Shouting Match

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(Nick) There is more to her than gymnastics B, you talked to her all of what? 3 minutes?

(Bailey) I talked to her enough to know that gymnastics is her life…everything else is expendable

(Nick) that’s an awfully large assumption based on three minutes of face time

(Bailey) well I happened to be very good at reading people


*Bailey’s eyes narrow and she turns in a huff and walks to the backstage area*

*B finds Big Rob, Mom, and Dad lounging in the green room area usually designated for the performers*

(Bailey) *walks in upset* Can I go meet Miley, I don’t want to stay here

(Dad) whats wrong?

(Bailey) I simply voiced my opinion…

*Nick walks in and interrupts B*

(Nick) *raising voice*you didn’t voice your opinion, you are throwing around assumptions without even being informed

*Mom tries to get the attention of the twins*

(Bailey) *raising voice* I'm not assuming anything! Anyone within a mile radius can tell that THAT GIRL lives, eats, and breathes gymnastics! I was simply stating MY OPINION that someone THAT dedicated to one thing doesn’t have much room for anything or ANYONE else in her life!

*Mom tries again to get the twins attention* 

(Nick) *voice more elevated* You can be dedicated to something and still have a relationship….I'm dedicated to music!

*Mom tries to get the attention of the twins*

(Bailey) YEA and you also have interests OUTSIDE of that…she doesn’t even have time to have interest in MUSIC…WHO DOESN’T LISTEN TO MUSIC?? 


*Both B and Nick are immediately silent*

(Mom) *pats Big Rob on the shoulder* Thank you Rob, *THE TONE* You Two!*points to B and Nick* Hallway, NOW!

*B and Nick both sulk out to the hallway followed by Mom who shuts the door behind her*

(Mom) *THE tone* Listen to me, both of you, this screaming match is ending right now! If I hear another word about it you will both be sorry. DO NOT test me….Nicholas, your sister is entitled to her opinions and no amount of screaming is going to change that fact….and Bailey, Nick is entitled to date who he wants, he doesn’t require your approval…you don’t have to like her but you will be respectful and nice to her am I understood?

(Bailey) I was nice to her! I was just…


*Bailey silences in a huff*

(Mom) Am. I. Understood??

(Bailey & Nick) *mumbling* yes Ma’am

(Bailey) Can Miley come get me for lunch please

(Mom) yes, as long as she can come get you and drop you back off that is fine

*Mom walks back into the green room and B shoots Nick a glare before pulling out her phone and walking down the hallway away from Nick*

(Bailey text) *PULLS HAIR OUT*

(sMiLeY text) Rut-Roh scrappy…

(Bailey text) can you come pick me up for lunch…like NOW

(sMiLeY text) you mean breakfast? Its like 8:30

(Bailey text) COME GET ME!

(sMiLeY text) wow ok be right there

(Bailey text) you know where to come?

(sMiLeY text) yup, I'll text you when I get there

(Bailey text) thanks!

*B walks into the main arena area that is now empty and lays down on the trampoline, after a few minutes the trampoline shifts and B opens her mouth to yell and sees Kevin*

(Kevin) *starts to strum his found guitar to “Hello Beautiful”* wanna talk about it?

(Bailey) *sigh* I just don’t want him to get hurt…

(Kevin) Joe?

(Bailey) no, Nick…

(Kevin) oh…wait…how is Nick getting hurt?

(Bailey) Izzy

(Kevin) OHHH….I see…you don’t like her

(Bailey) No, I do…

(Kevin) alright…now I'm confused

(Bailey) I think that Izzy is sweet, I like her….I just think she will break his heart and that I don’t like

(Kevin) what makes you think she would break his heart?

(Bailey) her whole life is gymnastics…there just doesn’t seem to be much room for a relationship…I think Nick would constantly take the back burner to gymnastics

(Kevin) I don’t actually think they are even allowed to date

(Bailey) See that right there confirms it.

(Kevin) still its Nick's decision who he dates, not yours…

(Bailey) yea I realize that...I was just giving him my opinion and he got all pissy and started yelling at me

(Kevin) I'm sorry…maybe its his sugar

(Bailey) No…that was all Nick *sighs*

*B’s phone buzzes with text*

(Bailey) That’s Miles….shes outside….the guitar sounds beautiful Kevy…can you tell Mom I went with Miles…

(Kevin) Yup

(Bailey) thanks! *runs outside and hops into SUV*

(Miley) *hugs B* ok how horrible is she?

When The Lights Go Down CONTINUED...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