Chapter 13: Mmm Raw Meat

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                   All of this stuff about a prophecy, it's all so much to take in but I'm beginning to get used to it. As long as Daimon is with me, I might begin to fulfill this thing. Daimon sits across from me finishing his pot roast. Darcy is really excited about me and Daimon. She won't shut up about it. I wish she would at some point. "If my mother were here she'd be so proud!"she kept bringing up her mom. It must really be hard to be so happy. I know her mother was a really good person. She protected me with her life. Wish I could have thanked her for everything before her death. The loss of a loved one is a painful thing. Thinking back to Jake my heart still aches a little but at least now I know who my heart really belongs to. I look up at Daimon in thought. No one has ever made me more than happy without at least vandalizing something with graffiti or doing it anywhere, at anytime. But those are just satisfactions. The only happiness they bring lasts for a very little amount of time. What Daimon brings me is long lasting and warm to the heart.
         "I think it's time for bed. Stay up as long as you wish. I've lifted a protection barrier so the Stragoi won't bother us" Darcy drained all of her energy with her excitement and went to bed taking Fiona with her. "Stragoi?" I ask Daimon in all curiousness. What the heck is a Stragoi? "A Stragoi is like a mutated vampire zombie that eats or kills anything in its path unless stopped by they're vampire creator. It's what happens when a royal or pure blood bites a human without turning them. They don't turn humans unless they are of beauty or have like a dark nature."
    "Oh." I respond. That's just weird. I wouldn't want to bump into one of those things. They sound ugly and scary.  I sigh and look down at the floor. "Daimon, are you happy?" 
    "Yes, of coarse I am. Catie, I love you." He spoke softly seeing my sad face. He rubbed my knee to let me know he's there for me. " I know but do you really want to live forever with me? I would just be a burden wouldn't I?" He cupped my face in his hands. "Yes. I do. I will always be here for you. Don't ever doubt my feelings for you. I didn't have anyone before you. Your beautiful, funny, rebellious, kind of mean,but I love it. We'll figure out everything together ok. Just don't doubt that alright." His lips brushed mine, taking all the questions I had to ask him from my mouth.
He kissed me slowly, passionately. I usually kiss rough but his kisses are like daydreams almost. They take me away from the harsh reality and that gives a feeling security. Maybe, he's right. All that matters is our love for one another.  His tongue slips over mine, His kisses oh so sweet and tinder. I never want him to leave me. The fire kindled in front of us as we made out. He got tired so we head downstairs again only this time he carried me like I was his bride. When we got down stairs we light the candles on the tables next to the bed to set the mood.
                        "So you were here when you were three?" I questioned him in my lingerie gown sitting on the bed watching him put on his pajama pants. Guys that go commando are sexy. "Uh yeah, it's a long story. I don't really feel like talking about it." He let out a yawn. It must be nice to be sleepish. I slip under the covers and he blows out the candles to come into bed with me. "Your so warm..."I plop my arms around Daimon and spoon with him. This is nice, I could just use him as a traveling heater when ever I want. Mmm, his firm ass is nice. I reach down and squeeze it a little. "Hahahahaha stop."he whispered waving my hand away under warm, soft covers. I squeeze it again. "Haha ok seriously though." He pinched my butt trying to get me to stop. I want to keep groping his firm butt but I figured I would be nice for a change and stop.
         The next thing I notice is Daimons soft snores. He falls asleep so quickly. I can just sit here and watch him sleep as I comb my fingers through his hair leaning against his warm broad back. His soft skin against mine as I snuggle against him. Being awake feels like I'm watching over him as if I were the Raven before she died. Not a moment passes through the night were he's not on my mind. I know it kind of seems stalkerish to watch someone sleep through the night but it's actually soothing. The quietness of the dark combined with the one you love brings along a certain serenity.
              Hours by hours pass by before Daimon wakes back up. Being next to him made the dark not seem like forever. "Good morning" i groped his butt grinning.  I hope I just made his morning pleasant. At Least I assume its morning."haha morning"he flipped over to face me laughing like a drunk person. He's cute when he's sleepy. He kisses me again and again, softly moving lower to between my hips, making me gasp. I feel his warm body move back up and his. hands pressed against my face. "So uh, babe, you want to go upstairs?" I ask wondering if he wanted to continue being a morning person. "No, I just want to stay here and feel you up for giving me that sweet tug in my butt." He's so drowsy from sleep, it's cute. I prefer all nighters but I'm always willing to do it anywhere at any time. We hug and cuddle under the comforters giving sweet tinder kisses in all the lovely places. He's trying his best not to fall back asleep and get some. He should stop being a morning person since he's a lot better at things when he's more hyper. Then Darcy opens the canopy to the bed and light shoots in! I shriek away to bury my head into Daimons chest after he gets off top. He starts laughing at me. "It's alright. It's just the bedroom light." His hand touching my arm. Well, I feel like an idiot. Hasn't she ever heard of privacy! "Oh, I'm sorry! was I interrupting something?!" The witch panicked, knowing full well she did interrupt. Yesssss!!!!!!! My thoughts screamed. "Um no it's ok. What is it?" Daimon told her. "Oh breakfast is ready and so is everything for the transportation spell."she mentioned and then skipped away up the stairs. I look up at Daimon and we both sigh, getting up out of the bed. When I stand up out of the bed, I feel really dizzy. Woah...the room spins for a few seconds. Daimon catches me before I fall. "Catie are you ok?!" He sat me back on the bed concerned that something was wrong. It's nice to know he cares. "Um yeah. I'm fine."
