I Blame You

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*B runs up to her room and shuts the door before continuing her conversation with Nick*

(Bailey) What?

(Nick) Don’t you what me…I'm across the country and I can tell you are lying

*B bites her lip nervously, before convincing herself that at best, he was guessing and LA was far too far away to prove anything*

(Bailey) I am?

(Nick) yes, you are

(Bailey) quit acting like you KNOW ME Nick like you have me all figured out…besides you are in LA

(Nick) I know you are biting your lip…I know that when you are lying you avoid talking to the person who is accusing you and I know that when you are lying you feel so guilty that you try to make your lie as less ly-ish as possible by being super vague.

(Bailey) you are ridiculous

(Nick) You aren't denying it….so by “Outside talking to Sam” does that mean you went to his house or did he come over?

*B pauses internally cursing Nick’s skills of perception and twinginuity* 

(Nick) I know I'm right Bailey so don’t even try lying to me…save that for Mom

(Bailey) UGH FINE, Mom wouldn’t let Sam come to New York and I wanted my New Years Kiss so when we got back Ronnie picked me up and drove me there to get it then we came back and you called right when I walked in the door, epic timing FYI and thank you for the ringtone, but it scared the crap outta me not to mention woke up Mom.

(Nick) Ok , first off, what are you thinking sneaking out? Not only that on like probably the most dangerous night of the year…just to get a kiss? That’s stupid. Secondly…how did you not trip the alarm?

(Bailey) Mom always forgets to set it

(Nick) ugh, yea that makes me feel so safe right now

(Bailey) its on…she set it before she went back to bed.

(Nick) what did Mom say

(Bailey) *shrug* she was too tired to decide if I was lying

(Nick) She should just NOT trust you by default

(Bailey) HEY!

(Nick) what if you had been hit by a drunk driver or something? Do you think of things like that?

(Bailey) No, I don’t meticulously analize things like you do…I blame you really

(Nick) me?

(Bailey) yes, I have no need to use common sense or analyze anything I always have you to do it. You just dumped me out of the nest before teaching me how to fly….or sleep for that matter….how am I going to sleep without you here? Did YOU ever think of that?

(Nick) you are changing the subject

(Bailey) what subject? I told you the truth…I get it…Nick is not happy but you are in LA so you giving me the silent treatment doesn’t have nearly the effect on me as it would if you were here

(Nick) And If I tell Mom or Dad? 

(Bailey) *Pauses* would you seriously?

(Nick) no….BUT

(Bailey) but what

(Nick) you have to make ME a promise

*B groans internally, might as well write this in blood*

(Bailey) what?

(Nick) no more sneaking out while we are in LA, you want to backtalk Mom or give her the silent treatment or whatever go ahead…I cant stop you but no more sneaking out or I rat …deal?

(Bailey) *sigh* deal

(Nick) do you promise?

(Bailey) I promise I wont sneak out anymore.

(Nick) Good

(Bailey) are you mad at me now?

(Nick) no, I miss you

(Bailey) *smiles* I miss you too *YAWN* Nick

(Nick) hrmmmm?

(Bailey) I'm never going to be able to sleep *pout*

(Nick) already thought of that

(Bailey) *sleepy giggle* of course you did

(Nick) your ringtone isn’t all I uploaded on your phone, check under your sounds under voice memo, I'm gunna go ….Dad wants me in bed…busy busy

(Bailey) Alright, I love you

(Nick) I love you too


*B rummages through her phone until she comes to the voice memo saved, she sets the phone on the pillow next to her and pushes play, a smile spreads across her lips as she hears Nick's voice ring out in a soothing croon.. “I’ve Got Sunshine….On a Cloudy Day….” B closes her eyes and before the song has ended she is fast asleep*

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