Now What.

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I coughed and pushed the rubble off of me, there wasn't even a scratch on me, I was fine. I blinked and saw that it was no longer night time and the sun was rising, I had no idea how long I had been out, but I had to find my family.

I ran to the loft and rapidly banged on the door, praying that my parents would answer.

"Emma?" My mother choked, she looked awful, then flung her arms around me, squeezing me close to her until I couldn't breathe. "We thought you were dead!" She cried, my father held me tightly and cupped the back of my head.

"Guys, I'm a former Dark One, I can't be killed." I said raising my eyebrow, they looked at each other and rolled their eyes, hugging me tighter until I thought I may burst. "Well don't ever scare us like that again!" My mother scolded before placing a kiss on my forehead.


I slowly sat up in my large plush bed and held out my arms for Isabella, Robin handed her over and sat beside me while I tried to feed her, but it wasn't working for her. "Come on Bella! Please? For mama?" I begged, Robin just sat me back and pulled out a bottle, putting it in between her little lips, I sighed and reluctantly fed her, my frustration growing.

"Mama?" I looked up and saw Henry holding Bethany and Roland's hand tucked in his. "Baby! Come here my love!" I said smiling, reaching my vacant hand out, Henry smiled and walked over to me, gently placing her on my knees, Roland climbed up as well and I kissed both of their heads. "Is that the baby Gina?" Roland asked curiously, I nodded and held Isabella out, he went to touch her but then immediately pulled his hands back. "It's okay sweetie, here, give me your hand." I said taking his tiny dimpled hand and softly rubbing his finger up and down her cheek.

"Baby?" Beth laughed, I nodded and lifted her over to me, she crawled closer and lifted the blue fleece sweater, looking at my stomach with a confused look. "Mama, baby not here!" She questioned, lifting my shirt again, I chuckled and gently set her on my lap, I then moved Isabella in front of her and placed her on her hands. "Baby is right here, it's your sister!" I said tickling her stomach lightly, she giggled then looked down at Isabella.

"Sister?" She asked again, I nodded and kissed her cheek, Henry walked over and pulled the blanket away from her face, smiling sadly. "She's beautiful mom." He said looking at me, I smiled back at him and squeezed his hand, passing his sister over to him.

"Hi my little one! Oh my goodness, you look just like your little niece, I love you so much! Oh you would have loved Anna, maybe you will meet her when you get older?" He cooed, rocking her back and forth until she fell asleep in his arms.

"What?" I questioned, he took a deep breath and sat down next to me, rubbing his finger up and down his sister's soft cheek. "Belle adopted Anna, so she won't be gone forever, but she's so close, it's just hard." He admitted, staring at his sleeping sister lovingly, I smiled and moved over for him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Belle is great, she knows what she's doing and Anna will be fine, plus you will still have a relationship with her, and maybe one day she will have more family than she will know what to do with." I smirked, remembering back to the time when he had no memory of me, when I didn't know why I was still alive if I didn't have my son.

"Mom, do we tell her that Violet and I are her parents? She deserves to know." He asked carefully, I sighed and looked at my son, recalling the fateful day when the man placed him in my arms, when I instantly fell in love with the first true love in my life, my baby boy, who was now a father himself.

"You wait, you ask Belle what she wants her to know, then when she is old enough you explain whatever you three have compromised on, just make sure that she knows that she is loved no matter what, no matter genetics, living arrangements, parents, conflicts, she must always know that she is the center and light of your life, and that you are willing to give absolutely anything for her, no sacrifice is too small." I said tilting my head, he nodded and then placed Isabella in the crib before he hugged me for a while.

"I'm glad you're okay mom, thank you for everything, it's been a rough year and you've stood by me the whole time, even when I've made mistakes. Thank you for accepting Violet and Anna, because I love them so much." He cried, small streams of tears falling down his face, I gently wiped his tears away and kissed his forehead before tapping my own on his.

"You're my son Henry, you are the person who showed me that the unconditional love of a child could change a person, and you made me my best self, and my reward is getting to see you grow up into the brave young man that you are now, you've made some mistakes along the way, but we all do, but watching you fall in love, have a child, make decisions that I couldn't even make at your age! You make me so proud Henry! So of course, I love you with all of my heart." I said kissing his nose, he just smiled and then helped me up.

"You deserve a bath, I can watch the kids for a while." He said sitting in a chair and pulling out his GameBoy. I sighed and walked into the bathroom and sank into the tub which I had filled with special relaxation oils and salts, I felt the tension leave my body along with the soreness and fatigue.

I soaked for a while, closing my eyes as I felt myself become weightless, the stress of four kids leaving my system. I then felt myself lean back onto Robin's chest, his strong arms wrapping around me.

"I can't remember the last time we had a moment to ourselves?" He whispered into my ear, quickly nibbling at it, I giggled and leaned farther into him, remembering how comfortable he was. "Right, now I remember why I bought this big tub." I said flirtatiously, he chuckled and ran his hands up and down my legs, trailing them up my sides until they landed in my hands. "It's also quite nice just sitting like this, the last time I was in this position you were screaming bloody murder into my ear and had a baby coming out of you." He smirked, I pinched him and closed my eyes, sinking lower into the warm water.

"Boo hoo, the last time I was in this position I was screaming bloody murder and had a baby coming out of me." I retaliated, I could feel his smile on me and then he leaned down and kissed me fiercely, tangling me in the bubbles until both of us were covered in suds.

"Oh my Regina Mills, you're such a handful." He smirked, pressing his lips on mine until I pulled away for air, smiling widely. "But that's why you love me you stupid thief." I retaliated, he tried to make a sarcastic remark but I just held him tighter, so grateful that he was mine.

That's it readers!!! Thank you all for your lovely comments and voted! This was my longest and most successful!! You all got me to 4.8 K views!! Thank you all so much!!! I couldn't have done it without you!! As promised a new one will be out soon for your hiatus needs!! Love you all!!!!

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