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Thursday Night

*Bailey runs around her room grabbing random articles of clothing and shoving them into a suitcase while talking on the phone with Nick*

(Bailey) So you FINALLY told Isabelle about me….what did she say?

(Nick) She was a little shocked that I hadn’t mentioned you before today and then the whole me being a twin thing was a bit of a shock as well

(Bailey) Did you remember to tell her that I'm your favorite girl on the planet and that I have veto power

(Nick) you need to be nice…you are really grumpy is everything ok?

(Bailey) NO…ugh…

(Nick) Whats wrong?

(Bailey) *plops down on bed* I havn't been sleeping

(Nick) Nightmares again?

(Bailey) mmmhmmm….last night….I had the nightmare and then woke up and was snuggled into your shoulder…only suddenly I remember you arent here and I look up and its Jake...then I actually woke up for real….I hate those dreams inside dreams

(Nick) have you told Mom?

(Bailey) No, she will make a big fuss and call the doctor and they will prescribe me some sleeping aids again and I hate those…they make me feel like a slug

(Nick) seriously though you are grumptastic….you need to sleep

(Bailey) seriously Nicky did you just call to piss me off?

*Livie walks in, looks at B’s suitcase and shakes her head in disapproval before removing things from the suitcase*

(Bailey) HEY I just packed those!

(Olivia) you are a disaster when it comes to packing, just sit down I will pack you actual outfits

(Bailey) *lets out a frustrated sigh* whatever

(Nick) B….

(Bailey) what?

(Nick) Stop it…I dunno if its lack of sleep or if something else is going on that I'm not aware of but you are acting ugly …stop

(Bailey) *sighs* I'm sorry

(Nick) What else is going on…

(Bailey) Sam and I had our first fight today…

(Nick) uh-oh what happened?

(Bailey) I dunno…I've been cranky 'cause I'm not sleeping and Sam made this comment about how it was weird that I was dreaming about Jake all the time, and he didn’t mean it to be mean but it just felt like an accusation…so I kinda bit his head off a bit at lunch about how I couldn’t control my dreams and for him to stop being so insecure

(Nick) JEEZ B

(Bailey) Yea, I know…I don’t even know why I said it…I just took his comment wrong and I just kinda blurted it out…

(Nick) Did you apologize?

(Bailey) yes, after school, but he had practice and couldn’t really talk so…hopefully he doesn’t hate me and he calls me when he gets home…which should be in like 20 minutes…

(Nick) he doesn’t hate you, he will call

(Bailey) how do you know?

(Nick) 'Cause he loves you…he will call

*B Smiles*

(Nick) Joe wants to talk to you

(Bailey) ok

(Joe) Hey Monkey!

(Bailey) hey, what did you do?

(Joe) what makes you say that?

(Bailey) 'cause you never want to talk to me on the phone unless you have some story to tell me about something you have done

(Joe) well, that’s just not true…I resent you implying that I just wouldn’t want to talk to my….

(Bailey) Joseph…

(Joe) I kissed Taylor

(Bailey) annnnnnnnnd….there it is…*giggles* you kissed Taylor?

(Joe) Yup *popping his P*

(Bailey) And…

(Joe) And she slapped me…

(Bailey) she slapped you? *LAUGHS*

(Joe) but then she kissed me...ALOT

(Bailey) Oh Lord…so what? Now both of you are dating your gymnastic instructors? 

(Joe) Dating? No...we just kissed…A LOT *chuckles* she said its my superpower *brags*

(Bailey) WOW! so you are a superhero now with the power of good hair and mega makeout skills…fantastic

(Joe) I know! What time will you guys be here tomorrow? The girls want to meet you.

(Bailey) Early…our flight is at I think we are supposed to get there at like 7 LA time, Dad is picking us up he said you would be in practice.

(Joe) K well, try to hurry so you can meet them

(Bailey) I will try my best to rush the jet Joseph

(Joe) That’s all I ask…heres Nick

(Nick) He kissed Taylor

(Bailey) so I hear…A LOT

(Nick) *chuckles* yea…

*Phone Beeps, its Sam*

(Nick) Is that Sam beepin in?

(Bailey) Yea…

(Nick) Go talk to him…get in a better mood…I'll see you in the morning….love you

(Bailey) Love you too

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