Violet Anne

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How could she do this to me! My own mother was the reason my Violet was undergoing extreme surgery. I could not loose her, I would not. My life would loose it's purpose and I would have no reason to go on.

I then saw my grandparents rush inside, the automatic doors sliding for them. They went to talk to my mom whom at the moment I couldn't even bear to speak to at the moment.

I continued to wait for the young trauma surgeon to come out and tell me that everything was okay, that the surgery went well, that my Violet was still alive and breathing.

Almost like clockwork the Cuban woman came out and gave me a warm but tired smile, sitting beside me and taking my hand. "Hello Henry, I just finished operating on Violet, the bullet struck her in the side and punctured her kidney and missed her spine by millimeters, we were able to get the bullet out safely and she is still unconscious, we are trying to get some fluids and blood back into her system. We did notice however that she had some scar tissue in her uterus that was still healing, did she recently have a pregnancy that she terminated?" She asked cautiously, everything was too much to take in and I bit my lip and nodded.

"Can I see her?" I asked, she smiled and nodded, helping me to my feet.

I followed the surgeon down the hallway and up to the room where she was staying.

"Now before I take you in I want to let you know that she is unconscious and has a tube in her throat that is breathing for her at the moment, and her eyes are taped shut until we think she is ready to come out of it." She said placing her hand on my arm, I took a shaky breath and nodded, anxious to be in there with her.

I walked in and had to restrain myself from bawling. She looked so frail and sick in the large bed, her complexion was grey and she had a large tube inside of her mouth with tape holding it in place, her eyes were taped shut and she had monitors and IV's taped onto her everywhere. The faint but steady beat of her heart pumped in the background, providing some assurance for me.

"Oh Violet." I whimpered, naturally taking my place in the chair at her bedside, carefully taking her freezing hand into mine. Today was suppose to be special, we were celebrating our anniversary and I had it all planned, the mall was just the first stop, there was no party that I was planning, it was all for her.

"I love you so much, no matter what happens I will never leave your side, you are my family now, and this shouldn't have happened to you." I cried, I then felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and I was about to turn around and yell at my mother for intruding on my time with my dying love, but I was shocked to see my grandma behind me.

"Don't worry, it's just me." She said quietly, I nodded and returned my gaze to the love of my life. "Henry, I know this is hard for you and I am so sorry." She said looking at Violet as well. "Me too." I murmured, she sighed and sat beside me.

"Sweetie, I know you are upset, believe me, I know, watching the person you love suffer because you couldn't save them, it's hell." She said tearing up, I couldn't move my eyes from Violet so I just nodded, tears wetting my cheeks. "I just watched." I finally admitted, the shame flooding me.

"Honey you couldn't have done anything, you didn't see the gunman and she did, it's unfortunate but the truth, you can't turn back time, and your mother is not responsible." She said staring into me, I flared my nose and bit my lip in pain.

"But she should have stayed-"

"And watch you get shot without doing anything? She had to try and save you, but she made a mistake, she's only human and is not perfect, but she did not see that gun and neither did you. She is out there feeling the same thing that you are, but it is worse because she now thinks that you hate her. Sweetie this shows how much your mother loves Violet-"

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