Chapter 19: the transformation

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                       After surviving another night in the dungeon, I slept throughout the next day. That poor girl...what I had done was unforgivable. It's hard to tell the day from the night but as part vampire I can sense it. It's just getting dark but the moon hasn't risen yet.  The guard that is usually downstairs disposed of the girls body after I got done with her. He  isn't here to watch me now, not that he would have to. I've been quiet ever since her death by my hands. The king ordered the guard to barricade the dungeon doors for my first turn. Tonight the full moon will rise and I will show my true self. The twins inside me, moved nonstop with they're little tingles. They're heartbeats grew a bit faster but not by to much. Mine and their senses were connected. They knew something big was going to happen tonight as did I but they are scared. I can sense it but I will protect them no matter what even if they were part of the cause to that girl's death. They don't know any better or how to control their cravings. My eyes been glowing off and on craving for more bloodshed. My whole body is prepared for this night, this turn into my true beast.
                   The moon has risen. I can feel it as pain shoots up my spinal cord sending me into alertness. The bones of my back shift in and out of place as I scream in agony. My nails grew sharp and black as my bones shifted, broke out of place. The babies, I can feel them transforming too. My teeth grew so sharp it cut my tongue into bits while I began growing a snout. I collapsed to the floor feeling my ankle bones twist and grow. My rip cage split and grew larger. Everything grew larger. My hands and feet grew into paws. I grew white illuminating fur everywhere. My vision grew violet. I have become a wolf, a lycan. I am my true self now. The new strength surges through my wolf as I snarl and growl. The beast i am one can defeat me! It's time for revenge! I howled loudly.
       I attack the cell door viciously pawing at it with my enlarged claws.  I hear someone at the barricaded doors. I snap at the cell doors iron bars. It's hinges are becoming looser and looser. The person makes their way to my prison door. It's a vampire!! I growl and attack at it. What is it doing down here?! I will rip it's head off instantly! The vampire opens my door and let's me loose in fright. I stare at it in confusion. Why would it do such a thing?! But in my rage, I have no time to loose. While I am in this form, it's time to get business done and over with. Snarling, I let the vampire live and run up the staircase.
                The place is dark...empty. The vampires knew this would happen. I should have guessed they would with their keen intellect. I can smell their foul scent surging through the atmosphere. Looks like I will get revenge after all. Sniffing about, I urgently speed with brute strength up some more stairs and...jackpot! The lot of all the filthy demons turned to my attention and hissed. That's right, hiss away but payback is a bitch! They all try to fight back but instantly failed. One by one I ripped they're heads, they're limbs off. It was a massacre, a ridding of the things. They're was a group of the vampire sluts that mocked me at the ball. They're heads turned into ash, as did the guards body insulted and mocked me as well for my existence. All of them died in my pure urge for vengeance. The whole room piled into nothing but ash, broken furniture, and scratched walls with torn paintings. Everything went to ruins.
          But I do not think that was all of them. No, it isn't. I have just killed the council members. That just leaves the king and maybe some guards or Stragoi. I can not fight the king just yet though. I climb up three more staircases. I've finally reached the top! I walk into the court yard. That's weird...there are no guards or Stragoi. There are a few, but I can take care of them easily. I thought Eric said security was high in number. Something is not right... There is a figure against the wishing well with faces in the courtyard. It walks towards me without a shred of fear showing. I bounce back and growl in anger prepared to attack at any moment. I can't see the figure clearly. Thinking it is the king, I head near close to the exit for an easy escape. The red glowing eyes walk towards me slowly. Coming into sight is Fane. The moon bounced off of his flawless skin and platinum blonde hair. He stood in his place to gaze upon me. So this is the escape he planned...I walked towards him and rub my furry head against him to show my thanks. Then for the first time, I saw him form a smile with his thin lips. It was a small one but you could tell he was pleased even if he hated what I am. He bent down on one knee to face me and pet through my thick soft white fur. "Go..." He told me. Then stood back up ready for me to leave. Understanding him, I ran off into the distance and through the dark green forest.
               His plan only buys me a few hours before the vampires are after me again. I have to get somewhere safe but where? I can't go back Darcy's even if Daimon is there. If only I could go to him but I can't because its to risky. That will probably be the first place the vampires look and its not like that witch will stop them from taking me. Then the Stragoi might be roaming the streets. I won't let them have or go near me and my twins again! If they do, it will be they're last night on earth. My large paws hit the soft forest ground as I travel at high speeds trying to find somewhere to stay. It has been almost an hour and I'm getting tired. I have to keep moving, no stopping, not now with no time to loose. my breathe can be seen in the cold night air as I move like an engine.
That's when I spot a cave. That's the best place I can hide in! Well, I can sleep there tonight but I might have to keep moving on afterward. The moon above disappears as enter the cave. I don't know what lies beyond so I stay near the entrance where I can still see the moon's shine. I also have a good view incase I see vampires coming up this way.
