Chapter 17: Eric might be a stalker

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                    The shackles on the columns became to much to handle with my wounds not healing fast enough. My heavy breathing increased and I began to feel hot again. I'm slowly loosing consciousness again as I try to stay awake. "Father, I think it is time I take her back downstairs unless you wish for her to continue to grow weaker." Fane spoke to vasile Dracul king of the vampires. "No. She is fine.leave her until the ball is over. I want everyone to see the abomination I will eventually have to defeat. Look at her panting like the beast she is. It is best to present her while she is still weak so the others are on my side when it comes to stength." The evil King spoke sternly to fane in front of me as if I were a mangy mutt. Fane scoffed at him for his ways and walked away. The king stayed in place gazing up at me with his demonic aura. " are the supposed savior..." He paced in front of me as I hung my head low still trying to stay conscious. Just like all kings spoken of, I can already tell he's a show off. "Don't will die by a kings hands. You should be grateful to be given such an honor..." He paced some more back and forth. Grateful?! I think not! He isn't a king to me! " even your offspring..." He went to go touch my stomach. No! I won't let him! "Don't you dare!!!!!" I cried screaming out into the ball room, drawing everyone's attention. If he so much as lays a finger on me, I will kill him! That soulless bastard of a man deserves to die just like the rest of them!! My eyes blackened, I barred my fangs and my crescent moon glowed. I tried breaking out of the shackles but could not. The king backed away slowly, angrily from me but turned around to face his coven of vampires. "You see this abomination! I will kill her after she regains full strength! Just look upon how weak she is! To think that she is known as prophesied royalty!" The satanic king vasile made them laugh and mock me. They all were disgusted at the very sight of me. They drank blood from wine glasses and teased me with shreds raw meat for their own distasteful pleasure. Now I know why I had weird cravings. As I hung, all I could think of was Daimon and what was growing inside of me. I don't know what I'm going to do but I will kill every last being in this room if they try to harm me or the being's in my body!
             The ball came to an end and fane got me down from the shackles. Everyone left the room including the stupid king. I collapsed to the floor at an instant crying and rubbing my wrists profusely. Fane grabbed me by the arm again and forcefully made me walk down the stairs with each painful step, no stop for rest. He was so forceful and cold hearted. Getting to my cell, he let go of me, and I walked back inside. He didn't put the ankle shackle on me. He gave me an apologetic glance and sped back up the stairs after locking my cellar door.
The fire from the torches lit the dungeon. They didn't really have any prisoners. They have this one guy but he's all the way on the other side. I'm so tired. Limping, I go and sit down on the small bed. Rubbing my tummy, I feel they're little heart beats. It's twins, I know that much. I have cried so much in the last few hours my tears no longer want to flow out. I'm barely showing but it's only been almost three weeks. I've seen babies before but I have never actually dealt with one. I've never dealt with supernatural babies. It's not like I will be able to.  If Daimon isn't alive or searching for me, I cant guarantee them a future if I'm weak. I have two more days until the full moon. Looks like me and Daimon won't be able to change together after all. I look down at the rug. I have to get strong but how?
         It's cold down here and I'm shivering. I get under the beds blankets and surprisingly, they are warm. I'm coughing in an uncontrollable frenzy. One of the guards come downstairs with something in his hands...He unlocks the cellar door and comes in. I can't see his face through the armored helmet especially with a dizziness. " hello love. I got you some food." Wait... His British accent sounds familiar. I take the dish, barely sitting up, and peek inside. It's a pure rare steak with extra blood. "Oh dove, you don't remember my voice...what a pity." The man sounded really disappointed. He took off his helmet to peer at me. It was Eric! Eric, Daimons vampire friend! "Eric! What are you?..." "I followed you both here. Listen I just passed the witches house. I saw Daimon through one of the Windows. Him and Darcy are planning something to get you out of this dead beat of a place."
So that's what he came to tell me but why did he follow us? That's kind of stalkerish and creepy. How did he even know where I was? Did he just say looking through a window?....yeah, that's not stalkerish at all....note the sarcasm. "Oh, that's great! But how did you know I was here?...And why did you follow us?"
            "Well, when I first met you I noticed your heartbeat. Vampires don't really have a heart beat. I figured out who you were and figured Daimon might need a little help. Honestly, you have no idea how hard it was to get here back packing from Spain because you're best friend took all of your money to get to Romania. When I heard what happened, I knew I had to find you for Daimon. So I dusted a vampire guard and broke in. But I don't have much time...The whole place is surrounded with security. It will be impossible to get out if I help you escape."
               I didn't know what to say, so I hugged him. Daimon is alive! Finally, I have some closer.  "I don't care! thank you! Please tell Daimon I need his help! Tell him to come rescue me! I'm not strong enough to fight them alone! They're abusing me." My voice cracked. I wanted to shed tears but my eyes wouldn't budge. I couldn't show him the marks from the shackles because they had already healed over, though I could still vaguely feel where they once were.
                 "I figured as much. Don't worry love, I will give them your message. These vampires are not the kind to hangout with. I'm sorry you have to go through this...So um, you like steak?" He looked at my plate curiously with confusion. Then he looked at me like I was out of my mind. He gave me the same look Daimon and Darcy gave me. But it was so quiet in the dungeon, he heard them. "Huh, that's odd...when was the last time you shagged?" Seriously, that is the worst question ever. Why can't he get his mind out of the gutter for once? "'s almost been three weeks. I transform in two more days not counting tonight. But uh yeah. Are you going to tell Daimon?..." I hesitantly responded. I can feel them both moving, they're so tiny. Maybe being a hybrid is good after all. I can feel they're every movement and heart beat that I thought was just throbbing before. I've never been a mom but this feels kind of cool. "Oh uh...that is some hard news to put on a man...but I will if you want me to...dove."  He brushed his hand through his hair. Men really can't handle pregnancy news even if it isn't theirs.
            "Thank you! Please do...I'm afraid...they told me that they would keep me here until after I had them because I am so week. Please, Eric. Tell Daimon. If I have them here in the dungeon, they'll feed them to the Stragoi! I know I'm barely showing but it's only been three weeks. I might end up having them in a few months from now. I know it will not be nine months though...Probably way earlier..." I started pleading, sitting back down on the bed out of breath.
          "No problem. Sorry for being so much of a perv when we first met. I will tell him. I'm truly sorry you have to go through this." He felt sad for me and stared down at his feet. " it's ok just...just tell Daimon I love him. And I need him...desperately." My voice cracked and I manage to squeeze out a tear.
         "I am sorry. I will tell him. Stay strong ok. We are working on a plan to get you out. I think I'll be going now before I am caught. Goodbye love." Still with the love and dove crap. To be so perverse he is a loyal friend. I wish he'd stop calling me love though. It's weird. I guess it's because he's British. By the time I look up to say my goodbye, he's gone. He must have sped out with his vampire speed. That does tend to come in handy. I'm so glad Daimon is alive. I just hope that when they find a way in he really doesn't get killed then.  The guards here don't seem to be that nice. No one here does. Even fane is cruel and cold to the heart. His father, the king, scares me so much. To think I have to defeat that. The most important thing to me right now is Daimons life and my babies. I just hope I'm a good mom. I don't know what it's like to have so much responsibility, maybe it's time to find out, if I have a chance to find out. Look at me. I've gone from being rebellious to knocked up. Well, I now know why I am so damn important. I have to illuminate all evil vampires no matter what the costs. Those evil being's will regret ever threatening me. I will make sure they burn! I drain my food dry and curl back up under the covers for warmth and rub my belly, feeling the tiny things move about in my womb as I grow unconscious and nauseated again with my soar eyes.

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