Chapter 78

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A/N: So there's a very long authors note at the end. PLEASE make sure to read it because it's very important. XX

// Sadie //

"Alright. You pussies are gonna get it." I growl,Glaring right into Seth's eyes. He glares right back at me for a couple of seconds before clearing his throat and awkwardly looking away. I smile triumphantly,Knowing that I'd intimidated him.

"You guys are the ones that are gonna get it. You should just give it up right now because you're never going to beat us,Not even in your dreams." Dean chimes in. I turn my glare to him but before I can say anything,Naomi speaks up. "Puh- Lease. I could kick your asses by my self,But with a team? Oh hell no, You guys are done for." She giggles.

"Yeah! I hope you bitches have life insurance because you're gonna need it when we're through with you." Paige says. "Let's just quit talking and start wrestling." Roman says,Sighing heavily. I roll my eyes before turning around abruptly to face my girls,Making sure that my hair hits Seth in the face. I smirk before walking towards the corner with my tag team partners for this match.

"Alright here's the game plan. Sadie,You're the team leader of this deal. You obviously aren't a real wrestler but I know you're a fast learner and you've spent plenty of time watching all of us so we know you know what to do." Nattie explains. I nod. "So we're gonna wrestle for a little bit and then we'll let you come in whenever Seth gets in. He's their team leader and he's already cocky,So of coarse he won't expect you to cause him any harm. Get him down and keep him down. Use his shock against him." She whispers. I nod.

"Um,Ladies? Are you guys gonna chat about your shopping trips all day or are we gonna wrestle?" Seth yells,Cackling at his own stupid joke. I roll my eyes before getting out of the ring. The other girls get out as well,Except for Nikki who starts the match off against Dean.

Hmm...How did this come about?

Well let's just say that some sexist comments were made and the girls decided that in order to shut the boys up,We'd have to beat them in a match. So here we are in the WWE performance center,About to have the match of the year,And there's no one here to witness it but us.

How did I get involved? The girls needed a shock factor. And I figured this would be a good way to gain my trust for the girls back. Plus,It'll be fun to kick these idiots' asses. They've agreed not to go soft on us at all and we've agreed to not go soft on them either.

"Over here we have Natalya Hart, Eva Marie, Naomi, Sasha Banks, Nikki Bella,Brie Bella,Paige and Sadie, Weighing in at...I don't know how many pounds. Maybe like...Three hundred." Roman smirks,Chuckling a little with the other boys. I roll my eyes. "Don't be biased ref." I tell him. He holds his hands up in defense before turning towards the boys. "And over here we have Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and the usos." Roman announces. Of coarse those idiots didn't think they needed anyone else on their team. They figure they can handle us all easily. Jokes on them.

I pull my shorts down a bit,Feeling a little exposed as I only have on short shorts and a crop top. The other divas are used to it but I'm not,And I'm standing in front of a bunch of men.

I kinda wish Aymie was here. Then we'd have a definite advantage. That girl can kick some ass.

"Ring the bell." Roman yells over to Big E. He does as told and the match officially starts. Nikki and Dean lock up and of coarse,Dean gets the upper hand and pushes her into the corner. He smirks before backing away,Holding his hands up. He turns around to brag to the boys but Nikki quickly runs up behind him and kicks his leg,Causing him to fall down. She hops on top of him and starts throwing punches and slaps with him wiggling underneath her,Trying to get her to stop. He finally throws her off him and she runs over,Quickly slapping Paige's hand.

You get too close (Dean)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz