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*B sits on the couch and watches as the boys finish up singing "Burnin Up" when the song ends the audience goes crazy, the boys set down their instruments and walk back over to the couch and squeeze in next to B*

(Ellen) that was one of the new songs the Jonas Brothers will be performing on their first headlining tour starting the 31st of this month....I think its safe to say they like it *gesturing to the audience* *audience cheers*thank you for coming and spending your morning with me and good luck on your tour.


*Nick tests his blood sugar again*


(Bailey) D! don't make me put on my angry face

(Nick) *flashes a 58* I feel better than 58...ugh....shenanigans

*B grabs another juice and juts it toward Nick who gives a yuck face*

(Nick) why bother...its not working, I'll just wait...*to Dad* are we going to go get something to eat now?

(Dad) Yea, we will run through and get you something

(Bailey) well, we are taking the juice with just in case

(Nick) *teasing* ok MOM

*in the car*

*Nick takes out his meter and pricks his finger again*


(Bailey) I'm getting real beepin' tired of hearing your beep beep

(Nick) Amen...I'm running out of fingers to bleed

*Nick flashes a 42 at B*

(Bailey) Dangit D!

(Nick) she has her selective hearing on today....she isn't listening... *takes a bite of his burger*

(Bailey) I'll leave her a voicemail.... *pretends to be on the phone* Yo!'s me...I thought I told you to stay away from Nick...get a clue...he is over take your lows and your highs and hit the pavement we are sick of your crap! CLICK

(Nick) click?

(Bailey) yea that was me hangin' up *giggles*

(Nick) *chuckles* nice...

*Joe turns around and stares at the twins*

(Joe) Ya any NORMAL family...that conversation just now would have sounded really odd. 

(Bailey) *smiles* good thing we aren't normal huh Joe?

(Joe) *chuckles* yup

(Bailey) you better get level before we go to the gym...

(Nick) *Takes a bite of burger* workin' on it

-at hotel-


(Nick) FU---NDIP

*Mom cocks a brow*

(Mom) What was that...

(Nick) Fundip....wish I had would probably help right now

(Mom) uh-huh....nice save there 

(Nick) B...YOU READY? *calling into bathroom*

*B walks out*

(Bailey) whats your number?

(Nick) not important....Miles will be here any minute lets go...

(Bailey) I heard you beep beep....

(Nick) *Grabs a regular coke from the mini bar* this will take care of it....lets go

(Bailey) *grabs Nicks meter off the bed and checks his last reading* SHENANIGANS!

(Nick) hey don't yell at me....I'm just the messenger...

*Bs phone buzzes*

(Bailey) she is here, lets go

*B and Nick run downstairs and hop into the SUV parked right in front of the door*

(Miley) *holding pompoms* Hey guys *smiles*

(Nick) Oh sweet Geez...Miley...

(Miley) what? I thought they went well with the outfit...*teasing*

(Bailey) you are very funny...and your efforts would be more appreciated if D wasn't being such a vapid whore right now

(Miley) Wow! Tough day?

*B taps the top of Nicks coke and pops it open*

(Bailey) Drink it

*Nick rolls his eyes and takes a drink without argument*

(Miley) so...the pompoms were a joke by the way...perfectly good joke wasted on D ...blah....anything else I'm not allowed to say or do 

(Nick) be nice

(Miley) not allowed to be it *smirk*

(Nick) Miles....

(Miley) Nicky....I'll be nice...

(Nick) I like her....*chugs coke*

(Miley) *grabs Nicks knee and looks him in the eyes* I can tell, I'll be good, I promise....just wanna meet her

*SUV pulls up to the Gym and the girls hop out followed by Nick*

(Nick)....wait...*Burps loudly a couple times* ok...*chuckles*

(Miley) should have saved that for yer girl Nicky....that was HAWT

(Nick) I know...I try....lets go.

*Nick walks in with the girls in tow *

(Miley) wow...I could have a lot of fun in here 

*Taylor Sees Nick and yells for Izzy, she stops chalking and walks over*

(Isabelle) hey *smiles* you are a little early...We don't get break for another 10 minutes if you want to wait in the cafeteria...

(Nick) ok

(Bailey) Is it ok if we watch you?

(Isabelle) sure, there is a viewing area over there you can see the whole floor..and there are couches to sit can wait there if you want...I have to go before I get barked at...see you guys in a few!

*B, Miley and Nick walk to the viewing area and sit down*

When The Lights Go Down CONTINUED...Where stories live. Discover now