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"Henry?" I said carefully, he was slumped in a chair in the waiting room with red puffy eyes which were drooping from exhaustion.

"I just gave her up. I did exactly what I was so furious at Emma for! I don't have a daughter anymore." He said dryly, I sighed and sat beside him, rubbing my finger up and down his face. "I'm sorry Henry, sometimes being a parent can cause more pain than anything, but you have to trust that she will have a good life." I said trying my best to comfort my son, he nodded and kept staring at the floor.

"She looked like me, I held her and I never wanted to let her go because she was mine, I was feeling my heart beat out of my chest and I let her go." He said flatly, I didn't know how to comfort my son so I just pulled him close and hugged him.

We returned to the room where Violet was staring blankly at the wall, her hair was frizzy from her sweat and she looked pale with exhaustion.

"Violet, honey it's late, you should probably get some rest." I said walking over to her, she just sniffled then looked up at me before she slid down and pulled up the thin sheet over her.

There was a slight knock at the door and Zelena entered with Violet's pillow from her home.

"I thought this may help you sleep better." She said handing it to her, she gratefully took it and then instantly fell asleep, everyone felt heavy with fatigue since it was almost four in the morning.

Both Henry and Violet were out and it was quiet in the room, Zelena was checking on her every couple of minutes to make sure she wasn't hemorrhaging again and I was starting to feel drowsy myself.


"Thank you Snow for watching the kids, Regina took Henry and Violet to the hospital, and I think Violet already had the baby." I said placing Roland in the bed, the early morning darkness covered the sky and made the air chilly. Snow rocked Beth quietly to stop the fussing and smiled at me before she laid my sleeping daughter in the crib.

"Violet Larson is in room 202, I'd be quiet going in there, she just gave birth a while ago and I think they're all sleeping." The young nurse said giving me a visitor's sticker and pointing me towards the room. I walked down the hall and lightly tapped on the door before Zelena answered and smiled at me.

"How was it?" I asked looking at Regina who was curled in the chair sleeping, her body curling around her small bump that was starting to pop her figure.

"It was pretty rough, she had a slight complication but I fixed it, now she's just resting, her and Henry gave up the baby after all so they're pretty upset." She said leaning on the counter across from me.

"That poor thing, I know how it feels to lose a baby, when she terminated the first one then gave this one up. I just know that she's going to be confused for a while, you have to be patient with them." She said sighing, dropping her hand to her stomach before realizing what she did then dropping it.

There was an uncomfortable silence before she broke it and looked at me. "Robin, I just wanted to apologize..." She started, I quickly held my hand out and shook my head.

"No, Zelena you already have-"

"Apologized to Regina, not to you. What I did was wrong, I manipulated you and got you caught in a messy situation that was wrong. I deliberately tried to hurt you and my sister, and for no good reason at all, I was mad at her for existing, that was stupid and uncalled for, I'm also sorry that-."

She stopped and bit her lip, her eyes glassing over with tears, she clearly got embarrassed and turned away, a move that Regina always pulled with me.

"I'm sorry that I let our baby die. It was my fault and I'm sorry!" She whimpered, I felt touched yet uncomfortable at the gesture, I had grieved the baby silently because I didn't want Regina to get the wrong message, and now I was standing in front of it's mother while she sobbed over it, she felt the same pain, and it was oddly comforting.

"Zelena it wasn't your fault, it could have happened to anyone, it just wasn't meant to be." I said as gently as I could, she just nodded and wiped her eyes before she excused herself from the room and inevitably went somewhere else to weep.

"Robin?" I turned and saw Henry quietly stand and walk in my direction. "How are you holding up mate?" I asked hugging him, he just sighed and shrugged. "Do you think you can take my mom home? She brought us here really early and I know she's tired, with the baby and everything." He said looking in her direction, I smiled and clapped him on the back.

"Sure, do you want me to bring you guys some food or anything?" I asked looking at Regina who looked extremely uncomfortable in the chair, her face contorting as she turned in the metal seat with the thin layer of padding.

"That's okay, I can grab us some muffins from the cafeteria, thanks though." He said sighing, I chuckled and shook my head. "Oh let me do this, I will buy you two some burritos, a woman does not want a muffin right after delivering a baby, I got this." I said winking, he loosened up and cracked a smile.

"Thanks Robin." He said helping his mother up, she groaned and cuddled into my arms before she snapped out of it.

"Okay sleepy head, I'm taking you home." I said smoothing her hair down, she sat up and shook her head at me.

"The kids-!"

"Wanted me to take you home so you can get some rest, our little one seems to be wearing you out a bit faster lately." I said rubbing her arms, she barely paid any attention to me and looked over my shoulder to confirm with Henry that he would be fine.

"Come on mama bear, let's get you rested up." I said walking her out of the hospital, she let me this time, leaning her head on my shoulder.

I pulled up to the house and walked her inside, the sun was barely changing the navy sky to a lighter shade of purple. She stalked into the house and kicked her shoes off at the door, then her lower lip started to quiver when she looked at the large staircase in front of her.

"Allow me." I said winking, scooping her up into my arms, her eyes dropped and she nuzzled into me as I picked her up and walked up the stairs carefully.

I grabbed one of my shirts out of the drawer and pulled off her blouse and leggings, slipping the loose shirt around her before I curled beside her under the covers.

"Get some rest." I whispered before drifting to sleep as well.

Snow White

All of the kids had gone down to sleep so I decided to try and get a nap in, but going upstairs wasn't worth the climb.

I curled on the couch with a blanket and felt my eyes get heavy, but they didn't get the luxury of closing because David's emergency cell phone went off, the piercing ringtone making me leap over the sofa to grab it, trying to avoid any babies waking.

"I got it!" He whispered, rushing down the stairs into the living room with his sheriff shirt wrinkled.

There was a moment of silence while he spoke and his face turned grim. "I will be right over." He said in a serious tone, I grabbed his arm and turned him around so he was facing me and held out my arms in question.

"Cora is back."

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