Epic Disorder

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*B and Nick are both asleep when Dad walks in with lunch*

(Dad) Hey you two....wake up...Lunch *Grabs Nick's foot to wake him*

*Nick immediately jerks and kicks at whoever grabs his foot*

(Dad) *dodges kick* HEY

*Nick's eyes shoot open*

(Nick) sorry...*shakes B awake* lunch

(Dad) Just talked to Coach Grant, he canceled practice for tomorrow, so I went ahead and accepted Ellen's invitation to go on her show in the morning

(Nick) Wait...did he say why he canceled practice

(Dad) He said the girls have been missing too much practice time in commute and with the competition this weekend they can't afford it, practices will resume next week

(Nick) but they weren't like...in trouble were they?

(Dad) well, it didn't come across that way over the phone, no...why? Is there a reason they would be in trouble?

(Bailey) Izzy isn't allowed to date

*Nick turns his head and crinkles his nose at B*

(Dad) why arent they allowed to date? 

(Nick) their coach sees it as an unnecessary distraction

(Dad) I see...well, it didn't seem that was the reason for canceling seeing as how practice is back on after this weekend.

(Nick) k, thanks...are we still free to go to their competition on Saturday?

(Dad) JB schedule is clear all weekend 

(Nick) *smiles* cool

(Dad) mmhmm...have to go deliver food to Joe...glad to see you two have made up *walks out*

*Nick grabs his meter and tests his blood before plugging in the carbs for his burger*

(Bailey) should I be concerned that you knew how many carbs were in that burger without even looking them up?

(Nick) In n out burgers have been a staple since we got here...we pretty much have eaten there every day...don't tell Mom *smirks before taking a bite of his burger and Mmmm'ing in satisfaction*

*Bailey giggles and shakes her head*

(Bailey) so, whats the plan for the rest of the day?

(Nick) we leave after lunch...bunch of JB promo today...

*B juts out her lip in a pout*

(Nick) tuck it in....it was either that or work this weekend...this way we get Saturday and Sunday off...but we probably won't be back till late...so might want to sweet talk mom into letting you maybe hang with Miles, otherwise you will probably be super bored

*B grabs her phone to text*

(Bailey text) if mom is ok with it...want to hang out in a bit? Boys have JB stuff till late

(sMiLeY text) sure thing! LMK!

*later at Miley's B is laying on Miley's bed on her back, her head hanging over the edge as she stares at Miley in her closet, upside down*

(Bailey) whatcha doin?

(Miley) I have WAY too many clothes

(Bailey) I concur...you should totally give me some *smiles*

(Miley) I'm serious...my top/bottom ratio alone is ridiculous...I easily have 5 times the amount of tops as I do bottoms...its no wonder I feel so unbalanced

*Bailey giggles*

(Bailey) In your defense you like to layer...

(Miley) yea but not FIVE at a time....and I kinda gravitate towards the same stuff anytime its clean...I'm kinda like a boy...

(Bailey) PFFFFFFT! If you were like a boy it wouldn't matter if it's clean...I have, on more than one occasion witnessed Joe find a dirty shirt on the floor...pit sniff it and then proceed to put it on...

*Miley rears her head back in a loud laugh*

(Miley) *laughing sigh* ohhh Joe....I love him *giggles* Nick would never do that...

(Bailey) no he wouldn't...but that's Nick...he doesn't count he's not like most boys

(Miley) No he is not....OH so everything cool in twin city? Y'all work it out?

(Bailey) yup *popping her P*

(Miley) I figured...it usually doesn't take long...UGH why do I have so many tank tops?

(Bailey) they are good for layering...

(Miley) yea but the responsible thing of me to do would be to get rid of stuff I don't wear...so I can justify buying new stuff and not feel guilty right?

(Bailey) *giggles* yes...of course...that would be the responsible thing to do...I can feel all the blood rushing to my head...my eyeballs feel like they are going to pop out of my head..

(Miley)let's not do that....Nick would seriously never forgive me....get up and come help me weed through all these clothes...

*B stands up and stumbles into Miley’s closet

(Bailey) WOAH...*giggles* dizzy 

(Miley) you are so easily entertained....LOOK SOMETHING SHINY! *teasing*

(Bailey) HA HA Miley Cyrus is funny, you realize your closet is bigger than my room...you suck

(Miley) that's because I have so many friggin clothes I require an entire room...

(Bailey) *giggles*...I don't even own A gun...

(Miley) let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. 

(Bailey) aaaaaaaaaand that's why I love you... 

(Miley) you are so random... I think you may have movie quote turrets

(Bailey) that would be the most epic disorder of all time...

*Miley laughs*

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