Chapter 15: Feverish

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                 Daimon cuddled me on the bathroom floor until Darcy and Fiona woke up. Darcy needed to use the bathroom and walked in on our cuddling session. "Oh I'm sorry! Did I..." She paused and looked at the inside of the toilet. "Oh....I should have warned you not to eat it. Vampires can't really digest meats well..." She felt bad for not warning me ahead of time but appeared in disgust at the sight of it. I could really care less about what anyone said right now. I didn't feel that great and I just wanted use Daimon as a pillow for my throbbing head. " I couldn't sleep and she got yeah."Daimon looked at the floor rubbing my shoulders. Our eyes both hurt from crying earlier and staying up so late. We really didn't feel like putting up with a bunch of crap.
        "I'll go fix you both breakfast...Catie I'm just going to fix you regular blood." We both just stared at her wearily. Daimons eyes were half shut from not getting enough sleep. We aren't really that hungry but we don't object to it. "We should probably go into the living room. I'll carry you if you want." Daimon has cared for me more than anyone ever has. I'm so glad he's with me. Even in our weakest moments we can stick together. I nod my head to let him know he can. He scoops me up gently and carries me into the living room with my head under his chin. "Woah,'re really hot!" Um...well he has seen me naked but that's really random to say at a time like this...he felt my forehead. Oh...I'm that kind of hot. Weird, I don't feel that way...I mean it is kind of warm in here...everything feels warm and fuzzy...he sat me in one of the chairs next to the fireplace. "You are really" He brushed a piece of my hair back. I geuss vampires are usually cold huh. I'm so tired...vampires can't get tired. Then again, I'm only half vampire so maybe I can sleep every once in a while. "Darcy! Get in here! Hurry!" He called for the witch looking at me really concerned, feeling my face as I sheepishly laid against the char's soft orange cushion. Ok, maybe he's right. I'm starting to feel the abnormal heat eroding from my body. My breath smelt like puke not making feel any better. The witch rushed into the room hastily. "What is it?!" Her voice rang high hurting my ears. She needs to learn how to control the tone of her voice more because she's giving me even more of a migraine. Daimon shot her a concerned look as he was bent down in front of me. I was to tired to say anything or make any sudden movement. Sweat has started to bead off of my body like I'm in a hot shower. She ran over beside me to feel my forehead. "How is this possible?...vampires don't get fevers unless it's the werewolf blood reacting with vampire blood but why is it only reacting now?..." This is all so weird. I was fine just yesterday. Now I feel like a limp noodle in boiling water. What's going on?... My confusion causes my head to spin more while It feels like something just punched me in the gut. My insides are throbbing as if I had a miniature hot tub going inside me. Then Fiona the black cat hopped into my lap and rubbed her head against my stomach like she was marking her territory. The black cat said nothing and then ran off because she thought she saw a mouse. Ha! Typical cats. Well, I am not her territory. I'm not anyone's territory. "Daimon, why don't you just carry her to bed while I look through my spell books for anything on healing vampires." She commanded him to do so looking peculiarly at me. I wish I knew what was going on. Everything is so blurry...So confusing. Daimon scoops me up and takes me downstairs. "I'm right here if you need me, ok." He places me under the covers, laying my feverish head gently on the pillows. The last thing I saw was the chair he sat in to hold my hand softly. He wouldn't leave my side. There has be a reason for this...but what?...
        Daimon stayed next to me for one week straight. There was a couple of times I woke up but I was so hot. My throat was so dry it was impossible to speak. I overheard everyone talking outside the bed,s canopy. They still don't know what the illness could be. I don't understand...I have healing powers. Why aren't they working? Darcy thinks it's because I haven't had any fresh blood from a living human but I refuse to feed off of anyone. I'm not sick or demented enough to like other vampires. All I've been drinking is the bagged stuff. But something bad is happening now. Could it really be because I haven't had fresh blood? One of the royals is visiting Darcy tonight. With my vampire hearing, I can hear anything said in the house. They are here to search the place for the prophecy child. They have been ordered to check all the houses in Romania since they couldn't find me anywhere else. Shit! No! They can't get me now! I'm to weak...Daimon wouldn't let go of me but he didn't want to move me. He had to though. I could hear his pulse become faster in panic due to the situation of the royal's unexpected visit. He carried me into a secret underground place Darcy recommended. "Daimon..." I crack my eyelids open to see him through blurriness. " Catie..." He was excited that I was awake but it was at the wrong time for me to be. He kept looking up at something. Are we underneathe the floorboards? He kissed me passionately like something bad was going to happen. I cried silently because my mind just cant really grasp as to what is happening. He brushes my tears away in his endearing way. His lips were the coolest thing I've felt in days compared to my body temperature and now something is going to happen and I can't stop it!"'s alright..." He whispered as low as he could catching my frightened shivers. He looked into my eyes, brushed my hair back like he always does. He takes my hair clip out and kisses it. "Catie if anything happens, I'll keep this safe for you..." Wait...what?! Daimon please...don't do anything stupid!!! I cried even more now, my throat hurting more than ever when I try to choke. He sat me down on the ground and tried to wipe the heavy hot rain coming from my red eyes but failed.
                "Hold on...I smell dog! Guards check every inch of the house!" Several heavy feet ran all over the house to search for the sent. " know what will happen if your caught hiding wolves...but because I'm the nicest one out of my troublesome family...I think I will spare your life." A dark formal voice spoke to the witch calling her by her real name. "Of coarse, prince fane. I understand your royalty. I am indeed very grateful for your gratitude." Darcy responded to the royal with the highest amount of respect. She makes sure she doesn't slip up and give us away to stall. "Sire! We found nothing...but we did find this!" One of the gaurdsmen held up one of Daimons shirts to the dark man. "It reeks of dog! Find them!" He ordered his guards urgently in anger at the stench his guards found. Darcy pretended like she didn't know anything. "Witch!we will find those Vermon! And if you are hiding the savior....!" The Royal prince got angry and tried not let his temper do any harm. "You know what my father will do to you! I suggest you pack your bags and go into hiding now! If there is anywhere you can hide! You will be hunted for this! You better be grateful I haven't killed you yet!"  She just stood there in place like nothing was wrong. "I know sire...but I do not think I will have to worry about that for long." She spoke with heavy confidence but she said not for long...does that mean she's going to give me and Daimon up?! I kept flooding water out of my face.
   "Hold on....what is that awful smell?" The prince paced the room carefully. He noticed where the scent was coming from. My crescent moon mark started glowing. I tried pulling on it for Excalibur but I'm to weak! Daimon please! Please don't leave me! My temperature started rising faster, faster. I feel like my head is going to explode. Daimon stands up looking at the floor boards, at the prince's feet, ready to fight. The prince rips open one of the floor boards and sees me and Daimon. He hisses with his venomous vampire fangs. Darcy just stands there and does nothing to get in the Royal's way. Daimon turns into his wolf formation. His wolf was black and huge. I guess that's what to be expected of a beast when it comes to size. Oh no! I keep trying to pull Excalibur from my mark but I'm to weak. I keep failing! This can't be happening! Daimon I don't want to loose you! He looks at me with his wolf's golden eyes and sheds a tear. Then the large black being he is, hops up through the floor boards and tries to fight the Royal. He's no match! He kept snapping and aiming for his head but failed! The Royal disgusted by what was happened stabbed him in the side with his sword! I wanted to scream but was only able to make a loud whisper. Daimon just lied there on his side. He looked lifeless! Noooooo!!! Daimon!!!!I start crying so uncontrollably, my temperature rises, and slowly, I pass back out.

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