Chapter 22

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~Two weeks later~

// Sadie //

"Oh I am so happy you're finally here!" I squeal,Jumping around slightly before diving into a hug with Aymie. Finally,The day has come. Aymie is on tour with us again,This time for a week and I couldn't be happier. I've missed her like crazy and I'm so glad to see her again. Plus,Halloween is in two days which means we'll get to spend it together,Which means we'll have a great time.

Our Halloween ritual includes waking up at ten AM,Closing all the curtains and turning off all the lights to make it as dark as possible and watching horror movies while playing scary games and telling scary stories to spook each other out until around seven at night. Then we go trick or treating,Though usually we don't get much of anything because we're adults sadly.

Then we go to a haunted house that stays open until late at night. We get the shit scared out of us and then we call it a night. We've done the same exact thing every year since we were kids and I never tire of it. In fact,I look forward to it. This is my favorite time of year and other than Christmas,My favorite holiday.

I even told Dean,Roman and Seth that they could join us if they wanted to. They all agreed since they didn't have any other plans,So that means it'll be a lot of fun. I love hanging out with Roman and Seth they're really funny guys,And obviously I love spending time with Dean.

"Stop day dreaming and get in the car." Aymie says. I roll my eyes before shoving her slightly and hopping into the driver seat. "So tell me all about how you and Dean are doing." She smirks.


"Oh so the twins are reunited again." Seth smirks,Pulling us both into a side hug. I sigh before shaking my head at him. "Don't even." Aymie mutters elbowing him. Though she's got a cool demeanor I know she's freaking out on the inside. She's been waiting to meet Seth for the longest. "Nice to finally meet you Aymie. My boys tell me you and Sadie are trouble when put together." He laughs.

"Well I do like mischief. I'm a pretty bad g-"

"Aymie." I hiss,Stomping on her foot. She lets out a high pitched sound before shoving me,Almost knocking me over but Dean catches me. "Ladies,Ladies settle down now." Dean says rubbing my arms. "You kids behave or no candy for you."

"Oh shut up twerp. Ain't a person alive that could keep me from my candy." She laughs. "Now,It is currently two o'clock in the afternoon.Raw is,Well obviously tonight,And I'd love to get some grub in me before then." She smirks rubbing at her stomach.

"Oh so now we've got to feed you?" I scoff. "Fine. How about some chipotle!" I yell excitedly. She nods and claps happily before running towards the door of my hotel room. I run after her and the guys follow behind quickly,Trying desperately to keep up.

"You guys are full of energy. Jesus how will we ever keep up." I hear Roman mutter. I laugh before speeding up,Trying to get ahead of Aymie so I can get in the passenger seat.

Once we're all in the car,Roman backs out of the parking lot. "Alright so we'll eat and then we'll go shopping for costumes-" "YAY!" Aymie yells. I 'Shh' her before nodding at Roman to continue. "And then we'll go to the arena." He finishes. I nod. "TO FOOD WE GO!"


"How about this one?" I ask. Aymie scrunches up her face and shakes her head. "You were Cinderella twice already. Once when you were seven and once when you were twelve." She explains. "What about this one?" She asks,Twirling around.

"No you were Princess Tiana last year. Remember?" I ask.

"Yes. But I looked damn good as Tiana if I do say so myself. Green is definitely my color. Plus, Tiana is the best Disney princess to ever exist. She's the only Disney princess worth Dressing up as!" Aymie exclaims. I scoff and shake my head. "Um excuse you,Mulan would disagree."

"Was she even a princess?" Aymie asks.

"In my book she was. And plus,I thought you liked Rapunzel."

"She's cool and Flynn is hot,But Tiana is way better."

"If you ask me,You're both wrong." Dean intervenes. "The all time greatest princess there ever was and ever will be is ugh-What's her name? Mindy." He says.

"...Mindy? There's no Disney princess named Mindy is there?" I ask.

"Yeah she had the green skin and bluish,Purplish hair and glasses I think-"

"That's the girl from the spongebob movie." I laugh.

"Princess Fiona was the best princess. She's actually realistic. I had a crush on her back in the day." Roman cuts in. "Back in the day? You mean a couple months ago when we watched Shrek with Joelle?" Seth laughs.

"Um,Mind your business,Boy." Roman grumbles.

"Alright,How about neither of us dress as a princess then." I sigh. "Hey I know what we can dress as!" I yell. "What's the one thing we always wanted to be?" I ask.

"Um,We were already teenage mutant ninja turtles." Aymie mutters. "Already spongebob and Patrick. Already krabs and squidward. Already Beyonce and Jay Z-"

"Weren't you just tell me that you guys always take pictures of your Halloween costumes?" Dean asks. I nod. "I'll give you everything in my bank account if you let me see them." He smirks.

"We were already fanboy and chum chum. We were already Danny and Kenickie. Already Bonnie and Clyde,Cher and Sonny,Plankton and Karen-"

"You know,If we were a boy and a girl,I always made her dress up as the dude." I whisper.

"Bill Nye the science guy,We were every member of one direction at one point. Every friends character. Kim possible and Ron. Troy and Gabriella. The cheetah girls. Tate and Violet- OH I KNOW! You want to be Zoe and Kyle now!" She yells.

"...No." I shake my head.

"The Bella twins? I've always wanted to be a Bella twin. Everyone wants to be a Bella twin."

"Nope." I shake my head. "Come in the dressing room with me and I'll tell you. You guys on the other hand-" I say pointing to the boys. "Can't know until Halloween." I smirk.

"What do you wanna be?" Aymie asks.

I smirk.

A/N: So you guys can't know what they are until the Halloween chapter. BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.

Anyways,Who's your favorite Disney princess/Disney movie?

I really love the princess and the frog and mulan. And Tangled too. Those three are a tie for my favorite.

ALSO. Do you think there will be drama in the Halloween chapter? It's been a while hasn't it. *WINK WINK* (I'm not actually saying there will be drama...But who knows.)

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