Chapter 38

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// Sadie //

Three days into my break and I was having the time of my life.

Aymie had gone out a while ago for lunch with Blake who me and Dean get to meet later on tonight for dinner. Me and Dean woke up a couple hours ago,Had a nice breakfast and then went into the basement which is my art room. I've got all kinds of art supplies sitting around,From paint brushes and picture frames to notebooks and a dozen cameras. This is my sanctuary.

Me and Dean had come down in sweats,Ready to work. He'd told me yesterday that he wanted to see what I do to make myself happy. I knew he was referring to my art so I promised to bring him down here today.

"God I suck at this." He laughs. He'd been trying to draw an eyeball for the past thirty minutes and it hasn't really worked out for him. "It's not for everyone,Don't worry." I laugh. He shrugs and put his brush down before looking at me.

"Did you do this when you were younger or did you just start?" He asks.

I shrug. "I never thought I was all that creative growing up. I never really cared for art. To be honest I thought it was stupid. I thought actors and actresses and performers were people too lazy to get real jobs,I thought dancing was boring and I thought artists were too. Who really paints for a living? You know?"

"So what changed your mind?" He asks curiously.

"I was fourteen I think. I wasn't having the best time..." I sigh. "I just needed an escape. Something to do to get my mind off of things. So I'd just sit and draw whatever I was feeling. Usually I'd end up drawing a monster of some sort." I shrug. "Then I started making things. I was like sixteen when I made myself a really cool pair of jeans because mom wouldn't buy me the ones I wanted at the store. So I made some that I thought were even better."

"She bought me a sewing machine and fabric and all the stuff I needed to make clothes out of. She didn't have to worry about buying me much of anything anymore. I'd make so many clothes that I'd have yard sales every weekend." I laugh. "What didn't get sold I gave to Aymie or I'd donate it to a charity or something."

"So when did you start your website?" He asks.

"Well people were starting to notice me. People would tell their friends and family about the stuff I was making and they'd tell their friends and family and so on. People in all different places were wanting me to make things for them and I wanted the money so I created a website to put all my stuff on. I think I was 19. I was working my butt off and trying to keep myself busy because It was the only thing that stopped me from being sad all the time. It distracted me."

He nods and we sit in silence for a while, Just enjoying each other's company. I continue to draw my picture, Whatever it is, I don't know. I don't usually know what I'm drawing until I'm done drawing it. I just let my hand move around on it's own.

"I love you." He says breaking the silence after a while. I blush and continue on with my drawing. I'm still not used to him saying that to me. It still sounds foreign and to be honest, I didn't expect to ever hear those words from him. I didn't expect to say them to him either. "I love you too." I smile.

"So..." He mumbles.

"Is there something on your mind?" I ask curiously. He sighs and nods. I watch as he plays with his thumbs for a moment before looking up at me again. "I feel a little guilty..." He says before looking at the ground again.

"Why?" I ask.

"I still feel bad for our fight." He admits.

"Oh...Well that's over and done with now. I've got no hard feelings towards you for it." I assure him.

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