Chapter 4

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// Sadie //

Despite past events in my life,I've never,Ever considered myself unlucky for a second. I've always had food on my table when I was hungry,Clothes on my back,A roof over my head,Though my family did move around New York quite a lot,But a roof over my head nonetheless,I've never been lucky enough to have any friend of any sort really,But I did have my mom and my sister and that's all I really needed I suppose.

I was...Lucky enough to have three failed suicide attempts and I'm guessing that's a sign,Right? I'm not dead yet and I'm currently touring with WWE which is amazing. But as I stand in the parking lot,In front of a rental car and beside a smirking Dean Ambrose,I can't help but feel that some of my luck is finally wearing off.

I still can't call myself unlucky,But this is pretty damn close. I'm apparently sharing a car with Dean and I just...Anyone else. They could've picked anyone else and yet they picked Dean. Of coarse, No one really knows that Dean doesn't like me expect for Dean and of coarse Roman,So I suppose it's just a coincidence. But come on. Numerous other superstars AND divas,And they pick Dean Ambrose to ride along side me?

Nobody is this company is stupid. This decision however...

People seem to know that Dean is pretty rough around the edges. I've heard many rumors about him. I can't walk through the halls without hearing something rude being said about him by someone or another. Rather it's a camera guy or a superstar,Everyone seems to have a story or five to share about the lunatic fringe,And none of them seem to be good.

If one person,And I do mean one,Finds out that I'm sharing a car with the ill tempered man,I'll be talk of the town and I do not want that. Somehow I've managed to make lots of friends,and Yet still keep a low profile.

I'm no one's best friend,Though I am close to Naomi,Paige,And Natalya,and I'm pretty sure that I'm easily forgotten. I don't think anyone thinks about me until I'm right in front of their faces,And I am perfectly fine with that. I'm making progress,I can't ask for much better right?

But that'll change when people find out I'm carpooling with Dean.

"Are you gonna stare at the car all day or are you gonna get in it?" Dean asks loudly. I jump a little at the sound of his voice and blink a couple times. My eyes had gotten blurry so I guess I zoned out a little.

"S-Sorry." I mutter.

"Yeah,Whatever." He waves his hand at me dismissively before pushing some of his hair out of his face. "You're driving okay? I don't feel like it. It's a four hour drive and I'm just-I don't have time." He sighs before tossing me the keys.

When they fall on the ground,A little ways behind me,I scurry to get them and squeak when I see the headlights of another car zooming past my head,Just an inch away from it. I hear him groan behind me.

"Jesus Christ. I sure hope you drive better than you catch."

He opens the door to the passenger side and slides in. He'd already opened the trunk,I'm guessing while I darn near got run over,So I slide my suitcases into it and shut it softly before walking to the drivers side.

Once I'm in,The seat is adjusted so that I can drive comfortably,The heat is on,and my seat belt is on as well,I pool out of the parking lot. For around thirty minutes of our ride,It's silent,An awkward silence actually. The only sound that can be hear is the car engine's soft roar and Dean's constant coughing.

"Um Dean?" I mutter. He grunts in reply before coughing loudly again and I cringe. "I,Uh,Have some waters in my bag back there. Uh,If you need one. Or we could stop and get you some cough medicine." I offer.

You get too close (Dean)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum