Chapter 16: Alone

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Daimon!!! I replayed every moment in my head over and over thinking of ways I could stop him from attacking that Royal vampire. Thinking of ways to stop him...from getting himself killed. Each time I was unsuccessful, each time he died, each time it was my fault, and always ended up in tears. I was replaying all of my nightmares...all of the bad things that have happened in my life. Jakes death...moving from foster care to foster care...being bullied and wanting to commit suicide...all of these memories came back to haunt me. However, the only one that makes me wish I really were not here is Daimon's death. I lost him just like everyone else...the one person that...I'm not meant to be happy. I'm not meant to love unconditionally. I swear that I will never love again...
"Daimon!...." I cried opening my eyes for the first time since that day past. I was no longer hot...where am I?! I trembled in sadness, fear, and despair. I'm in a small bed under some covers next to black iron bars...this isn't normal. Come to think of it, nothing is really normal anymore. A short woman stood next to me as I lie in the bed. She stared at me happily like me being awake was a miracle. Then she hobbled out in a hurry to do something."Sire! Her fever has broken!" She exclaimed in her hobbit voice. I go to sit up. Everything swirls in a circle for a minute. Then stopping, I look around. I'm in some sort of prison, dungeon cell only instead of my cell having nothing but hay to cover the floors, my cell is completely clean with a rug covering the cellar floor. There aren't any windows anywhere and there are torches on the walls for lighting. My clothes aren't anywhere to be found. Instead, I'm wearing a really long purple dress that form to my hips. Where the hell did my clothes go?! "Ahh.." I try not to yell in pain. The pain shot up from my ankle...I go to feel it under the covers. My ankle has a silver shackle on it leaving a red mark that won't heal. The chain hooked to it lead to the stone floor under the edge of the rug. I try to sit up straight but fail, so I use my elbows to sit up on the flat pillow I lay on. I hurt all over the place. My stomach still feels like a brick slammed into it. It's throbbing almost and it just won't go away. My salty drops of water fell onto the bed from my bloodshot eyes. It wasn't a dream or a nightmare. Daimon is really gone. It's all of my fault! If I had not had that stupid fever I could have saved him or we could have died together. It's not fair....why am I still alive?! Cold tears dropped onto my arms. If Daimon were here right now I wouldn't be so cold, so afraid. His embrace would have kept me warm and safe. I feel like my heart has just been ripped from my chest. I sobbed trying to keep the snot in my nose.
Then a man appeared in the cells door way. He looked young, had platinum blonde hair that was slicked back, and dressed formally in a black suit with red eyes like mine. It was the Royal that killed Daimon!!! I will avenge Daimon one way or another! This vampire is as good as dead! He will die for this!! Forgetting how week I am, I pull Excalibur from my crescent moon mark and charge after him. Half way in my steps, I fall to my knees, really out of breath and dizzy again. The shackles didn't even have to stop me. Excalibur dissolves back into the mark as I sit helpless on the rug. Breathing hard, it's almost as if something just knocked the wind out of me. The rug feels like it's moving under me for some odd reason. What's wrong with me?! Why can't I fight right?! Huffing and gasping for air with a massif headache, the vampire walks in laughing at my failed attempt. "I find it ironically funny how you are supposed to be so powerful like in the prophecy yet you sit here weak and feeble. Guess this is what happens when you have things inside draining your life energy. my name is fane."He smirked. He shouldn't be allowed to smirk! He should be in his grave where he belongs! "What...the hell do you want?!" I snapped at him catching my breath. "Nothing. My father wants to kill you with his own hands to prove to the vampires that he is an even more worthy ruler...but due to your condition...lets just say I bought you a few extra months after your transformation in three days to regain your strength. He doesn't want to fight anything so weak, fragile." He told me as if I should be thanking him. Why should I thank him?! I'd rather die than to ever thank a killer! And...condition?! Does he know what I have?.. I look up at him in wonderment and death glares. "Oh, you look surprised. You mean to tell me you have not noticed why you have been getting sick lately?" He smiled in amusement. What is this so amusing?! Killing my one and only wasn't amusement I hope! "I am shocked you have not felt anything yet. Or noticed any of your symptoms. Of coarse it has only been a week or two hasn't it?" He paused. Heard what?! A week or two?....he doesn't make any sense! "When I brought you here I noticed that you had an abnormal heart beat being the abomination that you are but I also heard two of right now I can still hear them...although you are just now beginning to show."He poked at my stomach. What?! I looked down at my stomach in the tight like purple dress that faded to black at the bottom. I stopped to listen and I felt something like a tingle...this would explain the throbbing...I've gained some weight...not much but enough to tell...thinking back to everything. It has been almost three weeks and Daimon..oh my god... I'm...I can't be! No! I can't be! No! Daimon is gone...I'm alone again...I can't be! I can't be pregnant! Not at a time like this! I'm not even sure I'll be a good mom or survive through this! This can't be happening! I wept on the rug. What am I going to do?! I start coughing rapidly choking on my tears and dry throat.
