"Wait just-"

He opened the door, and Will took a step back. Hazel stood up abruptly.


He wasn't listening to her. His eyes were pasted on Annabeth, completely still, and in a deep sleep.

A very deep sleep.

He didn't say anything. He was shaking.

".... Annabeth?"

His shaking, pale hands shook Annabeth by the shoulders.

"Annabeth!" the volume was getting louder. "Annabeth?!!"

I tried to pull Percy off of her. "Stop it!"

His hands drew back.

"What do you mean you don't know when she'll wake up?"

His tone was low, dangerous, and had a slightling lilting edge to it, showing that he was scared to death.

Will swallowed. "She was attacked... And.. It damaged her brain."

"... And?"

"A coma."

He looked like he was about to faint. Hazel stood next to him.

"Percy, she'll be alright. Annabeth can wake up-"

He collasped.

Hazel barely caught him. He slipped out of Hazel's grasp and fell with a soft thud. His head in his hands, he was mumbling something.

Yup. He lost it.

I helped him up, but he could barely stand.

"You didn't tell me."


He whipped around, his eyes furious and raging.

"You could of told me! Then...." he faltered.

"You didn't have to hide it from me."

His voice was quiet, nearly a sob.

"You didn't have to make me think that Annabeth was okay."

"... Percy."

"It doesn't help."



ercy was ignoring me.

He spent the rest of the night next to Annabeth, holding her hand, wide awake. He had stayed in the same position, his eyes staring at Annabeth's face, and I wondered if he even blinked. He wouldn't move till I went to eat breakfast, and I found him gone when I had came back. I checked on Annabeth and looked around camp for Percy. I asked a few campers, and they didn't know. I knocked on a maple tree and a nymph melted out of the tree. She yawned and streched, as if she had woken up. Her hair and eyes were the golden brown color of maple syrup. She raised an eyebrow.

Why Me?(Third book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now