Be a Lemming

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(Bailey) UGH…I like her…

(Miley) Well then what's up with all the cap text ?

(Bailey) I like her…but she will break his heart

(Miley) are we psychic now?

(Bailey) Yes

(Miley) UGH….I hate when I believe you for no valid reason… lay it on me…

(Bailey) he likes her Miles….enough to yell at me. She is sweet and gorgeous but she is like this uber athlete who is supposed to go to the Olympics. She trains like 8-10 hours a day is what he told me…she friggin moved away from her family to train here…her whole life is gymnastics…which I think is great…I WISH I could be that dedicated to something…. But if she is willing to give up her family to get to the Olympics what makes Nick think he is any different? She is going to break his heart.

(Miley) So let her…

(Bailey) *eyes wide* What?!

(Miley) Ugh….that sounded bitchy…what I mean is…if you keep up this fight, you will win, he will always choose you, if you don’t like someone…

(Bailey) BUT I do like her..

(Miley) ZIP-IT LIPPY I'm making a point!...where was I…oh yea…if you don’t like someone, eventually, even if he likes her, he will break up with her because he values you and your opinion more than anyone elses…if that happens…you are going to feel horrible…because you will know he did it for you…either way…they break up, either way his heart gets broken…so….let her break his heart…stop fighting with him…he knows how you feel…now just be supportive…and when she breaks his heart it wont be your fault.

(Bailey) yea…see…it would still feel like my fault because I didn’t stop it in the first place….

(Miley) well that’s just freakish twin guilt, I don’t know what to tell you to do about that.

(Bailey) I hate this….he yelled at me

(Miley) I'm sure it felt a lot worse than it actually was

(Bailey) Uhh… took Biggz to break it up….it got loud

(Miley) Wow…like a super twin could sell tickets to your fights…they are usually very intense and often funny.

(Bailey) I'm glad you find my pain amusing…

(Miley) I find most peoples pain amusing…I'm jaded like that *smirk*

(Bailey) why are you in Hannah clothes?

(Miley) Oh…I was on set when you cap texted

(Bailey) and you left set?!

(Miley) told them I had an emergency

(Bailey) OH MY GOSH I'm so sorry

(Miley) Oh please….I've done the same thing for an “emergency” run to starbucks….dont sweat it

(Bailey) you can do that?

(Miley) not supposed to but what are they gunna do? We will head back to set I'll do my scenes and then we will go to lunch….did you eat breakfast?

(Bailey) No

*Miley holds up a finger to shush Bailey and quickly dials her phone*

(Miley) *on phone* Hiya…we are headed back to set, I'm going to need a box of crunchberry cereal and milk in my trailer…ok… thanks a bunch...bye

(Bailey) I love how you know me

*B sits in Mileys trailer eating crunchberries when her phone buzzes with text*

(Joe text) Monkey, Mom is pissed

(Bailey text) what? Y?

(Joe text) she has been looking for you

(Bailey text) I asked her if Miley could come get me!

(Joe text) calling you

*Phone rings*

(Bailey) Joe?

(Joe) hey… gunna let you talk to her…

(Bailey) I asked her….

(Joe) here's Mom…

(Mom) *stern* Where are you

(Bailey) I'm with Miley….I asked you …you said yes…

(Mom) NO, you asked if she could come pick you up for lunch Bailey Nichole

(Bailey) well, I meant come pick me up….ugh…I told Kevin to tell you I left

(Mom)He did…that doesn’t change the fact that I gave you permission to leave for lunch not at 8:30 in the morning, I searched everywhere looking for you before Kevin told me you were with Miley

(Bailey) It's not like I ran off!

(Mom) Well it wouldn’t have been the first time now would it?

(Bailey) are you serious? You friggin gave me permission its not my fault you misinterpreted what I meant.

(Mom) I want you back here now, tell Miley Lunch is off for today due to your bad attitude

(Bailey) what?! That’s not fair! 

(Mom) you have twenty minutes

(Bailey) Miley isn’t even here she is on the Hannah set 

(Mom) then we will come get you, we will be there in 20 minutes

*Before B could argue Mom hangs up*

Bailey’s Inner Monologue

WHAT . THE . FUCK! Has everyone in my family lost their friggin minds…this is ridiculous ….Nick is mad at me for no reason, now Mom is mad at me for no reason…would anyone else like to join in and be pissed at me for absolutely no reason whatsoever??? ANYONE? Come on! Be a lemming….everyone is doing it….EFF MY LIFE!

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