"We need a driver." She says.

"Girl don't be acting like I'm just here to be your chauffeur-"

"Well are you here to try on dresses and talk girl talk?" Naomi shoots back. "Sorry about him. Anyways, We're heading out in about thirty minute so text me and let me know, Okay?"

"Sure thing girl. Bye."

"Bye bye."

When I hang up I hop off the couch and walk towards the kitchen, Peeking my head in. "Excuse me. Mom, Dad?" I say mockingly. "May I hang out with my friends today? I've done all my chores and I'm making all A's and B's in school."

"Don't be dramatic." Roman smirks. "Yeah I guess it's cool if you go. But don't be out too late." He jokes. I roll my eyes before giving them the finger and running out.


"Don't be so grumpy." I giggle. "You know you're having fun."

"Like hell I am." Jimmy huffs. "Got me in this shop holding all her damn clothes." He grumbles. "I oughta throw this shit down and walk out. Leave all y'all asses here."

"Cheer up big guy. I think you're just frustrated because we haven't bought you anything yet. What do you want, Huh? We can buy you some new lip gloss or a nice pair of high heels-" Paige shrieks and runs behind me to avoid getting hit by Jimmy. I chuckle before moving aside. "Hey, I'm not gonna face the wrath of Jimmy just to protect you."

"Jimmy ain't gone do nothing." Naomi says, Walking out of the dressing room area with Natalya following closely behind. "He ain't crazy."

"Woman-" Jimmy cuts himself off after receiving a glare from Naomi. I try to hold in my laughter so I turn to face away from them. "Alright, We have been shopping for a while now and it's obvious that some of us need a break." Natalya laughs. "So why don't we go grab some food?"

"Finally. Something I don't mind doing." Jimmy huffs.


"Caught it." Paige muffles out. I throw another piece of bread at her but this one bounces off her her nose and hits her plate instead of landing in her mouth. I laugh as she throws it back at me. I manage to catch it in my mouth this time.

"Try it with fries." Nattie laughs. "But if you're not careful you'll choke."

"I'd rather not." I giggle. "I'm not on the fry level you know? I have to work on my technique a bit."

"Oh my gosh look." Paige says, Pointing behind me. "Puppies."

"What kind of puppies?" I smirk.

"Not those kind of puppies." Naomi smirks. "Actual puppies."

I turn to look behind me and notice that there are a bunch of puppies in the store across from the food court. I wonder why they're in a mall...But they sure are adorable.

"They're so cute." I smile. "I miss mine." I pout.

"I miss my cats." Nattie sighs.

"I miss my animals too." Paige whines.

"Hell I wish I had an animal to wish." Naomi huffs. "But somebody won't let us have a pet."

"We're on tour all the time!" Jimmy yells, Throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Yeah so are Paige, Nattie and Sadie." Naomi argues. "They still have pets now don't they?" She asks. He rolls his eyes before giving her a peck on the cheek and muttering an 'I'm sorry'


"Yo guys! I'm back from shopping and I-"

"SHH." Seth and Roman both Shh me, Running out of the back area of the hotel room. I raise my brows as they turn me around so I'm facing the door again. They each grab one of my arms and lead me out the door and towards the elevator.

"What in the hell is wrong with you two?" I demand. "You've been acting weird all day long and-"

"We have a surprise for you." Seth cuts me off. "A huge surprise."

"Okay, What is it?" I ask.

Roman sighs. "It's a surprise. We obviously can't tell you."

"Don't you be getting sassy with me." I warn him. He chuckles.

We stand in silence on the elevator. The ride can't possibly seem any slower than what it does. Roman and Seth both stare at me the whole time, As if I'm the last piece of meat they'll ever get to see and they're about to battle each other for me.

Needless to say, It's quite unsettling.

The elevator feels so small. Being trapped in the middle of two very muscly men isn't very comfortable, Not for me at least. I am slightly claustrophobic after all. But I'm sure they're just excited about their surprise for me.

When the doors to the elevator open, We all step out. They walk me down the hall and towards my room. Once we're in front of the door they stop and stare at me once again. "Well..." I mumble. "This is a lovely surprise."

"Don't be sarcastic." Seth smirks. "Your surprise is in there. We can't go in with you though."

"Right...Are you two setting me up for death? I'm sorry about all the insults I've thrown at you-"

"Just go in. Love you." Roman smiles, Hugging me and pecking my forehead. Seth does the same and I sigh a little. "Love you guys too I guess."

I open the door and step in before shutting it again. I walk around a bit, Trying to see where my surprise is. Nothing seems out of place. In fact everything looks super clean. I walk a little more until I'm in front of the door of the bedroom area.

I open it slowly and peek inside. I gasp seeing Dean down on one knee.

"Hi." He smiles.

"Is this what I think-"

"Lemme talk." He chuckles. I nod. "When I first met you I hated you because I knew almost immediately that I'd love you eventually. You were so kind and so sweet and you took every insult I threw at you calmly. You didn't bat an eyelash no matter how hard I tried and you were so patient with me. You saw something in me that not a lot of people saw. You gave me a chance. You didn't judge me so quickly. You saw through my act and I honestly will forever appreciate you for that. And I took comfort in you, Even if you didn't know it. You made me calm and you made me happy and you really changed me. I'm still not perfect but I'm a hell of a lot better than what I was." He tells me.

"I never thought that after how things ended with Renee I would find anyone that I could ever love again, Especially not as much as I loved her. But then you came along. And I can honestly say that I have never felt this before. I look forward to seeing your face. I love hearing you talk. I plain and flat out do not get tired of you. And I really hope you don't ever get tired of me." He smiles. "I have almost lost you...So many times. I've cheated on you and I've lied to you and I've yelled at you and cursed at you and blamed you for things that weren't your fault. And you've cheated on me. Every time I almost lose you, I have this feeling. Like I could just die. And I figure that if I haven't lost you yet...I won't ever."

"Yesterday when we were dealing with that whole...Renee situation, I was telling her how much I love you and I just...When I was saying all that stuff, It just clicked in my head. I love you so much. I want to be with you forever. I want us to get old together. But I'm pretty selfish you know? It's always I want this and I want that. Not this time. So, I'm going to ask you if you'll marry me and if you do well...You know how it goes. And if you don't... I'll wait until you do. So, Sadie Tamara Fay Benson, Will you marry me?" He asks.

I can't even speak. I must look a right mess right now with all the tears streaming down my face. I rush towards him and plant a sloppy kiss on his lips before pulling away to bury my face in his neck. "You never answered so I'm taking that as a yes. And no backsies."

I giggle. "Yes. That's a yes. I wanna marry you." I sniffle. "You're the best. I'll stick with you forever, I promise." I whisper. "I promise."

You get too close (Dean)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang