Chapter 26: Makeout session interupted

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Today, Is the day I prove myself as worthy to fight and protect everyone I love. I have to win this fight or at least learn from it. This is the last time I will fight before going against fane's father, King Vladimir Dracul ruler of all vampires. He wants me dead because I am the true ruler of the night soon to be. With me I have Excalibur, temporarily until I gain my three true powers through overcoming obstacles that will give me my immortal sword. I have already gained all of my tattoos and two of my powers. Lucan said that the lady of the lake only gave Excalibur or made a sword for people of extreme importance towards creatures of magic and night. I made a promise to Daimon that I would stop fighting after this until it is to time to use Excalibur against the vampires ruler. I have to keep this promise unlike every other one I have made in the past. It's time to take responsibility and consideration for my actions even if I miss my old ways.
"Are you ready Catie?" Fane asked prepared to fight me. I pulled out Excalibur and part of my wolf out once more after taking deep breaths. That's right Daimon thought me how to control my wolf now I'm more able to fight. "Give me your best shot." I managed to give a small growling smirk. He stood there waiting for me to take the first strike. He has something up his sleeve, I know it. I wait for him to make the first move, knowing if I make the first attempt it will be worthless. So he peers at me in curiosity and makes his first move. He charges towards me with his vampire speed and jumps up in the air with elegance. His swift sword aims for me but with a second to spare I froze him in time. Then I unfroze him waiting for him to face plant as I stood behind. Instead, he lands gracefully on his feet to turn around and face me. That's...but how?...I'm miffed at his moves but try not letting it effect me. He charged after me again. This time I blew him away with my force field using it as a saucer. It still had no affect. His suit burnt from the white lightening but he still stood. His skin healed quick. My force field might not be as strong because I'm still weak. I charged after him with my wolves claws, sword in hand. I aimed for his chest. Although I charged, I waited for him to move so I could turn and hit his shoulder. He moved but before I could turn, he grabbed my arm and sent my back to the wall. It's a good thing I'm not human. If I was a regular human, every bone in my body would be broken, the babies would probably be dead. It's good that I have vampiric healing. Everyone I have fought has been very careful not to harm my front side. My body, even weakened, is almost indestructible with my wolf. I got back up panting. Daimon wanted to run over but Lucan stopped him. I kept everything together with my last bit of energy. I wouldn't take my eyes off of fane, the target. He charged after me again so I freeze him once more. This time I take his sword and stick it between his legs, near his balls. They'll heal with his vampiric healing, I figured. "Plot this one!" I laughed to myself as I waved my hand to continue time. This is great. Unfreezing, his sword grazed his junk. He let out a large shriek and face planted holding his testies. Lucan and Daimon both laughed on the side lines of the ballroom. Fane got up angrily, shaking. Then charges after me. I didn't have enough time to move so I put up a force field. His sword almost pierced the forcefield but he stopped trying to defeat me. "Huh... You win. I could have easily defeated you now but because you have managed to hit my weakness, I will let you have this one round." He walked off, limping. That's not fair though. He should have finished the fight but I guess in my condition, it was best not to.
Daimon and Lucan both came running up to me in laughter to congratulate me. However, letting my wolf and Excalibur dissolve, Daimon had to catch me before I fell. I didn't pass out like I usually do this time. Daimon held me up. "Remind me never to piss you off." He smirked as Lucan stood in front of us. Fane sped out of the castle all of a sudden. Lucan watched him and followed, leaving us. Daimon sat me in his lap on the floor cuddling me and my melon shaped belly bump. We gave each other sweet tender kisses waiting for Lucan to come back in. Charlie wasn't here today. Fane gave him the day off because he told his father he had important business to attend to. I think that's fane's excuse for everything. All I know is that I have to protect everything no matter what. I have to cherish every moment with him as much as I can. "Baby,...where going to make this work. If I promise to you I won't die, promise me that after we make it through this...we'll stay together forever." Is he proposing because I think it's too late for that. I feel the twins kicking in my womb. "Babe, of coarse I promise." I look into his eyes and kiss him horizontally, sitting in his lap.
