Chapter 74

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~ One month later ~

// Sadie //

"Another one,Please." I grumble. The bartender nods and starts to fix yet another drink for me. I've been sat in this bar for at least two hours now,Drinking God knows how many alcoholic beverages of all sorts. I can almost hear my kidney begging me to go up to my hotel room and go to bed,But I won't.

"M'am." The man says,Handing me my drink. I give him a small nod to tell him to go on and then hold the glass up to my lips,Taking a large gulp.

"M'am,This has to be your last drink for the night. You've been here for a while and you've drank a lot and-Well after this one maybe you can just head to your hotel room,Okay?" He says. I pull the glass away from my lips and stare at him blankly.

"Okay?" He asks again.

"Yeah." I say simply. He nods slightly and walks away.

I sigh a little before looking down at my glass. My eyes are unfocused and everything is a little blurry but it seems like my hearing is better than ever before. I hear everything.

I hear the somewhat loud music booming through the speakers,I hear the squeaking of people's shoes as they dance,I hear the harsh breathing of the people who just finished making out. I hear people laughing and chatting with their friends. I hear people being happy.

I sure wish that was me.

I finish off my drink and then stand up on wobbly legs. I pull out a one hundred dollar bill and slam it down on the bar,By my glass. Hopefully that's enough to cover the bill.

I trudge outside and look around a little. It's raining and not many people are out. The few that are are scurrying around,Hurriedly trying to get out of the heavy weather. I on the other hand take my time walking.

I think for a moment as I see the bright lights of the hotel shining. It isn't far from the bar,Just a short walk.

I think about heading back to my room,Confronting Dean,Talking things out,Handling things. But when I look to my left and see that there's another bar open,Those thoughts leave my head and I begin walking towards it instead.

I don't care that I'm all wet because of the rain,And cold because I forgot to bring a jacket with me. I don't care that my friends are worried about me and probably wondering when I'll be coming back. I don't care about Dean or how he feels at all,Since clearly he doesn't care about me.

I open the door of the new bar up and walk inside,Plopping down in a seat at the bar that's near the door.

"How may I help you?" The bartender asks perkily. I sigh a little. "Can I get two beers and like...Five shots of...Whatever?" I ask. She frowns a little. "Rough night?"

"Rough life." I laugh bitterly.

"I see...Ill be right back with your drinks." She throws her smile back onto her face and walks away to get my drinks. I lean m head on my hand as I wait,Trying to keep my eyes open. I'm already starting to get a headache. Maybe if I drink a little more I won't notice.

Taking a look around the bar,I notice it's a little bigger than the last one,But not a lot of people are here.

"Here ya go!" The lady says,Popping back into my line of vision. She hands me my bears first and then puts my shots in front of me. "Thanks." I mumble.

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