Chapter 4: The bathroom is more important

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Over the next few days I grieved over jake's death. In the mean while Jake's friend Daimon helped me get better. I can speak now my soar throat is almost gone. After everything that happened that night I know I have to stay strong for Jake no mater how much I don't want to keep on living. Suicidal thoughts have crossed my mind so many times....My eyes are so soar they burn....Daimon has really helped through this though. He fed me soup and gave me medicine in the most endearing ways. Through out the days we both grieved and talked about that night. He's very mysterious and careful with his choice of words when it comes to talking about the deceased. He told me about how Jake would talk about our relationship. He said he didn't even know how we put up with each other for so long. I told him about my past and he told me part of his. Like me and he grew up bullied too, so he understands what it's like to be an outcast.The only thing I find peculiar is the bite mark on his hand. I want to ask him about it but I'm not sure when to impose. I also have more issues than just jakes death. That felt so real.
I haven't seen the Raven since that night. My guess is that it really did die. My guardian angel was gone like Jake was. Aside from their tragic deaths, I have fangs and this uncontrollable urge, I'm not sure what it is. On my hand, is the lunar moon mark that I saw on the paw from the dream. Daimon seems to know something about the mark or so I think he does since he keeps stealing large glances at it. I asked him about it but I don't think he heard me. When I get scared or feel like I'm in danger the mark glows. The day I woke up here, when he kicked over the chair, I got scared and it glowed slightly. It's all so weird. I don't know what is happening to me with all of these changes. Every day this urge, it gets stronger. It isn't just the urge, it's my senses too. I've eaten everything with lots of salt or puked it all up in response to its taste. Even pizza seems to phase me. Daimon smells like a dog that needs a bath Twenty four seven. I don't think he even has a dog so that makes his smell really strange. I need to figure out what's wrong with me, What that thing was in the woods. Hopefully I will find out because as soon I do, I'm getting my revenge. Well, that beast took care of it but I'll slaughter atleast one of its kind.
Daimon told me a lot about things but it seems as if he has a hidden identity. It seems as though he were hiding something behind his Amber eyes. Something no one else knows and it is rather strange. Last night, he left me here alone and didn't come home until this morning. He did not smell like alcohol or anything so he couldn't have went out partying. He better not have went to a party without me. I don't care how much pain I'm in, I'm always up for fun. It would be nice to get my mind off of everything that has happened so far.
Everything is changing inside me, around me. Even the air smells different as I breathe slowly. My heart still beats slow but I feel perfectly fine. it's so hard to keep up.
Sitting up in bed, I stare around the small room. Rubbing my eyes I look over at the small clock on the table next to the bed I'm in. It's 5:30 in the morning. The sun hasn't even risen yet. As I sit up I try to get up out of bed for the first time without Daimon's help. My back still hurts really bad as I maneuver my legs towards the edge of the bed And throw the covers off of me. Its really dark, I can't see but I still proceeded with each painful breathe. My feet hit the cold hard wood floor beneath me as I wince at some of my injuries. Trying to stand, I use the side table as leverage for balance. Then Standing up, pain shoots up my spine again. Loosing focus, my feet shuffle and I land face first on the floor. "Owwww!" I wince as I wiggle on the floor, hoping I didn't break my nose. Crap! I hope I didn't wake Daimon up. Great! Im such a clutz! Struggling, I manage to get to my knees. Then I hear feet shuffling quickly into the room. The light switch turns on. Stopping in the middle of the floor, I look up as though I were a toddler being caught in the middle of stealing a baby's lollipop. My eyes a little wide, I try to laugh it off.
"Oh...hi Daimon...don't mind me..I was just trying to get to the bathroom..." I make a pathetic excuse trying not to breathe hard while I held myself up. Awkwarrrrdddd. He looks down at me with a concerned face in his batman pajama pants. Oh no, he's going to help me again. I don't really need any help I can do everything by myself. I mean I don't want to be a burden, he's already helped enough. "Ok" he just stands there and stares at me. Well that was unexpected...Jerk! He's really not going to help me! Wow, I'm such a hypocrite. Then I start to crawl towards the bathroom again, as I go to stop in pain again Daimon walks over and helps me up. "I was picking."he said letting me know he wasn't serious with his soothing voice. Still though, that was a jerk move!
