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*Like clockwork B’s phone rings, every night at 9:30 when B is laying in bed, Sam calls and they talk…tonight B presses ignore…three times*


*Light flips on *

(Bailey) *groan* tunofffffff

(Mom) nope….time to get up

(Bailey) I don’t want to go to school today

(Mom) you only have four more days of school before we leave for LA…what's wrong? Don’t you feel ok?

(Bailey) no 

*Mom feels head*

(Mom) you don’t have a fever, what's wrong?

(Bailey) Just not looking forward to seeing Sam

(Mom) What? Why?

(Bailey) no reason…just we are fighting 

(Mom) I'm sorry to hear that but you are not missing school because you are having a spat with Sam…time to get up

(Bailey) Mooooooom please

(Mom) absolutely not, get up, you are going today.

Bailey’s Inner Monologue

I really do NOT want to go to school today. I'm still pissed at Sam …I'm sure he knows something is up…its kind of obvious when the line rings once or twice and then suddenly switches to voicemail that the call has been ignored. I mean, sure, there is always that possibility that the iggy was accidentally pushed when fumbling to answer the phone but I'm fairly certain by his third call he had received the hint. Nick was less than supportive last night when I told him… I hate when he goes all “Guy Code” on me, he said I was jaded from being with Jake and that Sam was a good guy and that I shouldn’t jump to conclusions…*scoffs*

*B gets up and runs a flatiron trough her hair smoothing out any curls that may have tried to return during the night before getting dressed and heading downstairs, sitting down at the kitchen counter in a huff*

(Mom) why don’t you have some breakfast

(Bailey) no

(Mom) Bailey...

(Bailey) *Hissed tone* I'm not hungry alright and I'm not Nick so quit monitoring my food intake 

(Mom) I am so tired of this attitude Bailey Nichole, I don’t know where you got the idea that it was acceptable to talk to me that way but it is not…Unless you would like to spend the rest of your time before tour grounded I…

(Bailey) *interrupts* FINE…ground me…You know I'm not the only one acting different….you nit pick at every little thing I do…since the boys left all of a sudden I have a curfew and a bedtime and now apparently its unacceptable to not be hungry…maybe you are bored so you decided to pick on me to pass the time….

(Mom) Enough! Not one more word…you are acting hateful, I don’t know if this is because of you and Sam or what but you need to stop right now.

(Bailey) Whatever…

(Mom) *mad* that’s it! You are grounded

(Bailey) fantastic...can we go now

*B grabs her bag and heads for the SUV, Mom grabs the keys and follows*

Bailey’s Inner Monologue

I'm not going to feel bad about what I said to Mom, it was the truth. I don’t dig her being the main disciplinarian at all…her and I just butt heads anytime its just us. This is exactly why God gave me a twin…to keep my ass in check, a built in buffer between Mom and I…tour can not come fast enough as far as I'm concerned…even if Sam and I were getting along…I'd rather be back with Nick and feel complete again...I clearly don’t manage so hot on my own.

When The Lights Go Down CONTINUED...Where stories live. Discover now