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One Month Later

"Henry come on, you and Violet need to go to the mall and pick up some things for your party." I called from downstairs, I could hear shuffling upstairs so I started gathering my things.

"Regina!" I looked down and saw Roland hugging my legs.

"Hi sweetie." I said bending over so I could kiss his forehead. "Can I play with the baby before you go?" He asked, I chuckled and sat down on the couch, pulling him into my lap.

He laid his curly head on my stomach and started feeling around for his sister, pressing kisses on my belly.

"Okay Roland, your mother has to go now, say goodbye." Robin said walking into the room with Henry and Violet, he got up and kissed my cheek before he ran off to go and play.

"Have a good day at work my love." I said kissing him, he tied his arms around my waist and kissed me back before he took Roland and walked out of the door.

"Okay you two, call when you're done, I will be inside somewhere." I said walking into the coffee shop where I reluctantly bought a vanilla steamer and a scone, Zelena's words ringing through my head about how coffee is bad for the baby. I was starting to get worried, she had been missing ever since we got back and I couldn't find her anywhere.

I wandered through the mall and started staring at some shops that had cute articles of clothing for baby girls, I made my way inside and started skimming through the clothes racks.

"Finding everything alright?" A lady with red hair and bright red lips asked, her green eyes seemed concerning so I took a step back and nodded. "Yes, thank you." I said returning to my shopping, but the woman did not leave.

"How many months along are you dear?" She asked stepping closer, I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes and answer.

"Five months." I said walking in the opposite direction, she just pursued me farther.

Before she could ask me anything else I cut her off. "Oh my gosh I lost track of time! I have to get my son! Nice talking to you uh..." I looked down at her shirt but there was no name tag.

"Coleen Tremaine." She said holding her hand out, I shook it quickly then exited the room before she could start another conversation with me.

I saw Henry sitting with Violet at a table in the food court so I decided to walk towards some more shops farther from the entrance, making my way deeper into the mall.

I almost walked into another shop when a popping noise caught my attention and then a loud scream.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" A woman yelled along with more popping noises, my heart nearly stopped, and I couldn't believe what I was watching unfold in front of me.

My eyes quickly skimmed through the people and I saw Henry and Violet cowering in the corner.

Another gunshot went off and I heard a scream then saw a man fall at my feet, his eyes rolling back to his head, the person was close now.

I scurried in between to entry ways and dragged the man with me, but it was too late for him.

I saw the three people rush by and make their way towards where my son was at. I immediately jumped out and started running in that direction, but it wouldn't stop, the shots were firing everywhere. I saw a family cowering in the corner, a couple and their toddler, the parents silently crying as they hid from the assassins. My stomach churned as I watched the man look in both directions and start running towards the exit, I held my breath and silent prayed for them and all of us.

Just as I was about to seal my prayer with an "amen" I saw the two parents stop and crumple right in front of the three of us, the baby opening his mouth to cry. I quickly grabbed him and stuck my finger in his mouth to prevent him from wailing.

The three of us froze as we heard the sound of footsteps walk right in front of us. I quickly handed the baby to Violet and had her stick her finger in his mouth to prevent him from crying. The three of us were trying to huddle underneath a table but we couldn't fit.

I suddenly heard the gun load and then a loud bang, I braced myself for the impact but then all of a sudden I felt two hands push me out into the open.

I whipped around and gasped when I saw the kids sitting, their faces untouched. I was about to sigh in relief when I saw Violet clutch her side, slumping onto Henry.

"Henry take the baby." She whispered, I saw his eyes widen and then swiftly take the baby from her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

She pulled away her hand and it was covered in Crimson. My heart sunk to my stomach and I crawled back over to them.

"I SAID GET DOWN!" Another woman screamed, her voice much more gruff and hostile. I shook with her threat and jumped when I heard five more shots.

"Violet stay with me." Henry demanded with a shaking voice, gently patting her cheek with his free hand, her eyes started to droop and she was in a daze. I ripped off my jacket and tore away at the cut in her dress, exposing her deep and lacerated wound in her side. I pressed my jacket against the wound and tried to stem the flow of blood but Henry and I were already covered in it.

People were dropping left and right, parents throwing themselves in front of their children, making my guilt grow deeper. "Come on sweetie! Don't you die on me! You saved my life and now it's my turn to save yours!" I pleaded under my breath, her face was now draining from its color, and her breathing was now intensifying and blood started to bubble in her throat. I sat her up and drained the blood from her her throat.

"WHERE IS SHE! I NEED HER DEAD!" The women yelled, I suddenly heard the glass doors shatter and police teams started firing at the murderers, the three of them falling to the ground.

"ANY SURVIVORS!" The paramedics yelled, I crawled out from under the table and pulled Violet onto my lap.

"HERE! HELP HER!" I yelled, a team of paramedics rushed over to us and started treating her.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Teresa and we are going to take care of you." The young paramedic said taking her pulse and examining the wound.

"What's your name honey?" She asked, Violet moaned and winced when the young woman touched her side gently. "Her name is Violet Anne Larson." Henry said frantically, the baby was now screaming in his arms and he was trying to calm him down as they loaded his girlfriend onto the stretcher. "Here." He said holding the screaming baby out to me, I took him and followed my son out to the ambulance.

"Mom meet me there." He said coldly, I nodded and watched him climb into the ambulance with his girlfriend, and as much as I prayed that he wouldn't blame me, I know he did.

I ran to the car and buckled the anonymous baby into Roland's seat and sped off, my phone beeped and I saw multiple missed calls from everyone.

"Robin!" I cried.

"Regina oh my god are you alright! Are the kids!" Robin cried, I could barely contain myself as I pulled into the hospital.

"Violet got hit! She pushed me out of the way and now Henry is with her in the ambulance! Please meet me here! Don't bring Roland, it's a mess down here." I cried, trying to pull myself together for my son as I dashed into the waiting room where they had to restrain him from running after her.

"Henry! Henry calm down, she's going to make it!" I tried to say as calm as possible, he just frowned at me and tried to pull away from me.

"You did this, why couldn't you just stay away, I could have protected her! I loved her and now she is fighting for her life!" He yelled, breaking into a fit of sobs, I didn't know how to answer because he was right.

"I am so sorry, Henry this is my fault, and now I am costing you your happiness." I tried to cup his chin like how I normally would, but this time he backed away and shook his head at me before running off.

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