I stand up again and I am fine. That was weird. "Darcy said that if we needed any clothes to use the closet in the corner."he let me know still looking at me cautiously, ready to catch me if I fall again. I walk over to the closet he pointed at  and opened it. "Omgosh! It's horrible! I'm not wearing this stuff!" The clothes inside were or colorful. It looked like the 1970's threw up. That witch has bad taste in clothes! "Yeah I'm not wearing any of the men's stuff either." Daimon chuckles. The men's clothes looked like they were from the 1910's. We both twitched our eyes at the closet and quickly got ready with the stuff we packed for ourselves. We held hands the entire time upstairs. Darcy went to fix me a cup of blood but I didn't really want it. "Darcy do have any raw steak?"for some reason that sounds really really good.
        "Ummmm....Catie, are you sure you don't want blood?" She questioned me, confused. Why is she looking at me like I'm stupid?! "Yes please." Not knowing what else to say. "Oh, ok." She went into the kitchen to get my request.
"Catie are you sure you're okay?" Daimon looked at me as if I was acting really weird. Well, vampires can drink blood from animal meat right? Besides I'm only half vampire. My werewolf self needs a bite to eat too. "Babe, I'm fine." I kiss him to help him believe me. I don't want him to worry about me and I don't think a bloody change in diet is worth worrying over. I'm just hungry for something else. She came out with me and Daimon's breakfast. She set the steak in front of me and the bread with cheese in front of Daimon. This steak smells soooooo gooood! I take it and just suck on it and eat some small pieces. I feel like a savage animal but it's sooo gooood! By the time I finished, Daimon and Darcy were both staring at me funny. What'd I do wrong? I licked stuff off my fingers. "What?" I want an answer from them and the awkward silence they've created.
"Nothing, but now that we are all finished with breakfast let's get started on the transportation spell so you can both go see Lucan without getting caught by anyone friends with the vampires. Catie, I'll give you my umbrella to use again." The witch pretended like nothing weird was happening. She went to her room and grabbed her umbrella to let me borrow. Am I really acting funny? Daimon keeps giving me concerned looks. He starts rubbing my back and shoulders. That feels soooo nice. I look up at him and grin showing my appreciation for his massages. Then I poked his nose again and he kissed me on the nose to get me back. "Are you both ready? It's time for the spell." The witch had already set up a circle made from salt with 4 white and blue candles. She sat in the center of the circle with a map and a dagger. The danger was cool looking but I hope it's not what I think she's using it for.
          "We're ready." Daimon grabbed my hand prepared as waited for her to begin the spell. "Tueri Ventura vectia vectio!" The lights on all of the candles lit. She closed her eyes and chanted the same four words before stoping. She then took the dagger and cut her hand. Chanting the same words again, the blood from her hand fell onto the old map. The blood moved to a certain spot on the map. It's like she was concentrating on one specific location to get the blood to move where she wanted while chanting. Once the spot was formed, a portal in front of her front door appeared. The portal was white and swirly. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. "Come on, we have to walk through while the barrier is up." Daimon guided me through the neat white portal in front of us. Immediately we ended up surrounded by dark green forest and hills. In the side of one of the hills before us was a black, rugged cave. Daimon knew exactly where to go as if he's done this before. We both went inside of the dark cave. Stopping half way we here a sound. "Daimon..." I hug his arm for protection. I don't mind kicking ass but I've never dealt with so much supernatural stuff. As of right now Daimon is stronger than me. I won't be able to change into a wolf at moments notice until after I transform in two weeks. "Shh.." He pet me head as he tried seeing through the darkness of the cave with his werewolf vision.
           Footsteps started walking toward us. Daimon began to show part of his wolf and growled at the being. A tall man wearing all black with some torn pieces of clothes came to sight. The man stood in place with his dark features and Amber eyes doing nothing. His eyes looked just like Daimon's. "What is it that you want?" He questioned us. He doesn't seem to want trouble but that doesn't explain why Daimon is showing some of his wolf. I pet his arm, trying to calm him down. It does nothing. Looks like I have no choice. I bump Daimon aside and walk towards the man. "My name is Catie." I showed him my tattoos. He didn't look that surprised. I thought I'd get some reaction, I was wrong. "I am Lucan. I knew you would come eventually. You want to know if your father is still alive right?" He said with no emotion at all. He must be a cold man. No emotion, or reaction. Either that or he's hard to surprise. "Yes, i do. Do you know anything?" I ask wanting to know more. It would be nice to have a parent of some sort. "Come with me." He made me and Daimon follow along walking deeper into the obscure cave.

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