New Years Eve

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(Bailey) NOOOOOOO!

*Nick wakes with a start, B is buried deep in his side*

(Nick) *brushes hair from B’s face* hey…B…wake up…

*B’s face stays strained…pained...she doesn't wake*

(Nick) *Scoots down face to face with B and puts an arms around her, B starts to push against Nick shoving him away* Bailey..BAILEY

*B’s eyes shoot open*

(Nick) Hey….*cups B’s face and forces her to look at him* hey….are you ok?

(Bailey) *letting out a sigh* yea

(Nick) what was that?

(Bailey) Jake

(Nick) *growl* what brought him back?

(Bailey) *shrug* dunno…. *pout*

(Nick) what?

(Bailey) you leave tonight *fidgeting with his dogtag*

(Nick) nope, you arent allowed to be sad today… it's our last day *crawls over B and grabs her hand pulling her up* come on…breakfast

*B follows Nick with no complaint, trying to push the residual thoughts of her dream out of her head*

(Mom) Hey you two….what was the screaming about up there?

(Nick) Nightmare

(Mom) oh not again

(Bailey) mmmhmmm

(Nick) It was really bad this time…I couldn’t wake her up

(Bailey) I'm fine…people have nightmares *grumpy*

(Nick) that was not a regular nightmare

(Bailey) I SAID I'M FINE

(Mom) Alright…enough!

*B storms back upstairs and slams her door*

*Mom follows B upstairs and opens her door*

(Bailey) HEY!

(Mom) *THE tone* Watch it!

(Bailey) you can’t just walk in my room

(Mom) Oh I assure you I can…I don’t know what has you so upset this morning but I suggest you change your attitude before you come back downstairs unless you would like to spend the beginning of the New Year grounded. Understood?

*B grumbles throwing her blankets around looking for her phone*

(Mom) Am I understood?

(Bailey) Yes Ma’am I understand *grumbling under breath*

*Mom leaves and B shuts her door back, finally finding her phone she texts Sam*

(Bailey text) I hate my mom 

(Sam text) ☹ no you don’t, what's wrong

(Bailey text) we don’t get along….it's going to be hell when the boys leave and its just us ☹

(Sam text) what happened?

(Bailey text) nothing… can you come with me to NY tonight?

(Sam text) did you ask yer mom?

(Bailey text) no not yet

(Sam text) well ask…then I'll ask

(Bailey text) ugh, I hate your logic

(Sam text) 😋

(Bailey text) I want to kiss you at midnight! U have to go!

(Sam text) then ask!

(Bailey text) ugh….K

*B runs downstairs to the kitchen *

(Bailey) Mom, can Sam go with us to NY tonight?

(Mom) No Bailey

(Bailey) Why not?

(Mom) Because its New Years Eve and your brothers are leaving and I said no…no further explaination should be needed.

(Bailey) But…

*Mom cuts B off with “THE LOOK”*

*B lets out a frustrated growl and heads back up to her room*

*B quickly calls Sam*

(Sam) hello?

(Bailey) I HATE her

(Sam) stop saying that

(Bailey) she said no not that it’s a surprise…

(Sam) babe its no big deal, don’t get so upset…besides your brothers are leaving just spend the time with them

(Bailey) it IS a big deal to me…Maybe I will just come over and see you when we get back

(Sam) from the city? That would be like 2 am at least

(Bailey) so? she always forgets to set the alarm and with Dad and the boys gone there is no one here to bust me

(Sam) you better not!

(Bailey) I'm getting my new years kiss one way or another

Chapter End Notes:

B is b-b-b-b-b-bad 😜

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