Chapter 41

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// Sadie //

"So what are your plans for thanksgiving?" I ask Dean, Biting into my salad. I crinkle my nose and sigh before taking another bite. Salad is not my go to meal but the toppings that come on it are good. I was desperate for some ham asked cheese and those juicy tomatoes they serve with it, But I didn't wanna be weird and go up to the salad bar just for the toppings. So filled my plate with salad as well. I've already eaten all my toppings and now I'm stuck with these stupid salad leafs.

"Oh, I actually have to go home this Thanksgiving." He says, shoving some of his fries into his mouth. Damn him and his greasy, Salty, Delicious fries. "I'm way behind on bills and I've gotta get a lot taken care of." He shrugs.

"Oh that's too bad. I was going to invite you over for thanksgiving. I don't want you to have to be all alone..." I frown. "Don't worry darlin' I'll be fine. I've spent plenty of holidays alone." He smiles. This only makes me frown more. "Yeah but you shouldn't have to."

"I really appreciate you being worried, baby." He smiles. "But as long as I know that I'll get to see you after the holiday, I'll be fine." He says. "Besides, I'm sure you want some alone time to bond with your sister."

"You're right." I shrug. "I miss her. I wish she could tour with us all the time."

"Me too." He says. "So um...What's up with the salad?" He asks. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Stupid thing had some good ass toppings." He snorts before handing me a fry. "What happened to little miss 'I don't swear'?"

"You made her go away." I laugh. "Anyways, We've gotta finish up our lunch and get to the arena. I told Sumner I'd get in the ring and work out with her." "You in the ring huh? Thinking about becoming a diva?" "Hellz no." I laugh. "I cry when I stub my toe or get a paper cut. I'm not getting into the ring to get thrown around."


When we got to the arena I was immediately attacked by Summer. "Gosh I've missed you!" She yells dramatically. "I know we saw each other the other day but it's been an entire eternity since." She sighs. "Oh...Hello Dean." She mumbles awkwardly. Dean waves and I giggle at her before linking our arms. "We'll be going now, Deano." I say before skipping off with her.

When we get inside, We stop our skipping and laugh, Walking along the corridors.

"I am in such a good mood today." Summer laughs.

"I am too. I'm super excited for Thanksgiving."

"What have you go planned?" She asks curiously.

"Well I love to cook so I'm doing this huge dinner. Just a crap ton of different foods. Of coarse, It's only me and my sister and maybe her boyfriend if he comes over to eat, But I'm still going to cook a lot so that I can give the majority of the food to the homeless center that I live close to." I smile. This year is the third year that I'll be making food for the homeless. I think they've kind of come to expect it now. I love doing it not just because it makes me happy, But also because I love seeing the smiles on their faces. They're always so grateful and it feels good to help them have a better Thanksgiving.

"You're so sweet." Summer smiles. "All I've got planned is to sit at home and eat alone." She laughs. "I'm not even much of a cook so I'm probably gonna order some pizza. Oh my gosh there's this new pizza I've been dying to try out-"

"Well unfortunately for you, You're gonna have to wait a while longer to try it." I cut in. "My best friend is absolutely not spending Thanksgiving alone. Why don't you come to my house?" I ask.

"I don't know, I don't want to be a bother and you've already got plans-"

"You won't get in the way I promise! It'll be super fun. We'll watch a lot of movies while I make the food, We can drink hot coco and go shopping and you'll love my sister! It'll be great. Please." I beg. Spending time with Summer will be a lot of fun and I hate for people to have to spend any Holiday alone. It'll be just like having a sleepover.

"...Alright fine." She sighs. "But I'll at least help you give out meals to people." She smiles.

"Yay it's gonna be great! Okay, Now let's get-"


I turn around and look towards the voice that called my name. "Renee?" I ask. "Um,Yeah?"

"Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to talk to you about something." She smiles. I nod slowly. "I'll be back." I mutter to Summer before stepping across the hall with Renee. I hear Summer's footsteps witch means she probably left and headed to the ring to give us some privacy.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"I ugh, Don't know how to say this." She laughs. "I don't know where to start...Basically, I just wanted to tell you that I don't want there to be any bad blood between us. I know that you must know that me and Dean dated in the past and I'm sure he probably told you that a few nights ago, When I was in you guys' hotel room, I asked if he'd give us another chance. I just want you to know that I had no idea that you two were dating and I only just found out yesterday because I heard some people saying how cute you two are together."

"He didn't tell you we were dating?" I ask, Leaning against the wall. She shakes her head.

Well that's odd...I thought he told her.

"I really don't expect us to be friends. I mean you seem so sweet and very cool to be around! I'm just saying I know you probably won't want to be best friends with me or anything and I understand that 100%. I just want to get along with you and I don't want you to dislike me. I don't want any drama backstage, Other than in the interviews I do." She says with a laugh. I nod.

"That's nice of you. Thank you. I get that. I don't like drama myself." I smile.

"Great. So...May I ask what you do? Are you training to become a diva?" She asks.

"Oh no. I'm a photographer and I help come up with new T shirt designs and things like that."

"Oh that's cool! I'm not a very creative person myself." She laughs. "Well anyways, I think I have to go now but it was great talking to you. Thank you so much for hearing me out. See you around?" She asks.

"Yeah, See you." I smile.

I watch as she walks away and then turn around to walk to the ring where Summer must be waiting. I really appreciate Renee coming to me and talking to me like that. I wasn't expecting her to do something like that. She was right though. We don't need any drama happening around here. We're both here to do our jobs and we can act like mature adults while we do them.

A/N: The next chapter will take place on Wednesday, Which is the day before Thanksgiving ;)

I updated twice today because the last few updates, I feel have been kind of short. I might even update a third time today but I'm not sure

You get too close (Dean)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt