Chapter 48

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// Dean //

"I'm sorry...What?" I ask.

"I could explain better if I was invited in." She smirks. I sigh. "Listen if you're some crazy ass fan that's playing some joke on me-"

"Trust me I am not a fan of you at all." She glares.

"Oh as if I did something wrong?" I ask in frustration. Who is she to give me attitude?

"Yeah you're right, It's not like I needed my big brother when I was younger." She barks sarcastically.

"Pardon me for not knowing you existed." I growl. "Look just...Come in dammit."

She rolls her eyes and pushes past me. I let out a long breath before slamming the door closed and walking in behind her. "So um...Want something to drink?" I ask.

"I didn't come for small talk." She states coldly.

"Then why did you come?" I ask.

"Let me explain the whole story." She sighs. "My dad, Matthew, had me in 1990-"

"What's that got to do with anything? You're 24. So what."

"Don't cut me off you son of a bitch!" She yells before taking a deep breath. "Anyways so a couple years after you were born. Basically he abandoned me as a kid and he was a horrible man and at one point, When I was like 11 and you were 16, He started dating your mom again and then a year later he um...He...Well you know what he did to your mom." She mumbles.

"Yes I do." I huff. "Let's not talk about that. Why are you here?" I demand.

"He's dying." She says. "He isn't doing well at all."

"Am I supposed to cry?" I ask. "I wish he'd died a long time ago." I growl bitterly.

"Yeah, Same." She laughs. "I don't expect you to be upset. I'm not even upset. I just came here because I really wanted to meet you. I always have. I never had the guts to though and I also never knew where you were. And anyways, Back to him dying. He's in a hospital in Cincinnati and I really want for us to go and pay him a visit."

"You think I wanna see him after what he did? He should be rotting in fucking jail right now! He killed my mom!" I yell. "He took away the one woman, The one person I loved at the time and he just...He killed her."

"Please don't cry." She sighs. "Look I get that, But you're not understanding. This is our chance to get revenge." She smirks. "He's hurt both of us some way or another in the past, And I am all for ending the guy's life a little sooner than god intended." She shrugs.

"Are you fucking...Are you- Is this a joke?" I ask. "Are you insane. You wanna kill him?"

"Well don't you? He killed your mom!" She yells.

"Yeah and I would love to kill him in the worst way possible, But even the lunatic fringe knows that that would end with us going to jail, Suffering more than him."

She sighs and shakes her head before standing up. "This was stupid." She mutters. "The one person I thought would help me." She sighs, Wiping at her eyes.

"Wait." I mumble. "Please sit back down. I'm not gonna help you kill Matthew, But you claim you're my little, Half, Sister and I don't...I don't have any other family so getting to know you wouldn't be horrible. Plus...You look tired."

"Are you calling me ugly?" She asks.

"No." I shake my head. "But you look very...Very tired." I mutter. "Anyways, I think you've got this whole thing wrong come to think of it. Matthew wasn't my dad. He just dated my mom for a short period of time."

"Or...So he told you." She sighs. "But yeah. He was actually your dad."



"Please let me in, This is important." I sigh.


"Please, Roman. I know you and Seth are pissed right now but I swear on my life I need some help with something. I don't know what to do." I whine.

"...Fine." Roman mutters, Opening the door fully and stepping to the side.

"Thanks for-"

"Cut to the chase." Seth cuts me off. I roll my eyes.

"Alright fine." I mutter. "My sister is insane and I don't know what to do about her."

"What?" They both ask. I smirk. "Oh I'm sorry. I thought you guys wanted me to cut to the chase."

"Don't get smart." Roman huffs. "What are you talking about? You don't have a sister."

"That's what I thought until two hours ago. She's my half sister. Her name is Joylynn, She's 24, Blah blah blah. I didn't know about her until now because her dad is an absolute shit head. Turns out he's my dad too. He um...You know what he did to my mom." I sigh.


"This is all very new information and I know we're not on the best of terms right now but, Seriously I feel like I'm about to pass out and my heart is just...I'm not the best right now so please just hug me and let me sleep on your couch and eat your food and think about this shit." I sigh.

"Alright...Yeah. Okay this is a lot, We get it." Seth mumbles helping me over to the couch. "I'm sorry man...Um, Where is she?" He asks. "She's taking a nap on my couch and I doubt she'll wake up until morning. She was insanely tired and she was crying and...Fuck." I mumble, Holding my head.

"Are you alright?" Roman asks.


I groan, Blinking a few times.

"I can't breathe." I whisper.

"Dude, Calm down. This really isn't good. Please calm down. Dean? Dean? Do you hear me?"

"I don't like it.I'm tired. I don't wanna be here anymore, Seth I really don't." I whisper.

"Don't say that. Come on man. Hey keep your eyes open. Dean?"

A/N: So Dean's under a lot of pressure...

You get too close (Dean)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora