Chapter 59

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// Sadie //

I gulp, Blinking a few times before clearing my throat. "What?" I ask quietly.

"I said, Why didn't you tell me that you couldn't have a baby?" He asks again. I sigh. I knew something was wrong when he barged into my hotel room, Looking quite hurt and confused. Maybe I should've told him earlier...Alright there's no maybe in it. I should've definitely told him earlier. But I didn't.

"I...I was scared to." I mumble honestly. "I thought you'd get mad and I thought that you'd leave me, Because if you really, Really wanna have kids in the future, Then this is a major problem." I sigh.

"Sadie, This is a slight problem, Yeah, I guess. But I would not leave you over this. There's other ways to have kids you know. Like adoption-"

"I didn't think you'd want that. I thought you'd want your own kid, You know? One that came from me and you." I admit. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, Just please be honest with me next time...May I ask why you can't have kids?" He asks. "I um..." God, I don't wanna talk about this at all. But he deserves to know. I've kept this from him too long. "My ex boyfriend." I mumble.


"Stop it." I mumble, Swatting his hand away as I try to finish my book. He huffs and gabs my jaw, Roughly, To make me face him. "You haven't wanted to have sex with me for the last three weeks. Are you hiding something from me? Are you sleeping around with someone else-"

"Why do you always jump to that conclusion?" I ask. "Every time something isn't going your way you automatically assume that I'm sleeping with someone." I mutter, Rolling my eyes. "When do you think I'd have the time? You basically keep me on a leash."

"Don't be dramatic." He huffs, Taking a sip from his beer.

"No, I'm serious." I say, Closing my book and putting it down. "I don't leave this house when you're gone. You won't let me. And when you're here with me, You won't let me go anywhere, I have to stay where you can see me, As if I'm some child."

"Be grateful that someone wants to be with you." He chuckles. "You don't even understand how fucking lucky you are to have me. I put up with all your shit constantly and you don't even thank me. You just lecture me. Sadie, I'm doing you a huge favor by being with you. Do you honestly think that any other man would want you? Do you think anyone else would put up with you?"

"Clearly you do, You're always jealous when I interact with any man of any sort." I mumble.

"I'm about sick of all your lip." He spats. "And I'm tired of you thinking that you're my boss when it's supposed to be the other way around. You are going to do whatever I say, Whenever I say. And you're gonna love it." He growls, Unzipping his pants.

"No, Wait. Mason, Please-"

"Shut the fuck up. Just shut up and enjoy this."


"He...He raped me." I whimper. "And he cut me with a knife right near my...My..."

"Shh." Dean whispers. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's alright." I mutter. "I went to the doctor and they told me that I would never be able to have kids because of what he did."

"That stupid bastard." Dean growls. "I wish I could kill him."

"Well at least he's out of my life now. I don't care about him anymore. I just want to be with you now. Can we just lay down for a while?" I ask. He nods and gives me a soft smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."



"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Dean. Happy birthday to you." I sing, Slowly walking towards Dean with his birthday cupcake in hand. He sits up and gives me a groggy smile. "Thanks." He rasps.

"You're welcome. Now blow out your candle, Make a wish, Eat your cupcake and get dressed. I've got a fun day planned for us." I smirk. He raises his brows. "What are we gonna do?" He asks. "Oh you can't expect me to ruin the surprise." I laugh. "Don't you worry about a thing. We are gonna have us some fun today."

A/N: I updated twice because I knew this one would be super short. XX

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