My Daughter

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I woke up on my plush bed on top of the covers, still in my clothes from yesterday. Violet was fast asleep with her head underneath my arm. I gently laid her back and pulled the blanket over her before I went and drew a bath, we were back in time and I knew I couldn't stay in my current castle, whatever was going on needed to stay that way.

I walked out in fresh clothes and heard footsteps in the other room, I carefully walked inside and saw Robin pacing the room.

"Robin!" I exclaimed, he ran over to me and lifted me into his arms and kissed me. "How did you get here?!" I exclaimed holding him close, he chuckled and kissed me again. "I fell into the portal when you poofed away." He said holding me.

"We have to go and find her." I said clinging to him, he shook his head and sat me down. "I will go and find her." He said rubbing my face, I gave him a hard look and stood up again. "No, I am coming with you!" I insisted, he rubbed his face and took my arms. "Regina you will get hurt! Why do you keep insisting!" He demanded.

"Because she is my baby and it's my fault she's gone!" I cried, he tilted his head and sat beside me. "What?" He asked gently. "I gave birth to her in a cave with Emma inside, I should have just waited until it was safe and-."

"Hey, Regina that is absolutely not your fault! You had no control over the situation as much as I did. Remember how much pain you were in?" He asked clearly remembering. I nodded and looked down.

"If you were in that amount of pain, do you think you could have waited for Violet to move you! She was coming no matter if you were there, or in a hospital, or water skiing! That's when she was suppose to be born, you were begging Violet to let you push her out! But it is not your fault, and you need to rest and recover because I bet you did the exact opposite yesterday." He said tapping his head on mine, I leaned on his chest and nodding.

"Fine, just bring me back my baby."


I was trying to wrap my mind around what was going on, we were in the past and another realm, Robin had left to save their baby so I was instructed to stay here in case Regina started to bleed again. At least he was able to get her to rest, I was finally able to get her to take a nap.

I missed Henry and hoped that nothing bad happened to him and that he found his aunt. I scrolled through my phone and saw some pictures of us, he was so handsome, the light of my life. The castle was quiet until I heard the doors burst open downstairs and a group of people walk inside.

I got up quickly and rushed into the other room to wake up Regina and hide from whoever was here.

"Regina get up. Now!" I shook her awake and saw her spring up in defense. "Honey what is it?" She asked grabbing my hand, I pulled her out of the bed and dragged her into the large closet, my bullet wound aching, the cut barely healed. "Someone is here, I heard them downstairs and-."

"WHERE IS MY MIRROR!" I nearly choked on my words and saw Regina's eyes widen in horror.

The Evil Queen strode inside and inspected the room, I saw Regina wave her hand over us which made us invisible, thankfully, but we couldn't move without making a sound, and I knew the Evil Queen was not stupid.

She lowered down into her chair, her long purple gown filling most of it, I saw Regina look away and the sad look in her eyes, then suddenly I saw a spark in her eyes with an idea.

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