A Toast

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Nicks POV

By the time we got back to the hotel it was after 11, I walked into our room to find B passed out on the bed, as I sat down to take my shoes off my phone started buzzing with a call, I smiled when I saw it was Izzy.

After our conversation I slipped on some pajama pants before pouring myself into bed..as if magnetically drawn, B, without waking, made her way to my shoulder and nuzzled in, I kissed the top of her head before surrendering to sleep.

(Dad) Everyone up *clapping hands together loudly* rise and shine twins *opens up curtain and fills the room with light*


*Nick moans and grabs blankets and pulls it over his and B’s head*

(Dad) come on…Ellen today…*grabs blankets and pulls them off, B goes into a somewhat fetal position with a whine and buries her face into Nick's shoulder, Nick simultaneously grabs B’s pillow she isn’t using and flings it over his head with a loud grumble*

(Dad) oh come on you two are too old for this….time to get up *shakes Nicks shoulder and receives dual groans from the twins* Ugh….I'm suddenly reminded why your mother always is the one to wake you up….how does she do it?

*no response*

(Bailey) gimme the cover back

(Dad) No….time to get up

*No response*

(Dad) you two want to be grounded?

*no response*

*Dad sighs in frustration and walks out the door, Nick hops up and shuts the curtain and grabs their cover off the floor where Dad discarded it, B without looking holds up her fist for a bump…Nick chuckles sleepily and bumps back before snuggling back in with B and pulling the cover over their heads*

3 minutes later 

*Mom walks in with Dad*

(Mom) well…first of all you need to make it bright….they will never wake up if its dark *shaking her head*

(Dad) I-I DID! I opened the curtains…they must of…

(Mom) *flips on the light and opens the curtain* and the blanket has to go….

(Dad) did that too…I cant believe you guys got back up and closed the curtain and grabbed the blanket…

(Mom) I can…*Grabs the blanket emitting dual whining*up up up….

*Twins both grumble, Nick throws his arm over his eyes to shield them from the light as B buries her face into Nicks shoulder*

(Mom) Alright fine, if you two are going to be so impossible to wake up and act like spoiled little children you can be treated like them as well….You obviously aren't getting enough sleep….so how does a 7 o clock bedtime sound for the rest of the weekend?

*B and Nick both pop their heads up*

(Bailey) you're kidding!

(Mom) Am I? You want to find out, or do you want to get up?

(Nick) *grumbles* I'm up

(Bailey) *yawn* I like it better when dad wakes us up….Mom is mean

(Mom) that’s right! Don’t you forget it….UP UP UP we have Ellen! Come on Paul, lets go threaten Joseph now…

*Dad chuckles then follows Mom out*

(Bailey) What time did you get back last night?

(Nick) little after 11…you were crashed

(Bailey) You should have woke me!

(Nick) no…you were crashed hard…plus I was tired…I talked to Izzy then went to bed…

(Bailey) what did Izzy have to say? 

(Nick) actually it was a very informative talk…

(Bailey) Oh yea? What did you learn?

(Nick) Did you know they pay almost 30 grand a year to train?

(Bailey) 30 grand to have someone yell at me and control my every move? Mom does it for free

(Nick) *chuckles* I know, right….AND shes not allowed to eat fries or chocolate…

(Bailey) eff that…

(Nick) the fries I could live without …but the chocolate?? That’s just mean..

(Bailey) Is that even legal?

(Nick) not in my world

*B giggles*

(Nick) OH and she takes baths in ICE ….AND wintergreen lifesavers spark in the dark!

(Bailey) NU UH!

(Nick) that’s what she says

(Bailey) the candy? How on earth does candy spark?

(Nick) *shrug* she swears it does

(Bailey) so you gunna take me to her gym so I can see her work? Or do I have to wait til the competition?

(Nick) I dunno….maybe we could…I'll text her and see if it would be ok

(Bailey) You think Miles could go?? She wants to meet Izzy

(Nick) *sigh* *rubs his eyes* I dunno….is that a good idea? 

(Bailey) she will be fine…besides Miles is fascinated that she is a gymnast 'cause she is into the tumbling

(Nick) right….the cheering thing…forgot…*yawn* Izzy doesn’t like cheerleaders that much *chuckles*

(Bailey) well I'll tell Miles not to come in uniform *smartass*

(Nick) *rolls eyes* yea its fine….let me clear it with Izzy first…*grabs phone and shoots Izzy a text*

*B grabs her phone and texts Miley*

(Bailey text) want to meet Izzy later, possible meetup at her gym?

(sMiLeY text) uhhh…..lemme think……….YES

(Bailey text) hahaha ok I'll let you know if we can meet…ps..dont wear your cheer uniform

(Miley text) UGH! FINE…I'll go change 😋

(Bailey text) 😋

(Nick) Ugh….Im low…

(Bailey) Doesn’t D know you have Ellen today? We have no time for her shenanigans this morning

*Nick grabs his meter off the nightstand and tests his blood*


(Bailey) how bad

(Nick) *sigh* let the shenanigans begin….*flashes a 39 at B*

*B’s eyes get wide, she hops up and grabs two juice boxes from the mini bar and shoves the straw into a box before handing it to Nick and shoving he straw in the other*

(Bailey) to no more shenanigans!

*Nick chuckles and clinks juice boxes with B before sipping it down*

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