Chapter 75

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// Dean //

I sigh,Putting out my cigarette before taking my lighter out of my pocket to light another one. "So." I clear my throat. "What did you call me here for?" I ask. "Fair warning,If this is some bullshit I'm going to knock your lights out."

"I knew something bad was going to happen." Renee sighs. "I knew it from the very beginning. I had a gut feeling-"

"What did you call me here for?" I ask again. "Renee,I'm not going to tell you again. Me and you will never happen,So if this is some lame attempt to get me to fuck you again,Let's just stop it right here. You and I both know that Sadie wouldn't want me to be here in your hotel with you so-"

"Shut the fuck up!" She yells. "Who gives a shit about Sadie or her pathetic ass feelings?!" She huffs, Throwing her head in her hands. "I just called you here to tell you that you're free." She whispers.

"The hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"I...Lost the baby."

"What?" I ask. Is this another one of her attempts to get with me? Is she lying to make me feel sorry for her?

"I went to the doctor yesterday when I started bleeding and he couldn't help me...I lost the baby." She explains. I don't know how to feel right now. Part of me is so disappointed. I can't say that I was really looking forward to being a parent right now but I know that I would've gotten used to it. Part of me feels bad for Renee. She's done some really terrible things to me and...Everybody else,But nobody deserves this. I also feel a little relieved,Although I hate to admit it. If she had had this baby it would've caused unbelievable chaos.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"It's fine, Just get out."


"I said get out." She growls. "I want nothing to do with you. The universe has done everything in it's power to stop us from being together and maybe I should give up. You go be with Sadie." She spats. I sigh,Standing up to walk out of the room. I am in need of a beer or...five.

I'm supposed to be happy right now. I'm supposed to be on top of the world,I should be feeling like a king. I am the WWE world heavyweight champion. My wrestling career is going amazing and I am injury free. I get to tour with my soon to be wife and in a matter of months I'll be married! And on top of a all that,As selfish as this may sound,I just found out that the woman who I hate,Who I knocked up is no longer having my baby. I've moved in with the love of my life and I've got family now,Which is all I ever wanted I suppose. So why do I feel like shit? Why am I just not happy?

Maybe it's because every time something good happens five bad things happen too. Maybe it's because currently,Me and my girl are walking on egg shells around one another,Maybe it's because of the stress from the job. I'm trying to be happy but it's super hard.

"Drinks it is." I mumble to myself.


"It's not pronounced febuary it's pronounced February. That's why it's spelled February. Dumb ass." Seth grumbles,Rolling his eyes at Roman. "Okay but nobody says it that way though." Roman huffs. "Everyone normal pronounces it febuary."

"No everyone stupid pronounces it febuary." Seth mumbles. "If I'm so stupid,Why am I smarter than you?" Roman asks,Sticking his tongue out childishly. "You're not! What were your SAT scores?" Seth asks. "Will you two please shut up?" I groan. "You've been arguing like a married couple since I came to your hotel room!" "It's not my fault he's stupid." Seth shrugs. "I will hit you in your mouth,Son." Roman warns.

"It's nice to know I can come to you guys when I need a bit of peace." I smile sarcastically.

"Sorry,Sorry." Seth says,Holding his hands up in defense. "What's up with you anyway? You've been hella grumpy for the last few days and not only that,You've been pretty out of it."

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