                Panting hard, I am exhausted. I lay my new body on the cave's floor and lay my fluffy head down on my front legs peering outside of the cave. From then on, I let my wolf take control over me. I end up,falling asleep later into the night, close to sunset, seeing that the vampires were not coming this way. Sleeping soundly, I turn back into my old self when the sun rises. It's a good thing I'm out of the Suns way. I would have burnt to a crisp.
           Laying on the cold cave's ground, I refuse to open my eyelids. Sleeping, I don't make a single move. The sun begins to glow and glimmer as I lie in beneath the shading of the cave. The birds, stags, and wild life move about in the forest. My naked body is now laying in moist soil that covers the cavern's floor.
           Waking up, I blink the dirt out of my eyelashes. I barely remember anything except for fane helping me escape and killing a bunch of vampires. I created a massacre with my wolfs unnatural strength. My revenge has finally been made just. I made them pay with their deaths in the most ruthless way possible.
        It's very cool out today. The weathers breeze felt good against my dirt smeared face.  I feel something soft covering my body like a blanket. I cough out all the dirt in my mouth and try to see what's on top of me. "Ahh" I have a splitting headache. I slowly roll over to see what I'm under. Vampires may heal quick but I find they can still get soar all over. My whole body aches everywhere. There is dirt in places and creases in parts of my body I never thought would get this dirty. Ugh, I smell horrible. Looking down my body, I'm under a grey rabbit fur coat. How did this get here?...I look at my belly underneath. It has gotten slightly bigger, not by much but it's more than what it was. I feel so different than's unexplainable. I start coughing again. I feel the kicks in my stomach. They don't tingle as much. They grew somewhat. Taking heavy deep breathes, I sit and ponder what my next move will be. I go to sit up against the cave wall to stay propped up. Taking the coat, I put it on to cover myself. Clearly, someone lives in this cave, but who? The coat is warm and soft as I snuggle in it. Whoever owns this is very lucky. It's so comfy and warm against the cave's cold air.
                It doesn't help for long though. My hunger is incredibly strong because the babies just keep craving more and more. I need to kill something and fast. But how?...I'm not in wolf form. I try to stand up but I'm back to my weak, feeble self. I get dizzy and have to sit back down. The dizziness has gotten increasingly stronger as if I were on drugs or something of the sort. How am I going to be safe from the vampires until another full moon?!
                 That's when I here a twig snap just outside of the cave. Quickly seeing what it was...I see a tall brooding man in black clothes. It's Lucan. I found his cave unintentionally. "Well, look who is awake. Hello, Catie. Or do you prefer Ecatera?" He looked at me with a greeting smile that said welcome to my cave written all over it. He's the one that lent me the fur coat. Figures, he lives in the woods, in the middle of no where. "Hey, um...Catie is fine...thanks for lending me the coat..." I tried covering myself up more. This is just really weird. Daimons father has just seen me naked. A disgusted look wanted to grow on my face. Just the thought makes me want to barf now. I feel so violated but I didn't know this is where his cave was. "It was my wife's...I made it for her. It's the only thing I have left of hers." He looked down at the ground for a moment. Oh, I feel guilty for wearing it now with my filthy body. I've probably just ruined its silky interior. It's so sad. I want to cry now. Oh comes the mood swings. "I'm so sorry." I started crying out of guilt. "No, it's..ok.." He just stood there not knowing what to do at my sudden reaction. He just kind of stared at me for a moment as if I were crazy.  Then he walked up to me and peered down at my purple head. " Catie, how did you end up here? Daimon ok?..." I stopped sniffling and crying to look up at him. "Idk if he's ok. I know he's alive and that's all that matters. The vampires took me hostage and abused me after I saw Daimon get stabbed. The prince set me free. He helped me escape but I can't go back to Daimon because he's at Darcy''s not safe..." I cried more spilling everything out causing my headache to worsen with the reminder of it all. He left me and walked further into the cave. I stopped my tears again. I'm so hungry. I lay my hands on my tummy. It makes a dying whale sound. I wonder what the babies think about that. Poor things have to hear dying whale sounds when I'm hungry.
                    Lucan came back with something in his was a pair of boots with fur at the top. "Here wear these. We are leaving this place tonight. It won't be long until the vampires find you here. Don't worry about Daimon I will go and get him now weather he wants to see me or not. I'll leave you here but you need to go further in so if someone comes by they will not see you. I promise I will be back." I put on the soft boots that matched the coat. Lucan ran off in an angry hurry, leaving me in place. I tried standing but got dizzy again so I tried scooting on my butt. The ground is way to hard to do that. I've gotten a little deeper into the five feet....scooting is a lot of work.

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