Chapter 22: peles castle

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                       Fane walked away watching the woods for me to wake up Daimon. Awe, he looks so calm and serene, I hope i don't upset him. He's going to wake up to find someone he hates facing the woods. Huh, it's not like I have a choice. "Daimon..." I kept poking his nose and fiddling with his lip ring. "Babe..." He waved my hand away and turned his face in the other direction. This is going to take forever. Looking at his sleeping body, I try to push him off of the covers. I'm very unsuccessful with this stupid pregnancy weakness stuff. "Daimon!" His head shot up in an instant to panic. Half of his face was covered in dirt and leaves from the forest floor. So I did manage to push him off slightly, I kind of laugh. "What!...what is is?! Is it vampires?!..." He faced me wondering what was going on. I just stared at him blankly waiting for him to calm back down. He started to gaze up at me with a confused face to question my reaction to waking him from his slumber. "it's ok, um... Listen...Lucan is gone but the vampires aren't after us..." Daimon tried listening to me but then he saw fane facing the woods. He got up quickly and wanted to run for him angrily. "Daimon stop! It's ok! Listen...he helped me escape! If it weren't for him I'd still be in that horrible underground prison draining innocent people's blood!" I grabbed him by the arm letting him find out I had actually killed somebody. I did not mean for that part to slip out but it's to late, he now knows I'm a murder. He knew I couldn't hold on to him easily so he didn't break away. He stopped to hear me out before doing something stupid but showed no reaction to my murdering. "Catie! We can't trust him! You saw what he did!" He yelled mad at me more focused on the vampire prince patiently waiting for us. Fane rushed over to help me persuade him. This made Daimon even more angry. He let his temper get the best of him and broke away from my week grasp causing me to stumble backwards, charging after fane. Fane just stood there waiting for Daimon to reach him. When he came into reaching distance, fane moved an inch to watch Daimon face plant. "I am here to help! If you do not want to be found you will follow me! Lucan went to warn the other lycans of my father's brash actions searching for your love! Lucan left me to take care of you both!" He tried knocking some since into Daimon. Daimon picked himself up off of the ground and looked fane aggressively in the face. "Prove it! Or your dead!" He threatened him with a push against his shoulders. Fane didn't move an inch. " I am the one to blame for the massacre of my own kind. I am taking your side. Lucan trusted me to guide you else where. My father might massacre all the lycans left in the mountains searching for her. If you don't come with me you are in grave danger. My apologies for stabbing you but if my father found I had shown mercy to a lycan in front of my guardsman, he would have my head." Fane pointed at me briefly then waited for Daimon to cave in. I sat on the covers watching them both argue like a bad married couple. "Fine. Where are we going?" Daimon growled a little under his breathe. His anger simmering down but giving frequent glares at fane.  "We are going to peles castle south of here. I have a limousine prepared to take us. We will not make it in time on foot if we want to get there before sunrise. It has electricity and heat so you and Catie should be well aquatinted.  None of the vampires use it anymore since it's considered a bad omen. My father will never think to look there. I will send a human servant to attend to your needs for food and water so get your things and walk with me."
                         Daimon wasn't to happy but he wanted me to be safe. I could tell they both wanted to rip each other apart just by the feel in the air from they're anger. Fane was nice enough to carry our bags and I wrapped myself up like a burrito in the covers so Daimon wouldn't have to carry them separately. That just made my fever worse. I swear, next time I'm making him wear a condom. I'm still hardly showing anything but I can feel them and I have to go through this. Shouldn't the extreme fevers be saved for later? Fane leads us down to a dirt road where the limo is. The driver opened the door for all of us to get in and put our bags in the back. Sitting in Daimon's lap, fane decides to sit in the seats upfront to give us the entire back to ourselves. We couldn't even see him because of those fancy screen things that all limos have. Daimon noticed how hot I was getting by the touch of my skin. It felt like molten lava was being poured on me. "Uh...can you uh..." He understood what I wanted to ask. He removed all the covers and I took off the fur coat that belonged to Daimon's mom. That feels sooooo much better! I hop off of Daimon and lay down belly forward on the cold limo's seat. I lay my head down, face planting the seat. God! This feels sooo Gooood! I sigh at ease. "This feels so good." I murmur still sweating somewhat. Daimon laughed not letting his grudge about fane get in the way of us. He kept giving me odd looks like I was weird but it's his fault I'm this way. "once we get to wherever that vampire wants to take us, we'll have all the ac we want." he rubbed my back under my shirt. I sigh in relief. He is such a good masseuse. He moved from my back to my butt...seriously why do guy's have obsessions over butts? I don't even care anymore. Then he decides to use them like drums...ok he's dead to me now. I'm not really in the mood for being sexually funny. "Can you stop?" I ask annoyed. "Sorry..." He grinned and went back to rubbing my back. He's not really sorry. He liked aggravating me...butt face. The car started hitting small bumps and tiny pot holes. Great...just when I thought I was getting comfortable they decide to wake up. The babies start moving around again. Flipping over, I face the limo ceiling."what's wrong?" Daimon looked at me concerned. "Ugh, they're awake." I groaned and he laughed as if it were funny. It's really not funny. I frowned, grumpily. He started massaging my tummy and giving me kisses. "So you had to kill someone?" Daimon asked asked in a serious manner. He always brings things up at the wrong time. "Please...Daimon I don't..." I closed my eyes trying not to remember her, trying not to remember how I enjoyed making her lifeless, how she gave herself to me the way she did. " I'm so sorry Catie. If I had only been able to..." I Intervened his words "Daimon it's not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself for things." It wasn't his fault, it was mine, I'm the killer not him. I don't his sympathy for what I had done. "Yes it is! If I could have protected you better none of this would have happened!" He looked down angrily. " isn' weren't prepared, none of were." I tried persuading him gently touching his hand.
