What Now

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Two Months Later

"Violet what are we going to do, we are two months away from being parents!" Henry exclaimed, helping me down the large staircase, I groaned and faced him, my lip quivering, the stress of this had been piling up on my shoulders. "Oh babe I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, I was just thinking that we needed a plan so we aren't stressed when he or she does come." He said taking me into his arms, I nodded and bit my lip as I tried to explain it to him.

"We can't keep him Henry, we aren't ready to be parents, we just turned seventeen and we aren't ready for any of this!" I said looking at him intently, he looked confused and moved closer to me. "What are you saying? You can't just stop being pregnant?" He said placing a hand on my large stomach, the baby kicking in response. "I know, but we can give her up once she is born." I said crying, he looked shocked and took my hand.

"Violet you don't have to do this, we can figure something out! My mom-."

"Is going to have a baby of her own soon! We can't just drop him or her off with your mom whenever because then she would be raising the baby! Being a parent means doing what is best for your child, and living with us is not what is best." I said crying, Henry looked defeated and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What if-."

"Henry, please, just giving birth to this baby is expensive, and I am already mountains below in debt with your mother, I don't want to owe her any more! I'm upset about it too Henry! But our baby needs a stable family with adult parents! We are still teenagers! We barely graduated high school! I need your help and support with this because there is not a bone in my body that wants me to give our baby up, but we have to, so please, just help me." I begged, he dropped his hands and pulled me tightly into him, pulling my head against his chest. "Okay. At least we still have two months with our little one." He said moving his hand down to where the baby was slamming its heel into my side.

"Okay Ms. Violet, let's take a look!" Zelena said pointing to the couch, I laid back and pulled my shirt up, running my hands up and down my stomach while she set her things up. Both Henry and Regina sat patiently on the other couch beside me and gripped each other's hand.

She squirted the cold gel on my stomach and set the wand on top, the room filling with the sound of a heartbeat. "Would you like to know the sex of your baby?" She asked Henry and I, we both looked at each other and nodded, Zelena smiled and clicked some buttons and looked at the screen for a while.

"Congratulations, you have a little girl." She said, Henry came over to me and gently wiped the gel off of my stomach and rested his head on it. I looked at him and felt the heartache start, Henry wanted our little girl, and I did too.


I got up and let the kids have some alone time and went to the kitchen to get Bethany's food when Robin came in with her on his hip, her hair ruffled from her nap. "Mama!" She cooed, I smiled and took her, balancing her while I mixed up her baby food. I placed her on my lap at the table and lifted a spoonful into her mouth.

"How are you two?" Robin asked kneading his fingers into my shoulders, I moaned in delight and leaned back, causing Bethany to grunt in frustration. "Better, I'm not as sick as before." I said feeding her, he smiled and took his spot beside me. "That's good, the baby is giving you a break."

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