27 ; funky chicken

Start from the beginning

"You can't leave yet," Derek frowned, "We need to finish talking about this."

"What I need is time to think," Lily replied, "And I can't do that properly around you."

"What are you saying?" his eyebrows furrowed.

Lily pulled her wrist gently from his hand, her voice soft as she explained, "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I just wanna rationalise and sort out all my feelings before I see you again." Derek's mouth parted slightly but he nodded, taking a step back and letting her go. As she left the room, shutting the door behind herself, she'd questioned whether or not she'd said the right things and made the right decisions. The house was really quiet and vaguely peaceful but in Lily's mind everything was going down in flames – her ticking time bomb sweeping away everything with a boom.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked Lily as they made their way to the ice rink. She still felt really ambivalent even after almost twenty four hours to think about things. That's probably because I didn't really think about things, she mentally scolded herself. After leaving for the ice rink – she'd found that she'd been right about bonding with Lydia and spent most of their time there hanging out with her and having fun. Stiles had watched on in annoyance as it became more of a date between Lily and Lydia than he'd originally intended. Then Lydia had had a panic attack and began screaming, which managed to distract her for a much longer amount of time as she made sure that Lydia was alright and looked after her.

That's what she'd spent most of that day doing in order to busy her mind – worrying over Lydia. It was obvious to everyone else that Lily was behaving strangely as she was practically coddling Lydia all throughout the day just to make sure she was okay – which everyone found weird considering only a few days ago, the girls' never even spoke to each other. Only Scott really knew what was going on with her and now that they were out of school and alone, he could ask her. It didn't help that they were making their way to the ice rink in order to stop Derek from biting Boyd but Scott probably realised that it was really the only chance he had to ask.

"Yeah," Lily replied, as they shoved the door open, "If I wasn't okay, could I do this?" She twirled forwards, doing an elaborate and ridiculous dance move, finishing with a dramatic bow and a smirk. I call that baby, the funky chicken – no need for all the applause. I know I'm fabulous.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Yes?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Come on, don't let me distract you."

Scott nodded, leading the way onto the rink where they spotted Boyd, driving one of those machines across the ice. Lily had always wanted to ride one and even in her angsty state, she felt tempted to ask but knew that it wasn't the time or place. Maybe next time – though hopefully there won't be one.

"Boyd," Scott called but Boyd acted as though he hadn't heard what Scott had said. "I just wanna talk. Hey, come on, Boyd, please?" His words were received by an unresponsive Boyd so they walked over to the machine as Scott kept talking, "Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything." Did he tell you he was a jerk?

Boyd huffed, stopping the machine and turning to look at them, "He told me about the hunters." Yeah, but did he tell you he was a jerk?

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" Scott frowned, "Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it."

Boyd rolled his eyes, exclaiming, "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day."

Lily halted, surprised that he felt that way. Boyd did sit by himself everyday but she'd always thought that it was a choice he consciously made; after all, there was no explicit reason for people to avoid him or not want to sit with him. If she had known then that he wanted company so badly, she would have sat with him – just like how if she had known about Isaac sooner, she would have done something. But it didn't matter that she knew now because it was then that mattered and then was already gone.

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