If You Love Something...

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Bailey’s POV

When I walked out of the bathroom Nick was sitting on the side of the bed, his shoulders slumped just kinda looking at the ground. I walked over and crawled onto the bed and laid down….when Nick didn’t immediately lay down beside me I sat up and tugged the back of his shirt

(Bailey) come on Bubba…*tugs on shirt*

(Nick) *looks over his shoulder and gives a weak smile before laying down, B immediately snuggles into her spot* Bubba? *cocks eyebrow suspiciously* what do you want?

(Bailey) huh? What do you mean? I used to always call you that….

(Nick) yea…but you havn't since we were like 11

(Bailey) *shrug* I dunno, just kinda came out….why did I stop calling you that?

(Nick) *smirk* cause Livie got a crush on me and started calling me Hubba Hubba Bubba…you found it irritating for some reason…*smirks*

(Bailey) Ohhhhhhh yea……I found it irritating cause its MY nickname for you, noone elses…and she messed with it…made me mad…

(Nick) that’s when “Nicky” was born….unfortunately that one is still here…

(Bailey) you don’t like Nicky? 

(Nick) oh there is nothing I love more than to be called by a girls name *smirks* at least Bubba sounds manly.

(Bailey) I'm fine with switching back to Bubba…I prefer it

(Nick) *chuckles* k…sounds good

(Bailey) you ok?

(Nick) I'm not so great….I know that we have just known eachother a couple weeks, but I kinda fell for Izzy the second I saw her…..HARD…just my luck….just before tour and for a girl who is essentially off limits….just sucks….and sucks to see her sad…she was crying…and then you are leaving me too….today blows

(Bailey) I concur…I don’t want to leave…BUT I'll be back next Tuesday for REALS *smirks*

Sunday Night back in Jersey

*B is laying in bed on the phone with Nick*

*phone conversation*

(Nick) shouldn’t you be in bed….its almost midnight there

(Bailey) I am in bed…I'm just not sleeping…

(Nick) is Mom going to kill you if she finds you on the phone?

(Bailey) more than likely…but I can't sleep so it just seems silly to lay here when I could be talking to you….I plan to pull an all nighter….if I don’t sleep I cant have bad dreams

(Nick) are you going to school tomorrow?

(Bailey) yes

(Nick) k, I'm getting off the phone…

(Bailey) What? Why?

(Nick) 'Cause you are going to be impossible to get up in the morning and grumpy, which will enevitably lead to you getting into some sort of trouble and I don’t want to be a part of it.

(Bailey) oh please...don't act like you KNOW me

*short silence*

(Bailey) UGH! Fine…I hate when you ruin my plans with logic

(Nick) Had to be done…Night, Love you

(Bailey) love you



*B’s eyes pop open and she hops out of bed running to the top of the stairs*

(Bailey) yes?

(Mom) I have been up there twice to wake you….If you are not down here and ready to go in 5 minutes you are grounded

(Bailey) But…its my last week…5 minutes?? MOM!

(Mom) No buts! 5 minutes or you are grounded

*B runs to her room and throws on her “Nick’s Girl” Tee from the carnival and a pair of black skinny jeans and red flats pulls her hair back into a pony tail, brushes her teeth and grabs her bag before running downstairs*

(Mom) you are lucky….lets go

After School *B and Livie are in the kitchen, Livie is looking for a snack, B is texting Sam*

(Bailey text) so I was thinking maybe we could do something tonight? Like a movie or something?

(Sam text) I cant, my friend Alex is in town…we have plans, how about tomorrow?

(Bailey text) 😔 fine

(Sam text) awww no pouting…that’s not fair

(Bailey text) tomorrow…for sure though

(Sam text) It’s a date 🙂 GTG Alex is here Love you!

(Bailey text) Love you too

*B walks over and grabs the last Pickle out of the jar and goes to take a bite*

(Olivia) I love you

(Bailey) You arent getting my pickle

(Olivia) So NOT why I said that…

*B raises a brow*

(Olivia) fine…it was… but you leave in like a week and I'm freakin' out

(Bailey) sure sure...you just want me for my pickle

(Olivia) That’s what he said 

(Bailey) Nick says hi by the way

(Olivia) HA! that was so wrong, I made a penis joke and your response was Nick says Hi by the way *giggles*

(Bailey) you perv….It just reminded me because that night you had dreams about him and ya know what nevermind…Nick says hi

(Olivia) would it be totally inappropriate for me to text Nick and tell him I want him for his pickle?

(Bailey) *wide eyes* YES….yes it would *shaking head* you know…I KNOW you are still crazy about Nick, I don’t understand why you broke up with him

(Olivia) *shrug* Didn’t think it was fair to him…me being knocked up and all…it wasn’t exactly the deal he signed up for….so I voided the contract.

(Bailey) Shouldn’t that have been his choice?

(Olivia) he would have just stayed with me because that’s Nick…he is loyal…but would have ended up resenting me for it….didn't want that

(Bailey) I don’t think that’s true

(Olivia) If you love something let it go…if it comes back, it was meant to be *shrugs*

Chapter End Notes:

this chappie APPEARS to be about not much at all....I assure you that is not the case *SMIRK* On a side note...I NEED NEW READERS...if you are reading this story and feel its a story worth sharing please do so with anyone you know that might enjoy it.

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