Chapter 6: Getting comfy as the new me

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                     Wiping the blood off of my face with a towel, I get away from the bathroom. Daimon took my hand in his as iwe sat on the small bed "Catie, I'm  sorry you have to go through all this but no matter what happens I will protect with my life." He's so sweet to insure my safety and I believe it. I feel safe, comfortable around him unlike I did with Jake. It kind of makes me melt underneath my tough exterior. At Least I'd like to think I had a tough exterior with everything I've done living on the edge, getting into trouble. I hug him back really grateful to have someone like him by my side because I really don't deserve someone so kind. "Thank you for helping me."I thanked him as we embraced each other. I don't feel my arm scorching from where the sun's rays struck anymore. Looking down at it, pulling out of the embrace I was in, I realize it's healed. My arm healed and not a single scar was left behind to show. This is cool, I have healing powers. This is all just so weird but I'm not that freaked out anymore to be different. Im exploring a side of myself I've never seen before so it's not like it should be surprising to discover healing powers. Now that I know what I am, what lies ahead, I know I have to find out my own true abilities for myself. The first step to starting this new chapter in my life is giving payback to the things like that of the damned demon that ripped apart Jake. That was one of the worst days of my life and I will never forget what that thing did to my boyfriend. The pain he must have felt as left the world, all I can be grateful for is that it was a quick death. He didn't have to suffer to long before going cold. All beings like that thing will be repayed generously with its death by my hands. They will suffer a torturous fate as I make them wallow for hours before they're time comes.
         After I succeed in killing all those monsters like that of my boyfriends killer maybe I will try to learn more about my real parents. It's sickening to think I am apart of one of those things, a vampire. I know my parents had interesting names with cool supernatural powers so far but that's not enough. I want to know what happened to them or if they're still alive somewhere sipping on piña coladas waiting for my return. If they are still alive they had to have sent me away for a reason. Maybe I can ask that witch Daimon was talking about, about them. She might know something since she might have also helped cast me away.
        "So you're a werewolf...does that mean we can change into one together?.." I just happened to think of this to change to the subject of my thoughts. I don't want to change into whatever he is alone and don't we have to get naked before changing? I don't know about most people but I haven't tried getting naked in the woods or somewhere to change into a wolf before. Plus if we do get naked atleast I'll have a good view. Haha, I'm kind of liking this whole change together idea. I slightly grin to myself while shooting Daimon a delightful look at the thought the idea I came up with. "Believe it or not, yes. It isn't like in movies or shows. Lycans can change together but I still wouldn't recommend changing near humans. That's obviously never a good idea." He blushed a little with a side smile. He must be thinking what I'm thinking...Hehehe, I giggle to myself in my thoughts. Yep, I defiantly can't wait to get naked in the woods with him. "So um...Romania...will we be changing there?"I smile in curiosity. "Maybe. It is the vampire capital but if we are careful enough with the protection of the witches daughter, I'm sure we will be safe. We might have to stay there until your prophecy is fulfilled. " he grinned and looked in my eyes as if he were to be wondering what was about in my mind. Oh, wouldn't he like to know. I picture being naked in the woods together....he is in for a treat. I've done it in the woods a few times but Daimon is way better looking than Jake ever was.
         "So changing my appearance...okay I refuse to give up my leather pants and chocker. They are the only things I love more than the bracelet I've had since I was a baby." I tell him changing the subject again and getting straight to the point. If I'm going to change my appearance I want to look good. That reminds me, my eyes are red. How are we going to get colored contacts? Or can't I just blend in with other vampires as long I change my appearance? Will the vampires really notice me if they see my eyes?...this just a huge pain in my butt. I don't want to just sit around like a helpless puppy trying to change my appearance without bloodshed!I want to learn how to kill those bastards! They killed my boyfriend! Who cares if they see my face? Because my face will be the last thing they see! I'm going to learn ninja skills one way or another."Don't worry you don't have to give any of those things up but I will take you shopping. I have some money saved up. It isn't much but it should be enough to change your hair and everything." He stroked my hair with his hand as though he'd like it to the color it is.
         "You can't go out into the day now that's obvious. It's even dangerous for you to go out at night. I'm not leaving you here alone anymore either. You're probably going to hate me for being so clingy or anxious but it's the only way to keep you safe. I'll go inside the stores and everything with you. I'm not letting you out of my sight until we get to Romania in two days." He spoke considerately for my safety. But I can't just sit here to do nothing. I've been in this house since jakes death I can't wait to get out. I want those savage being's hunting me dead. In an urgent manner sorta annoyed at Daimon's niceness I quickly ask " ugh. Daimon. Why can't you just teach me how to kill the bastards? I'm supposed to end them anyway."
