Chapter 12: True love afterall

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                 "So um how was it?" Daimon grinned, brushed his hand through my purple hair as we laid together under the red satin sheets. Our eyes held an unbreakable gaze like glue almost. "Hmmmm...which part? The one where you got aggressive or the part where you became untamed?because there's a difference..." I teased biting my lower lip. His hips pressed against mine."both" he smirked. "I think I like the untamed before you had to stop your wolf from coming out" cuddling still inside of each other, grinding slow, we kissed again. Both our lips sticking together like candy. "Catie your hand..." He held my hand, fiddling with the tips of my fingers gently. My hand sparked, pieces of pure white light flittered in the air. All of the light swirled. Then one by one formed to my hand at the bottom corner of the crescent moon under the wolf. The blue rose...I thought it would have been harder to get. I geuss when you really love someone, it doesn't matter. 
           He pressed my hand against his face, brushed my bangs back, and kissed my forehead. I don't think I've ever met someone this compassionate. "I love you too." He whispered in my triple pierced ears, making me moan a little as he moved up. His hot breathe brushed against my cheek with his soft hands as we both got sweaty again. "So uh what time do you think it is?" I hug him tightly. "I don't know. Are you willing to find out?" He hugged me tight now with breasts against his chest "Huh...not really." I get out of breath, smiling with pleasure. I don't know about him but I'm willing to stay intwined in our ecstasy a little longer.
           "Catie, Daimon! I made you both dinner!" Darcy called down to us. "Hahaha" we looked at each other laughing. We've been down here for at least two hours. I poke him on the nose playfully before we kiss again. Yeah, we're staying down here, I don't think Darcy is going to here a response for another few minutes. Then we here small feet coming downstairs. Oh no! Giggling, Daimon gently removes himself from me, making me moan again,we both make sure the black canopy around the bed is closed entirely after taking a minute to get some air. Such a shame, we could have gone for a round three. We don't hear the steps anymore."Hey,Daimon I don't remember you having back hair..." I was petting something soft. This is really confusing. "Boo!" A high pitched voice said. "Woah! What the Heck!" I shouted in a panic. Me and Daimon both freaked out. He rolled off the bed. "Dinner is ready. Get dressed." The feline walked out of the room. Are you serious?! That stupid cat! Does personal space mean anything?! Daimon laughed like an idiot. That was not cool!  I threw a pillow at Daimon to shut him up and we both got dressed. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek sweetly. "I love you"he whispered in ear so passionately. He pressed a little harder in to my back side to tease me into wanting more. "I love you..." I to returned also with passion trying not get week in the knees again. Taking his hand off of my hip, we head upstairs hand in hand.
               The living room lit with candles and fire from the fireplace. Darcy gave me blood that didn't last long and Daimon had pot roast with potatoes. Sometimes I miss human foods, it looks so good. "Catie, would you like to learn more about the prophecy while we eat?" Darcy questioned me with a smile as usual.  I was to busy staring at Daimon to pay her any attention. This all feels right. I feel like I actually found the one person just for me. I hope nothing bad ever happens to us.  He's sweet, charming, a little bit of a jerk, nice abs, nice eyes, good in bed..."Catie?" The witch tried getting my attention and she did this time. "'m sorry...yeah." I panicked and pretended hearing what she asked. Daimon smirked across from me. "Catie, is your head still somewhere?" He asked bit his lip ring kind of. I gave him my death glare. He smirked but didn't say anything more. I need to focus. Darcy could've said something important.