"I'm sorry." I told him in regret. I actually feel bad for waking him up to deal with me. It's not right to just sit here and be taken care of. I guess its because I'm really independent. I'm not used to having to be taken care of ever since middle school that is. "Sorry for what?"he smirked as if he thought I weren't being serious. "Everything. You didn't have to help me you know." I tell him. I hate feeling indebted to people. I owe him one though. "I know but you knew Jake and your special. I couldn't exactly let you just lay there to die." He spoke trying be obvious. I can't believe this, I'm special. Is this a joke. I laugh to ask"how am I special?"
He grabbed my hand with the violet crescent mark. "You see this mark?" He asked as if I were blind. No it's just been on my hand this whole time and I haven't noticed it. "Yeah" I say in an obvious tone. So what, now he's going to tell me about this stupid tattoo thingy. Why wouldn't he tell me before? Sighing as if he were fixing to tell the whole world a secret no one should know, Daimon fiddled with his lip ring a little."I didn't want to tell you until your back healed completely. Come on sit down." He tried to drag me back to the bed as he held my back a little to keep me from falling but I stopped him. Before he tells me anything I have to do something way more important. "Woah, woah, woah...slow down! I have to pee!" I try lightening the mood a little before I have to find out something that could potentially make me hate life even more. I'm probably going to regret this a lot but I take his hand off of my back. Surprisingly, I still stand. Yes, I'm not a failure after all. Crap...change my mind, my back hurts again. Before I fall on my face again, I hobble as fast as I can into the bathroom, leaving the utterly confused Daimon waiting. Success! I made it onto the toilet!
Well I know this is completely random but let's face it, who wouldn't want to stall on something that could change your life in under a few seconds. I think of myself as the master of diversion. It's good to be able to run away from something once in a while. Of coarse I can't run all the time, I don't want to be seen as a stupid coward. Sitting down on the toilet, I sigh in relief. Sadly, I have to confront Daimon sometime today. I can't exactly hide out in the bathroom for long. Looking down at my hand, it spins me into curiosity. How could he possibly know what this is? More importantly what am I? Pulling the teenage mutant ninja turtle pajama pants I bummed from Daimon, up. He has childish choices in pajamas. Hobbling in pain, I lean on the sink.
All of a sudden I don't feel so good. I mean I didn't really feel well to begin with but...I look down at my feet with my back arched. It feels like something just punched me in the stomach. Now what?! I already have enough problems. I can't hold back anymore. The urge I've been having,it takes over me. Coughing uncontrollably, I cough out small amounts of blood onto my feet. What the heck!Standing up straight now with pain surging all throughout my body, I look into the bathroom mirror. My blonde hair turns completely white, my eyes turn blood red, the fangs from my dream show more. Afraid of myself I slam into the wall behind me. What is this?! What the hell am I?!
I sit in a ball on the floor feeling my fangs, Trembling. They're so sharp they pierce my fingers. I can't stop coughing wildly. There's blood everywhere from my fingers to my pale feet. "Catie are you ok?!" Daimon knocks on the bathroom door concerned. I cough even harder as blood spews from my pulsing mouth. I try to open the door in haste. I reach for the door knob feverishly with all the strength left in me. My body grows cold sending shivers throughout me. Coughing, shivering, hurting, and craving something continually. On, on, on the hunger goes trying to turn me mad. My back sits against the wall as the monster inside me takes over. "Catie!" Daimon jerks the door open almost taking it off the hinges.
I hear every vain in his body pulsing as my body fights the monster. My human blood wants to fight it but it is quickly defeated. The urge makes me feel like lunging after him but I somehow stop myself from doing so. "Shit! It's started!"he said suddenly as if he knew this would happen. could he know?...He bends down and picks me up bridal style. I can't stop coughing no matter how hard I try. Blood splatters his shoulder and blood gets on his shirt from the fingers that felt the tips of my fangs.  I can hear his pulse racing as though he were afraid of me. It's good that he does because I feel like digging my fangs into his neck. However, his potent stench of dog keeps me from piercing or ripping apart his skin. Daimon carries me back to bed, wrapping me in blankets in the most caring way and then runs out of the bedroom in a hurry. Ha, if Jake were here, he'd probably left me for dead out of fear. Shivering and freezing cold the blankets prove to be of not much use in warming me.
As I lay there I can't help but wonder what is happening to me, what and who I really am. I wonder how I can tame the monster within me. I know I'm rebellious but I am no monster....or atleast I hope I'm not...

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