"Don't worry. I did not kill your lover or I do not think I did. I did send him a big blow to the rip cage. But I brought you here to end my fathers reign. I had to stab your lover to look convincing to my guardsmen. Granted, I do not like lycans I will do whatever it takes to overthrow my father by any means necessary. He is a very unjust and tyrant man. After all you are the savior, Queen Ecatera. I will come down here everyday and train you to kill him, that is if you are feeling up to it. I'm sorry for putting you in this position but Dacia could not really stop me even if she really wanted to. This was going to happen one way or another. It seems she forgot to tell you that bit. My father has agreed to keep you here until you give birth to whatever those things are. However we can't let that happen. It's more than likely he'll feed them to the Stragoi. I don't think you want that. Besides I came down to get you and present you to the council according to my father's request. They are also cruel people. Do not be surprised if you are looked down upon. Oh and you will be in shackles." What?! who does he think I am?! His puppet! Did he just call them people?! More like demons! How am I going to kill a royal King vampire?! Why did Darcy?!...Well at least I have some hope that Daimon is still alive but who's to say he isn't lying. I just got word that I'm comprego, Daimon might be dead, and he wants me to go show me off to a bunch of sick, twisted vampires!! Do I have a choice?
He bent down and unlocked the shackle around my ankle. He tried helping me up but I wouldn't let him. I can get up by myself! "Don't!!" I spat in anger and hatred. Getting up dizzily, I finally make it to my feet safely. I'm not wearing any shoes...I'm bear foot. The floor is really cold. " I'm not feeling well!" I told him rubbing my tummy. Trying to stall, I look down at the rug and pretend I need to puke. He gazed at me in thought. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice." He sighed grabbing me by the arm in a firm stone hard grip. Wincing at his grip, he dragged me out of the cell as I almost trip over the black end of the dress. His stone hard grip hurts so much. Then he dragged me up a flight of stone stairs. His pace was so much faster than mine, it was hard to keep up. Reaching the top, he stopped and let me sit to take deep breathes. "You know you don't have to be so rough!" I scolded him. You know if he wants me to kill his father, he could at least show some respect for a pregnant women! I wonder if this is how he treats all women. He ignored me. Of coarse he did! Typical guy! He grabbed my arm again and pulled me through a door that led into a ball room. It was really big and lit with candles on black gothic chandeliers. Vampires were standing around everywhere I turned. The room had a stage with columns. In between the columns in the center were more silver shackles, two on each column. The cruel fane pulled me to the stage and forced me into the hurtful shackles. The silver shackles burned like the one in the cell. I held my cry for pain not wanting to cause a scene. My wrists and my ankles were all in shackles to the columns. I couldn't move a single muscle. Vampires scoffed at me and treated me like trash. It was like being bullied all over again. Tears streamed down my face continually. I wish Daimon were here! With every vibe and being of my body, I wanted to shout his name. I wish fhe would just burst in at any moment to come rescue me. I wanted to feel his soft skin and sweet kisses again. I wanted to hear his voice again to hear him whisper those three special words. The two things in my womb tingled around. To think they might not even be able survive. This is hell! I miss him! I need him! Daimon where are you? Please, if your me!

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