           Fiona purred in my lap, fast asleep and Darcy cast curious glances between me and Daimon before continuing with information on the prophecy. "Catie first let me tell you about your parents. I am sure that's what you wish to hear of." She paused for a moment while I waited. She's right, I do want to know more about my parents. I want to know why I am here. I wish to know if they're still alive or not. Stoping in thought, I picture what it would be like to have real parents. Maybe I would have actually been happy. "your mother and father were very good people. Your mother was a French woman forced into marriage with a vampire on the royal court of an underground realm below bran castle. After your mother got married she was turned into a vampire also by force. Your father Silviu, was a reckless man. Much like you are sometimes. He was third descendant to Lucan the first of all lycans. Legend has it that he only turned men that he found loyal. For Lucan, that was a very hard thing to find. It's also said Lucan had a child but there has never been proof. That's another story nonetheless, not of importantance. But your father and his pack raided a vampire layer one night. There was to many vampires to take on so for the sake of his pack, he told everyone to leave. He let the vampires capture and torture him. He knew Lucan would come for him eventually since in a pac no man is to be left behind. Your mother met your father in the vampires dungeons where they kept him and she escaped from her abusive husband every night. Your father told my mother how much he hated vampires but that he saw your mother was clearly different. It was love at first sight. He wanted to hate her but couldn't bring himself to. After staying in Romania for so long your mom new the Romanian language. Her and your father spoke for hours in the dungeons for three days in secret and with each passing second they grew closer to one another. Lucan came and negotiated a deal with the vampire king vasile Dracul son of the King Vladimir himself. He changed vasile into a vampire after killing his own son so he is in fact one not be reckoned with. After Silviu was free your mother snuck out underneathe a tree just outside the castle every night to meet him. The vampires eventually found out of they're meetings and banished your mother from the underground kingdom. She was lucky to escape with her life. From then on out, they stayed together, always. It was true love. They cared nothing of what others thought of them or the difference between their races. Then eventually you came along. They didn't even know about the prophecy until you were born, when my mother told them. They did everything in they're power to keep you safe out of fear of what would happen. They both wanted to leave but if anyone were to see your mother in her condition it would have been the end of both of you. Now, it looks like they have succeeded. After your birth, a vampire along the streets heard a babies cry from where they were living. It broke into the house and saw the baby with a crescent moon mark. Your mother was knocked out by the dreaded creature. The vampire went back to tell the vampire council. The royals sent in a few vampires to burn the house down with you and your mother inside. When your father got back from his daily hunt and saw the fire, he dropped everything to run into flames. He tried his best to save both you and your mother but failed. He came out with only you. Your mother had already perished into ash because she had already been consumed by the fire. Your father knew the vampires would be after him next and was left with no time to grieve over her death. He didn't want you involved so he brought you here for my mother to take care of you. She put a protection spell on you to conceal your powers until you were ready. For safe keeping she gave you the bracelet you always wear. Then she cast you out in the world where she knew you would be safer than you ever were here. After that, Lucan wanted war against the vampires for what happened. He got his war and therefore all lycans but him were banished from Brasov. Today that war still surges on but only with hatred. There isn't as much conflict as there was before. There are tales your father still lives but it's said that only Lucan knows of his whereabouts. I was 98 at that time and Daimon here was only 3." She patted Daimon on the head with a gentle smile. Did she just say she was 98?! There's no way! She looks like she's in her mid twenties. It must be a witch thing.wait! My father...might be alive?! "My father might be alive..." I said thinking out loud. This is great! I might actually have a parent! "Yes but only Lucan can tell you that. I'll prepare a transportation spell later. I know you will want to go find out for yourself. Daimon can go with you."Daimon didn't appear to be to happy. He looked down at the ground and shade surrounded his face from his dark hair. "Your prophecy is to rule over the supernatural. There are several parts to it. Of coarse you know about the tattoo's but there is more besides the four puzzle pieces Daimon told you of. After my mother died of the great age of 302 your prophecy awakened. The first piece was the dream you had. Lady of the lake from Arthurian legends came to you and gave you Excalibur, the great sword wielded by Arthur himself. Once you have all four of your markings you can wield the sword in times of danger until you are stronger and able to harness your true powers as a ruler. You must get your blue rose if You wish to use this sword to abolish as many vampires as you please. After you have control of your true powers the lady of the lake will take back the sword to give you another. The sword she will give you is made by herself. It's an immortal sword that can obliterate an entire species of supernatural beings if necessary. This sword will only destroy on your command. It is your duty to learn how to wield it. It's said your reign will last until the end of time. You will never perish. You can not be killed once you have gained all your powers. Also I cannot disrupt the natural balance of things. Even if it involves the supernatural. I can only delay them. It's said that not to long after your transformation into a wolf that you will begin learning of your powers. But some prophecies even though will be fulfilled, don't always go as planned."The witch told me in a serious matter. This is all so much to process. am I supposed to rule over the supernatural. It just seems impossible. I might have a father, evil vampires are after me, I'm half and half, witches live longer than I thought, I'm ruler of the supernatural, and somehow I still manage to keep my careless, go with the flow, rebellious attitude.  Something is seriously wrong with me. Darcy looked down at my hand and gasped. She looked at me, then at Daimon in astonishment. "That wasn't there when you both arrived was it?" She looked like her head was about to explode in excitement. "Daimon your going to live forever! Your both going to rule everything!" She jumped around happily. Me and Daimon both laughed at her reaction. Her reaction even woke up Fiona. I wonder how Daimon feels about all of this. I never did stop to think that he would be with me forever. It sounds so cliche when I think about it but what if I made a mistake? What if Daimon wanted to be normal? He hasn't said anything but what if I just dragged him into something he didn't want. Matter of fact, he's been really happy except for a few minutes ago when Darcy brought up that Lucan guy. I don't know maybe I should ask him before bed tonight.

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