Chapter 79

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// Sadie //

"Mason,Please don't do anything stupid." I say calmly. 

"Mason? Who the hell-Mason?!" 

Oh shit. That's not Mason. That's definitely Dean.

"Um...Dean?" I mutter. "Why the hell did you pull me in here?" I ask.

"I wanted to hide you from Roman because he's looking for me and I knew if he saw you you'd tell him where I could be- Why did you think I was Mason?" He cuts himself off. Should I tell him? I mean at this point,He's not gonna believe anything but the truth. It had to come out sometime.

"Ugh...Well see. I have a slight problem." I mumble.

"What problem?" He asks.

So I explain. I explain that my prick of an ex boyfriend is threatening me,Causing me to be extremely paranoid,And he's the reason I've been avoiding my friends.

"Son of a bitch." Dean yells after I finish. "How come you didn't tell me all this sooner? I could've helped you." He growls. "And he's lying. Naomi never said anything to me about breaking up with you. And if he lied about that,He's probably lying about Paige and Nattie too." 

"Well I was scared you'd do something crazy-"

"Hell yeah I'm gonna do something crazy! He's fucking with my girlfriend and that isn't okay with me!" He huffs. "That motherfucker is dead meat."


I bite my nails and stare up at the clock before my eyes flicker towards the hotel door again. Dean should be back any minute now if he's staying true to his word. He told me to stay in our hotel room and he'd find and handle Mason and his littler helper. He said that he'd be back in less than two hours.

Now it's been two hours and three minutes and he still isn't here. What if Mason hurt him? What if he's dead because of me? What if he's coughing up blood? Or what if he's sitting in a jail cell right now? What if he'll be on the five o'clock news tomorrow? I can just see it now.

'WWE wrestler,World heavyweight champion Dean Ambrose now in prison after committing homicide.'

Oh god. I'm gonna be sick.

I jump a little,Hearing the sound of footsteps near the hotel door. I freeze up,Waiting to see if the person stops in front of it,But they don't. They just keep moving. I let out a small sigh before deciding to get up and see what's going on. I have no idea where Dean is at the moment but I assume he's still in the hotel. Maybe I'll just look around for a while,Make sure everything is okay.

'But everything isn't okay.' I remind myself. My fiance could be in danger. And my ex sure as hell is in danger. Nothing good is going to come out of this situation and it's all my fault. 


Walking around the corridors slowly,I search thoroughly for the sight of frizzy brown hair and a long bulky body,But no one like that appears in my line of vision. I flinch at every noise that I hear and try to avoid eye contact with people. The last thing I need right now is for anyone to ask me any questions. I'll just pretend that I don't see anyone.

I consider calling Dean's name several times to at least let him know I'm looking for him,But I decide against it. Calling his name won't really help anything.

I turn the corner and gasp as I see Dean,Looking oddly satisfied. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him before planting a wet kiss on his cheek. "Dean what the hell. I've been looking all over for you. You didn't come back to the room on time so-Well what happened?" I ask hurriedly.

He smiles down at me. "I handled him. The pussy was scared as hell of me. He was shitting his pants the first time he saw me. He even tried to pull out a gun-"

"What?!" I whisper yell. "He had a gun?! Oh my god,Dean I-"

"It's alright baby girl." He smiles. "It wasn't even loaded. I can't believe he's the guy who put his hands on you. Doesn't seem like he'd ever be able to beat anyone up. He's a total wimp." Dean chuckles. "You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. He's gonna be gone for a long time."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"There just so happened to be a cop passing by the closet we were in. He heard all the commotion going on and busted in. He saw me beating the living hell out of Mason and was gonna arrest me until I told him about everything that's been going on." Dean explains. 

"Woah...That's amazing Dean." I breathe. "But he had help..."

"Yeah it was some crusty old dude that we don't even know. Apparently he works here and he's been laying low so no one noticed him watching you. Before Mason left he said that Aymie would know the old guy...Apparently he tried to rob her in a bar a while back. We have to ask her about that." He says,Furrowing his brow.

Seriously,That girl keeps so many secrets. She was robbed at a bar and she didn't even tell me?! She could've been hurt! I guess I'll worry about that a little later.

"Dean...It's all over now." I smile slightly. "Maybe we can finally be happy."

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little sucky. Just letting you guys know,The next one will be the last. I've had a lot of fun writing this and as far as all the books I've published go,I am the most proud of this one. I made it long and (Hopefully) interesting and currently it's my best work. But I'm always trying to improve. I have a lot of stories planned and I want them to have an even better plot,Less spelling errors and even more drama. Tell me what you guys think of this book,Give me your honest opinion because I need some constructive criticism.

Was it long enough? Did it drag on? Was there enough drama? Was there too much? Tell me in the comments! XX.

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