Caleb.

I took the plate of brownies from the passenger seat and headed to the front door where I rung the door bell. I shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot as I waited for Mrs. Foster answered the door.

“Lana, darling!” She cries in delight with arms open. She cupped my face and kissed each of my cheeks, “What brings you to Red River?”

“I brought the brownies my mother promised. She makes the best brownies.” I brag, surprised by my own comfort at talking with her

“Well, why don’t you come on in? Caleb should be in his room.” I opened my mouth to protest but she quickly ushered my inside while taking the plate of brownies from my hands. I could just leave now without her suspecting the real situation between Caleb and me, and without me looking rude. I stepped inside and took off my shoes. “Caleb’s room is upstairs turn right at the top of the stairs then it’s the last door on the left.” Mrs. Foster instructed. I made my way up the stair and my palms began to sweat against the handrail as I thought of what Caleb would say to me being in his house. I guess he’s been in mine so he can’t really be mad.

The Foster’s had a fair sized house not gargantuan like the Alpha/pack house was, but being the house of the future beta they were treated generously, it was a two levelled house with a basement. The whole house had a very modern look and it was easy to see the closeness of Caleb’s family from the pictures that lined the hallways. I came to his door which was decorated in pictures and stickers from when Caleb was little. There was a picture of him and Jon swimming at the Red River pack house. Another picture that was hand drawn that was labelled with his sister’s name then underneath: sister’s are stupid was written in messy writing, I smiled trying to imaging this young innocent version of Caleb.

“He was quite an artist.” Someone spoke from behind me making me jump, I turned to see Jenna. I realize I’ve been busted for snooping making me blush crimson. “Is he not in there?” She asks.

I shrug, “I haven’t knocked yet, I was looking at his...” I wasn’t sure if I could really call it art.

“It’s okay to call it scribbles.” She laughed, she stood about the same height as me but had sandy blonde hair unlike her older brother and sister’s and stunning green eyes and to top of her angelic look was her award winning smile that was warm and friendly as she fondly teased her brother.

“More like disasterpieces,” Alyssa scowled jokingly coming up the stairs as well.

“I was trying to be nice.” Jenna defended. I could help but smile around these two as the chirped their brother when he wasn’t around to defend himself and I wasn’t going to help him.

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