Lucan runs back in and upstairs in a rush while me and Daimon kept making out. Nothing was breaking this make out session up. His tongue slipping between my fangs. Then fane rushes in. "This is no time to be romantic. Get your things. We are leaving. My father is coming towards the castle. He has checked every place in Romania, including the the village houses. This is the last place he is coming to. Don't worry I know a place we can hide. He knows there is nothing there because he has already searched it. It is another castle. It is not as cozy as this one but we must go now." He stopped our make out session with his stern, ruling voice. Daimon got up hastily and left me sitting on the floor, knowing I would only slow him down. He gathered all of our things and we exited the back of the castle. Daimon carried me into fane's limo. Lucan hopped in with us and we sped off. But as we sped off, I noticed one of the kings men...or Stragoi standing not to far from us. I sincerely hope it did not notice us. Daimon, held me in his arms so I couldn't see out of the window well. Fane said he had checked his father's planning. This was not supposed to be on his schedule from what he told us. Fane's father must have finally caught up to noticing his shenanigans. The tension keeps rising. It's obvious I will be fighting the king soon. I just hope I can delay the vision and fulfill my prophecy before then.
This really ticks me off though. I wanted to keep making out. "We don't have much longer. We can't keep running forever. We will have to fight eventually." Lucan spoke the obvious looking at the rolling hills under the moon from the car window. Daimon sighed knowing his father was correct. Just by the look on his face, I saw a great sadness. He wanted to believe that we would make it through everything together, that he wouldn't die before our babies are born, but in reality he had a strong gut feeling that, that would not happen. He's trying so hard to keep me safe and thinking of only everyone but himself. He's really shattered on the inside but he refuses to let it show. The thoughts of not living to see the babies grow up or not helping me raise them, plaques his mind endlessly. He's always telling me not to hide things from him, I just wish he'd do the same. We tell each other everything but he has let this wedge between us. I don't blame him. This is all so much to take in and deal with. I've been trying my best to make him feel better. We both agree it's best to just spend every moment, every breath, every tear together until that day comes. "'ll be ok." I tried comforting him with a gentle smooch on his pierced lips. "I know..." He tried smiling as he held me. For the rest of the ride he tried not showing his sorrow. He did everything in his power to get his mind off of it. Mainly by picking on me. I didn't mind. I'm good with comebacks but I knew he needed to blow off steam somehow. I'm worried about him. He should not pretend so much. It isn't healthy. I love him and seeing him hurt makes me depressed too. Guess, we're both depressed and hiding it.
After hours fly by we reach the castle fane wanted to us hide in. He really likes castles. The castle was very large, dark, and gothic as if it were something from a frankenstein movie. Bats flew around the top of one of the castles towers. It's so cool looking but I doubt it's cozy. It appears to be one of those castles that only use candles and matches for lighting. Fane lead us to our rooms. Me and Daimons room was covered in black and red with a stained glass window. The golden chandelier was covered in cob webs and the shelves covered with blankets of dust. The whole castle was huge with arch ways and stone staircases. This is what u would expect vampires to live in. Gothic on the outside and darkly sensual on the inside. It's so cold, the breath from our lips could be seen penetrating the freezing air. Daimon lit the Stoney fireplace for warmth and dragged the bed close to it. "There, we should be warm for the night." He snuggled me.
Something about this place reminds me of something certain. It feels like I have been here before but I'm not sure how. I've never been here before.
Fane left the castle to go back to his. He said he would be gone for quite some time to keep this castle off of his father's interest if he suspects it again. Lucan stayed outside of our door until fane sent Charlie back to be our body guard. My stomach looks like a giant watermelon. Hopefully, fane will be successful in delaying his father. He knows what will happen if he doesn't. Daimon grows more engrossed in his own sorrow everyday thinking about what's to come and I do too. Everyday that goes by gets harder to go through. The king has started sending out spies so fane has sent out secret guardsmen to guard the creepy castle. we are stuck here until I am strong enough to fight against anything. My dizzy spells have gone from being dizzy to very long migraines. The babies drain more and more energy. I haven't been able to make it out of bed without passing out or running more fevers for a full week. Daimon is worried that fane's father will be the end of me, him, and our twins in this state. He has worried so much he's made himself sick many times to come into bed with me but he knows we have to stay strong. He knows we can't give in to our tragic fates. He doesn't even really know about the nightmare but even so he's letting life eat him away. We have to keep going together as long as we possibly can.

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