Bad News

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-on the ride back to the hotel from the competition-

*B nudges Nick*

(Bailey) hey you...are you ok? You have been really quiet...

(Nick) fine...

(Bailey) have you tested lately?

(Nick) *irritated* B, I said I'm fine and I'm perfectly capable of managing D on my own so....

*B says nothing, she undoes her seat belt and crawls over the seat into the back to sit next to Joe*

(Big Rob) I know I did not just see you take off your seat belt and climb over the seats...

(Bailey) it was getting too crowded up there with Nick and his bad attitude...

(Big Rob) you do not take your seat belt off while we are moving, you wouldn't be doing that if I was your Mom

(Joe) If you were our Mom Big Rob...we would have a lot bigger problems than B taking off her seat belt....*smirks*

(Big Rob) boy, don't you start with know what I mean....

(Bailey) Sorry Biggz...I wont do it again

(Big Rob) 'preciate that

(Joe) so does this mean I'm your favorite now? *smiles*

(Bailey) at the current moment.....yes

(Nick) *turns around and looks at B* I didn't mean to make you mad...I wasn't trying to be mean

(Bailey) well, you snapped at me for no reason so you failed

(Nick) it wasn't for no reason...I don't know why you guys insist on asking me if I have checked my sugar when I am in a bad just makes me more upset...its none of your business first of all...

(Bailey) WOAH...back it up...none of my business?

(Nick) AND current mood has zero to do with D...

(Bailey) Biggz can you drop me off on the side of the road please...I fear I might hurt Nicholas if I remain in the SUV

(Nick) GEEZ B....overreacting much? Whats wrong? On the rag?

(Bailey) I Cant are being...UGH...WHAT THE EFF!

(Nick) Whats wrong? Does that assumption bother you? *condescending*

*B opens her mouth to retaliate*

(Big Rob) *booming voice* ENOUGH...neither of you talk, I don't wanna hear are just lucky you aren't my kids

(Joe) why is that?

(Big Rob) 'Cause I would be whipping your butts all day...*mumbling* ...takin' off seat best not act like this on tour...for real...

(Joe) *snickers* Big Robs for real!

*B slaps Joe in the chest with the back of her hand and giggles*

(Big Rob) its make fun man, I'll getcha later

*B and Nick stay quiet the rest of the way back to the hotel, when the SUV pulls up in front of the Hotel Big Rob hops out of the front and escorts B and the boys up to their rooms, B sits on the bed and starts to text Sam, Nick grabs the remote and turns on sports center before plopping onto the couch and sending another text message*

(Bailey text) hey babe

(Sam text) Hello beautiful

(Bailey text) so I've decided we should stow you away and take you on tour with us...objections?

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