Name That Peanut

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(Bailey) GERTRUDE!

(Olivia) Why do you hate my baby?

*B busts out in a fit of giggles*

(Bailey) Hey, if ever there was a kid that could make "Gertie" a cool name it would be yers, that's all I'm sayin

(Olivia) No, not even my awesome child could pull off Gertie....NEXT

(Bailey) Galinda!


(Bailey) *giggles* WHAT??? She's the good witch! Plus she is sparkly and travels by pink bubble...GALINDA ROCKS

*Livie rolls her eyes*

(Olivia) could you please try to come up with a name that wont have my child tortured?

(Bailey) I'm just having fun....this is fun!

(Olivia) this is not fun, this is stressful....whatever name I pick is going to be a living humans name forever....what if Peanut hates the name and he or she hates me forever because I ruined their life because I named them some horrible name and they get teased and then they run away and join a cult and worship cheetos or some shit like that...

(Bailey) oh sweet geez...Chill Mama! Everything will be fine...I will make sure little Gertie doesn't run off and worship cheetos.

(Olivia) Lets start with boy names....that's less stressfull.... *grabs a pen and notebook* I'm going to write down any names we find that I like...

(Bailey) Sam *smiles*


(Bailey) Samuel is a great's a Biblical name!

(Olivia) yea, it is....its also your boyfriends name...NEXT

(Bailey) ok...what about other Biblical names?

(Olivia) what like Jacob? *looks up in baby book* HA wouldn't you know...biblical name Jacob Gen. 25:26 CHEATER...interesting

(Bailey) *HISS* you are you need a pickle or something?

(Olivia) oooh that actually sounds good! But that really is what it says...maybe we should check baby name books before choosing boyfriends *smiles* *hops up to grab a pickle*

(Bailey) *yelling so Livie can hear* I was thinking more along the lines of him Si

(Olivia) oooh....I actually like that doesn't mean something horrible like adulterer does it?

(Bailey) *reading* no it means....Fire of the Lord

(Olivia) fire....I like it *jots down on her note pad*

(Bailey) what about....Aden...means fiery one

(Olivia) what is it with you and fire?

(Bailey) *shrugs* just like those names...just happen to both mean fire 

(Olivia) what about Sebastian?

(Bailey) Like...the crab?

(Olivia) ok see now you ruined that for bout something simple like Oliver...its so old fashioned its barely used anymore...

(Bailey) Yea, I like its like the boy version of your name

(Olivia) ok....lets move to girl names....

(Bailey) I'm gunna go through the alphabet and shout out a name for funzies..... Addison, Bailey

(Olivia) NO

(Bailey) BAILEY, Charlotte,Devin,Emma,Frog,Gertrude,Hermione,Ileana,Jessica,Kingsley,Lana,Mud..

(Olivia) alright...some of those aren't even names!

(Bailey) sure they are..

(Olivia) Frog? Mud?

(Bailey) *shrug* it was the first word that came to mind

(Olivia) I like the names Charlotte...and Kingsley *writes down in journal* Ok so for boys we have Aden, Josiah, and Oliver....and for Girls I have Charlotte and Kingsley

(Bailey) ok...for girls its easy...decide what nickname you like best cause chances are....thats what she will go by... so Charlotte...Char...Charlie...or knowing Joe...C....Kingsley....K...or LeeLee....those are the only acceptable ones..that I can think of...

(Olivia) I like Charlie *smile*

(Bailey) Hot damn we have a girls name....Charlotte it is... 

(Olivia) Actually...I Like Charlie for a boy too....Charles..

(Bailey) TWO BIRDS...ONE STONE! *rubs Livies belly* hello Charlie

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