"I just wish you didn't have to go through that." He was still peering down at his feet with a sad puppy look.
          Then the limo stopped. I sat up dizzily. The driver came around and opened the doors letting us know we were here. Daimon helped me out of the long car and I leaned against him for support. The driver grabbed our bags and fane came out to guide us inside. We now walked towards a large beautiful blue and White Castle. The well in the courtyard had faces on it like the one from bran castle. The outside of the entrance had many beautiful paintings on it. As we walked inside, fane turned the lights on. In the entrance there are statues of angels. Everything is in green, red, ivory, and bronze. The stairs led up to the center of the large building. In it is a tall bronze balcony decorated with lots of angels. Everything had details from the walls to the chandeliers. Me and Daimon both stand in awe at how big this place is.
          "Come this way." Fane leads us down a hallway and up a flight of stairs. When we reached the end of the hallway, he opened a door leading to the bedroom we will be staying in. It had a large red bed and many ivory antique furnishings. "Stay in here. The bathroom is down the hall but I would not recommend going outside of the castle until it is completely safe. If you must, you can use the ballroom late at night to practice your swordsmanship. Catie I know the prophecy. Practice, wielding Excalibur until you gain your real powers and the immortal sword. I will send in a servant that has good swordsmanship, as a matter of fact, he is my servant. I will go to my father and tell him that I fired him. He can be rather tough to deal with but he's fond towards woman. This room has never been seen or used so use it as you please. I will be taking my leave before my father finds where I have been." He left in a hurry not even stopping to answer some of Daimon's questions. The driver set our stuff down and walked away with him. Well, that was brief. Daimon looked down at me and tilted my chin up so I'd look at him. "Why are you so down?" He noticed I wasn't that happy after fane left. I started thinking about this stupid prophecy again. "It's nothing." I tried to force a smile. He didn't buy it. So he swooped me off my feet and laced with me on the bed. "Are you sure?" He tried making laugh. He lifted my shirt, moved down, and started kissing my belly. His sweet tinder kisses tickled. Then he kept poking his head up to see if I cracked a smile. The more I laughed the more he kept doing stupid silly little things. "Hahaha! alright! Stop!" I shoved him off of me. He looked up grinning. "No! Not unless you tell me what's wrong." He went back to tickling me. He wouldn't stop making me laugh but I was gradually loosing my breath. These things really do suck up a lot of energy. I laughed so hard I started coughing and still wouldn't cough up an answer. "Daimon..stop please.?" I giggled wearily.
He stopped and moved back up to trace my jaw line with his gentle fingers. Then he got really anxious in need of an answer. "Please tell me what's wrong?" I brushed my finger through his soft thick hair as I gazed into his eyes. I want to runaway from the situation because that's what I do best. I know it's time to stop running from facing my problems so maybe I should tell him. I trust him more than anyone or anything in this world, he did just find out I killed someone, I can't hide from him. It's to hard if I do. Regaining my breath I gain some confidence. "It's just this...everything. I'm not saying I don't want any of this but I'm tired of running. I feel helpless just sitting here. You have to carry me everywhere because of my fevers and dizzy spells. Daimon, I killed someone...and how am I going to defeat the king what's his face like this? I know I don't trust Darcy but she's the only one that knows more about this prophecy than anyone. How are we going to stay huddled in a castle for a few months until it's safe. That's the thing...when will it be safe?...I don't want anything bad to happen. Lucan ran off last minute. We can't really trust anyone. I'm worried, Daimon." I tried not to cry after telling him everything on my mind but my emotional pregnancy hormones got in the way. He hugged me close rubbing my arms. Stupid hormones! I wish the world would just explode so I won't have to put with anymore stupidity. "It's ok. I'm here. We'll make it through this together, i promise." He tried soothing me as best he could. He stroked my tummy for the millionth time. They're kicking a lot now. It's probably because I'm upset, stressed out, and tired. "You're going to be a good dad." I cried even harder. "I love you too." He kissed my cheek. He's so patient and caring. If he were anybody else he would've left me by now.
               He tried calming me down some more but we heard a knock on the door. Daimon helped me hide under the bed to be on the safe side. It could be a vampire. I stopped crying, sort of. And I watched from underneath the corners of the bed as he cautiously opened the door. "Hello. Fane sent me. Im his servant but I'm now yours for the time bein'. He said I was to be teaching a young woman swordsmanship but to be careful. He told me her condition. So uh, I'm guessing you're the one that bonked her." The man in the suit spoke in a heavy British accent and winked at Daimon when he ended his sentence about bonking me. Seriously! This guy is fane's servant? Could he be anymore rude?! Bonked...that's just...I want to laugh but I feel like slapping him at the same time. I would think fane would have someone more classy and dignified. His servant got here fast but nor I wish he would have taken more time to himself along the way. "Uh....yeah...she's uh..Catie, the servant guy is here." Daimon had no clue what to do. He didn't look to happy but didn't look completely mad either. Maybe agitated. "Oh um, you can call me Charlie." He added. I scooted out from underneath the bed as best I could. Daimon ran over to help me up. I sat on the bed exhausted, looking at the bald man.

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