         "You can't let your judgement be clouded with revenge and hate. even though you will have to kill one eventually. I will teach you but not all vampires are bad. Look at your mother. I'm sure she wasn't a fiend like the majority of them." He tried appealing to me with calm words. Crap,He's probably right but atleast he agreed to let me kill a vampire not that I really need his permission anyway. However, even though it's just one, I will gain my revenge. "Alright. When do we start?" I said excitingly. " haha. I'll teach you now if you want me to." He laughed in sarcasm. Oh, he must have something up his sleeve. I wonder what it is." Ok" I smile widely curious as to what my first lesson is. I'm ready to kick some booty. "It's really easy. Just aim for the heart with a wooden stake and poof..they turn to dust." He smirked not actually teaching me a thing. No tactics, no moves, just useless words that have been heard in tales and stories. He knew he was going to let me down. That jerk! But I mean he's probably doing it to protect me. Still sucks I can hardly do anything because of what I am or have to become. Well after growing up rough, I've crossed a few people in ally ways before.  Most people in alleyways aren't the nicest people in the world. Not all of my foster parents wanted me because they loved me so to get away from them I went into alleyways. Most didn't care what happened to me so I had to learn to fend for myself one way or another. Who am I kidding I don't really need him to teach to me to fight. That little bit of information he just gave me was all I needed. " huh." I sighed just a bit disappointed. Then confidently I teased him"you're a butt." I lighten the mood more and I poke his nose playfully.
           "How am I butt? I just want to protect you." He laughed along returning the poke on my nose trying not to seem hurt by my words. Oh I see how this is. He wants a poke war! I poke his forehead, smiling. Then he starts tickling me. "Ah stop!" I can't stop laughing. When I'm ruler I probably won't be able to enjoy myself like this anymore. Most Royalty probably wouldn't. I'm going to miss it.
      He stopped all of a sudden. "Hey! Why did you stop? I was having fun!" I laughed turning to face him. He looked upset. Then looking at his neck his veins were showing, his eyes went from Amber to gold with slits. "Daimon...whats wrong?" I rub his shoulder to show him I care through the fear that was now rising in me. I've never seen him like this. Then again I don't know what werewolves are like. He's freaking out for some reason. "Daimon..."I'm concerned for him. "'s ok just give me a minute." He waved my hand away trying not to get irritated. He clearly needs some space. Then after a few minutes he calmed down and everything went to normal.
              "What was that...?" I asked him concerningly. Was that his wolf? Am I going to be like that too? It looks like it takes a lot of self control and I'm not that great at self control. I feel bad for whoever makes me want to party or makes me wouldn't turn out well. Poor Daimon, he has to go through that every day. "It was my wolf..." He panted in relief that he controlled it. Wow,looks I'm a physic for guessing correctly. "After you turn for the first time you have the ability to change into a wolf anytime you want to. However, there's a catch. You have to learn how to control it. My wolf has never had such a strong reaction before. I don't know why I couldn't control it." He looked down at his hands miffed at himself. Haha, did I give him to much adrenaline? Awe, I make him go wild. I try not to grin because I think it's cute. So I keep my thoughts to myself with a straight face. Then he peers up at me and laughs what happened off. I can't help but laugh with him. We both do this for several minutes straight. I lay my head in his lap and he brushes through my hair with his fingers. We do nothing but laugh and have fun until it finally turns into nightfall.
              "When are we going to the mall?" I look up at his face still laying in his lap. Playfully messing my hair up he says "we can go now if you want." He gave me this look. A look I never really saw Jake give me. He looked into my eyes and I don't know I felt all warm and tingly on the inside. "Hahaha! Stop staring at me like that." I giggle and slowly push his face away. Jake never really showed me that look. It was always about having fun and parties and sex. I loved him or I thought I did but despite him being gone it's weird to think i somewhat feel relieved. I'm starting to feel things I never really felt before but the thought of feeling relieved of Jake makes me feel guilty. I'm afraid of my feelings though. Everything I usually end up having strong feelings for perishes. Ever since middle school I've lived running from those feelings of comfort, security, being tied down. I don't know what it would be like having those feelings again. Should I push it away like I always do? His face showed his displeasure in me pushing him a way before he tickled me again and I got out of his lap. Will it be ok if I open up to him? Even with Jake, I kept lots of things to myself.
          Getting my clothes off of the chair I set them on the bed where Daimon sat, I stop to stare at him. It isn't like I haven't gotten dressed in front of a guy before but I really think he should go get dressed too. It's weird but feel a little uncomfortable, So I just stand there staring at him and he stares at me. This is sooo awkward. Well, I'm just going to be oblivious and get this done and over with. Besides its not like he hasn't seen me naked. How else would I end up with so many bandages? Heck, I'm even wearing a shirt of his, with his pajama pants because I had nothing to wear. Starting with the shirt, I begin to take it off. "Well I'm going to go get dressed now." Daimon hastily walked out of the room awkwardly. Wow, how was someone so innocent friends with Jake? I ask myself in thought. Oh well, his loss. I take off my bra with the rest of my clothes and bandages. Pulling up my leather pants, I search for my bracelet. Slipping on all of my clothes, I find the bracelet underneath the chair.
            Walking into the bedroom, Daimon stands waiting. Zipping up my pants, I'm ready to go. Looking up, I stop and stare at the man infront of me. Daimon wore a nice black leather jacket and held a motorcycle helmet with red flames. Leather looks so good on guys, so do motorcycles. I can't take my eyes off him. It's like a model just walked in. Breaking the silence, Daimon smirked as he read my face that was in awe. He knew he looked hot, cocky little shit. "Ready to go to the mall?" He stood tall fiddling with his small lip ring. Lip rings are huge turn on's...getting my head out of the clouds I nod my head and utter the words "uh huh."
       Lucky me, he gave the helmet but with that same gaze he gave me earlier. We walked outside to the motorcycle. The chopper is a smokey dark red cherry color. I hopped on the small back and he took the front. Choppers have small seats...He started the motorcycle and we rode off towards the mall. Motorcycles are so much better than stupid little Hondas despite there being less room for comfort.

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